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LOA Questions and Teachings 🙋 » Letting go? New person in my life? HELP>>>>>> » 1/17/2018 2:01 pm

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Nice attitude Sanshi, so what kind of negativity did YOU just put into the universe.  

LOA Questions and Teachings 🙋 » Letting go? New person in my life? HELP>>>>>> » 1/17/2018 1:19 pm

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Sanshi , sorry you are confused, but your response has confused me more.  We talk about the universe frequently in LOA.  I appreciate the time you put into your response though.

Oasis...thank you I do feel more at peace now that I have decided to "move on"...Part of it was a conscious decision, part of it was a natural progression.  I guess Im just surprised at myself ...Im also surprised that I could put energy into a new person but it doesn't feel bad to do so.  Abraham Hicks once talked about that in her you tube and I relistened.  Yes, you will get attention from other men when you are positive and put good things into your vortex....and release the "resistance".  I decided that my ex will come back if he comes back and I can't make it happen.  I can also enjoy dating a new person.  Thanks for talking about "split energy" though, i will be careful not to do that.


LOA Questions and Teachings 🙋 » Letting go? New person in my life? HELP>>>>>> » 1/16/2018 1:54 pm

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Hello.  I have been on this forum since August.  I practiced LOA techniques and finally did start speaking again to ex...but things unraveled.  I lost patience, I felt he was stringing me along.  I just couldn't be positive anymore.  Talking to him again was actually hurting me instead of helping me, which I find so confusing.    I am at a point where I am not even sure if I want to be with him again so I am "letting go".  My question is this is this kind of letting go the same that we talk about in when you stop having lack and let go your desires manifest?  Because I am not sure at this point if i want him back so is he still a desire that I'm trying to manifest?  

My second question is that i started dating someone else.  Can i do this and still manifest ex back?  Or is my energy not sending confusing signals to the universe?

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  I have had texts with Veronica before but I am a bit strapped for cash so I can't contact her directly now.  

Flying High 🚀💜💫 » Success!! » 11/28/2017 1:03 pm

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that is wonderful...good work

Flying High 🚀💜💫 » It is still getting better and better ! » 11/28/2017 1:00 pm

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Just an update.  I have been on this forum since August.  Target and I broke up and it was not pretty.  We were not speaking.  Slowly we started texting some text messages but they were very surface.  Finally we talked on the phone and talked for four hours!!!!!   We talked about the relationship, things that went wrong, how we were doing today.  Thanksgiving he texted me in the morning to wish me a good holiday and then that night texted me again and we had a nice text  conversation that lasted a while.  He still hasn't made a move to want to see me and Im not sure what the roadblock is but I do believe we will see one another and we will get back together.  We have made great strides compared to where we were months ago.  I said to him that I wished we were spending this time of year together and he said "atleast we are talking/texting".  I guess I should be happy with where the universe has us right now and I am grateful for that.  

Veronica's 25 Day Challenge » Ugh...not sure what is going on.... » 11/15/2017 3:59 pm

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HI there, just a  quick update.  We talked two different nights for two hours at a time. There was some crying, anger and then a change in conversation and laughter.  He has been angry at me and that is why he hasn't reached out..what he did tell me is that he THINKS ABOUT ME EVERY DAY....I accredit that to LOA.  I truly believe our story isn't over, but for now Im laying low.  He did not ask to see me and I am being patient.  I am going back to focusing on myself, its easy to fall back into old patterns.....

Veronica's 25 Day Challenge » Ugh...not sure what is going on.... » 11/10/2017 9:06 am

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Actually you're right, i had resentment and stuff unresolved.  but after our two hour conversation I told him that i was no longer going to think about the past, or point fingers or try and get an apology from him .  Today and tomorrow is my new mantra.  After I said that he asked if he could speak to me tonight......WHAT?  No clue what he has to say........Im curious and cautious.....I think once i released the resistance alignment followed.  I wasn't just saying that about not talking about the past, I actually mean it.

Veronica's 25 Day Challenge » Ugh...not sure what is going on.... » 11/09/2017 12:28 pm

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So I've been trying to manifest contact with ex.  It started with text messaging.  Last night it was actuallyover the phone but it wasn't really what I had hoped for.  There was a lot of arguing, and ex saying that he won't apologize for how he broke up with me, and there was finger pointing and blame.  The conversation then turned to a better place and we sort of caught up on what was going on in our lives.  He said that despite everything it was good talking to me and hearing my voice.  But, there was a lot of crappy texts that happened after that phone call.  Finally I told him that this wasn't serving me.  Im not really sure now what to think or do .  Was that the manifestation that I was working so hard for all these months because it doesn't feel like it.  Still, it was good to finally speak my mind and now I do have some sense of closure.  I still want a reconciliation but not like I did.....Im releasing it I guess.  Is this what "letting go" means?  Help me please.....

Veronica's 25 Day Challenge » Ithink it is happening...slowly.... » 11/07/2017 2:12 pm

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I decided not to do the challenge again, but I am doing things that i learned from the challenge, like visualization exercises , etc. I am also going to start watching veronica's videos again.

Veronica's 25 Day Challenge » How to deal with anxiety? » 11/07/2017 2:11 pm

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Majka, I've been where you are right now and sometimes I still fall back to it...I never sent a ton of messages but i was besides myself in heartbreak.  You need to do the 25 day challenge and really, I mean REALLY stick to the no contact rule, thats for yourself.  You just don't know it now but that is the best thing that you can do given the situation.  If this person wants space you are not solving anything by not giving it to them.........time to focus on you, raise your happiness level, your vibration.....this isn't magic or voo foo, this is about being positive and happy and that energy will bring good things to yoiu.

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