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Forum Improvements Please! πŸ“š » Hey guys, please watch the rudeness or harshness » 2/19/2017 11:59 pm

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RR.. if you look for harsh and rude, you get back harsh and rude. People aren't being rude because they are asses.. its because that's what you INSPIRE FROM WITHIN THEM.

Flying High πŸš€πŸ’œπŸ’« » It all comes from you » 12/05/2016 2:39 pm

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If you believe in God, then you are familiar with the idea that we create through God.   It is through God's expression that you create, as through your living form, he will translate your deepest desires or beliefs into physical reality.  If you do not foster such belief in a God, then you may use whatever expression of higher power that resonates with you. For me it is source, or simply the universe. 

When you understand that we live in a holographic universe, you begin to comprehend that everything and everybody around you comes FROM you and is brought forth into this world through you. They come into your life as an expression of your values, your beliefs, and your fears. Can you appreciate the utter perfection in that? 
You have the power of God or the universe if you will, right at your fingertips. To command into existence those things you believe to be true and real. The magnificence of this astonishes me daily. 
And most importantly, the freedom in understanding this concept is immense.  If all of the people in my life are simply a mirror to my soul,  then I have full creative control over what they reflect to me, or what I elicit from them. If my focus is simply to love and adore what I can about each angel who touches my life in some way.. then can it bring anything to me but richness and wonder and joy? 

Just what if it is true,  and every person in my life is very deliberately summonsed by myself,  in order to show me who I am?  If I see my daily interactions as an opportunity to appreciate them,  am I not in turn bestowing that appreciation back upon myself? We know that what we give will return to us twofold. Is it not then the ultimate gift to ourselves, to release kindness and loving joy out into the ethers? Knowing that whatever we are brave enough to put out there will certainly return to us multiplied? 

It is common human perspective to want the world to feed us unlimited supplies of acceptance and support and love. We feel that we need t

Flying High πŸš€πŸ’œπŸ’« » Doubts » 11/30/2016 4:37 pm

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InLakEsch wrote:

Thanks for this it's so true too. I'm finally getting the concepts of loa. Though sometimes the doubt creeps in because I'm still new. I have to reaffirm that my reality is valid and it doesn't matter what the external is saying. All that matters is in my mind.

You can challenge that by practicing your manifesting though. Start small and train yourself to believe. Manifesting is simple, and we do it all day every day without realising. Try to acknowledge all of the small things you have manifested, and deliberately set out to bring little things to yourself each day. You will then have all the proof you need to believe in LOA.

Law of Attraction Discussion » MY SUGGESTION! » 11/30/2016 6:46 am

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I agree that it can potentially derail our newcomers.. BUT, it's actually a perfect example of LOA, so it still teaches. Naysayers of LOA will always attract experiences that match their beliefs and thus consolidate their views. And equally, hardcore LOA'ers (that would be me 😜) can spend all day counting their blessings and miracles and moments of magic that are consistently showing up in their reality. And the coolest part is that ALL of us are at different stages of our consciousness. And ALL of us have valid points of view. All of us are actually "right", in that what we believe is OUR truth.. And ALL of us benefit from what's going on around us. So if you don't agree or resonate with something, it's not yours. Leave it, and know that it's simply not your truth. I do actually find it useful for people to open up the "LOA Scam" argument- because it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, isn't it lol. I for one, will never be convinced otherwise, because I have proven to myself in a gazillion different ways that LOA is the force behind everything that we experience. And you can absolutely, categorically have specifically anything and everything you desire.Your success (or not) lies completely in your beliefs. If you truly believe it's yours, it will be. If you doubt and worry and freak the hell out, you lose. Simple as that. πŸ’ž

Flying High πŸš€πŸ’œπŸ’« » When love hurts..... » 11/30/2016 1:39 am

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I've discovered along my path that love can appear to be utterly difficult.. painful even. While this is just something that we choose to believe, in the moment you are choosing it you very much FEEL that pain. It feels completely real. We have grown as a society to attach SO many negative connotations to love.. Like unrequited love. Impossible love. Love gone wrong. Love is pain. Love is the greatest tragedy of all time. Lol. We do that to ourselves unknowingly, and then we create situations in our life that reflect exactly those notions. Love goes wrong, it feels painful, and the world makes us feel miserable. You can see clearly that the feeling we invoke when we think of "love" is often actually fear.

With that in mind, let's look at LOA and love. Most of you are here attempting to attract love to you. But when you think love, you probably feel a punch in the stomach. You probably feel that yearning heaviness in your chest, because you have learnt to associate love with despair. I'm going to share with you something that helped me tremendously in overriding those feelings of "pain", and it worked again and again until now I simply feel love. I no longer feel love as something unattainable, unsustainable, or out of my reach. Once you understand the weight you have unconsciously placed on the meaning of "love", you'll be able to unravel that mess and clear your path for some new possibilities to open up for you.

If I were to ask you "do you love him?" You will likely respond with "omg, YES, I love him BUT HE...... blah blah blah...." You attach a bunch of extra crap that weighs your love down, and pretty much cancels it out. See what I mean? "I adore her, but I WISH........" Off you go again, with a completely conditional argument that debunks your "love" entirely!

There's a way around this though, and it's about honing in on gratitude instead. Take love out of the equation, because love to most of us equals messy. Instead go for this question... "What do I

Law of Attraction Discussion » Skepticism on the use of law of attraction (harsh reality) » 11/30/2016 1:12 am

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Mitzie wrote:

I'm not sure maybe I'm just tired. The way you say it makes perfect sense. Guess its reading the thread from the beginning makes you feel like what you really want wont manifest only someone else will. I don't know Don't listen to me. But thank you for putting it in the way I can understand it better. I feel better and I WILL get my Husband back not someone else.. thanks

If you can work on your own insecurities, find a sense of balance, and discover the art of appreciation and unconditional love (both for yourself and him), he'll come back.

Law of Attraction Discussion » Skepticism on the use of law of attraction (harsh reality) » 11/30/2016 12:41 am

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I don't see it as confusing whatsoever? What are u all confused about? The thoughts you think turn into beliefs you hold. And your beliefs vibrate out into the universe and create your future. If your vibration is clear and high and you are feeling happy each day, what you want will manifest. If you're miserable and needy and despairing, then you clearly don't believe you can attract whatever you want. So you have 2 options. Either work on your limiting beliefs by challenging them and overriding them, or simply by living in the moment with a vibe of contentment and eagerness about a new and brighter future unfolding. It makes perfect sense, where are you all tripping up?

Law of Attraction Discussion » Skepticism on the use of law of attraction (harsh reality) » 11/29/2016 4:28 pm

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Colonel Roosevelt wrote:

big_blue wrote:

Just throwing in my 2 cents - it seems like the bad outweighed the good. So LoA gotΒ you to the interview that you didn't think you'd get, but after the cons outweighed the pros, you realized that this no longer a desire. So, the universe delivered to you want you wanted: not getting the job.

Yes, I can see that. Some say you need a strong desire to manifest your goals and when I found out about the hours my desire for that specific job disappeared. Still, if we need strong desire, why are we so good at attracting unwanted things? It could also be that since I was in a positive state, the universe was reflecting different things that were a match to me and the lesson was to focus on what I like about the job and soon I'd get the perfect job with the right hours, the old "focus on what you like and you'll find more to like."


Yes! Exactly.. Sometimes you screw your own vibe by wondering WHY?!?!?! Instead, u just have to trust that it's all part of the path. You weren't a match to that particular job, and it ended up in your favour anyway because u didn't like the hours. So you got a bit of wanted/bit of unwanted.. And your vibe was a bit happy/ a bit meh about the job. Perfect! See?

Visualisation is POWERFUL but if you go right back to thinking "this is never gonna happen for me" then you've just wasted your time. You have to change the underlying beliefs. And it's not that hard really- because everything can only be 2 things- love or fear. We either love things and feel appreciation, or we fear things. And you can choose to love instead of fear at any time. It's a choice, and a habit.. And it changes your whole vibe when you practice choosing love every moment you can. With the job, simply remaining open and loving yourself, and trusting that great things are coming opens you up to a million possibilities. That is self love. Deciding that not getting the job is bad (as an example) closes you off fo

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