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Help me align please... 🙈 » Advice,because Im confused » 8/08/2018 4:34 pm

Met a greay guy.

We dated..hung out...just had sexy..flirty..gut busting fun and then one day after a 3 hour lunch he kinda starts falling outta view.

I let a few days go by and then finally i being not interested..met someine ..getting back with baby mom..

He replies..not that sorry...alot going on...definetly not ghosting.

A week goes by he messages he was thinking of me but going through itm i asked if he wanted to talk..could i no reply...i sai well will i ever talk to you or hear from you...he says yes bae just going through it. I tell him im here if he needs a friend.

Ive heard nothing for 4 weeks and havent seen him in 5.

Ive started meeting new guys..hanging a high frequency but i cant get him outt my head.. I mean AT ALL. I smile when i think of him.

I asked the universe for a sigh..purple car...hell i live in most cars are red or black pick up trucks..

Well EVERYDAY i see purple cars now. So i know im on a good path
.but the negative things are coming it was just sex..or he got back with sons mom...or i was too availble. Naturally i fight it and im calmer than i expected...but i just dont feel like its over....any ideas here?

Help me align please... 🙈 » Feeling Defeated » 12/09/2017 12:03 pm

I appreciate your reply. And would've agreed with you if it were a few years ago, but it's not that I'm wrapped up in him or don't love myself, it's that the merry go round bugs my life!

My immediate life is my kid and I. We are building, we are living, we have great friends, and she's cute as she is smart.

Dating not an issue, nor are friendships or dating men.

He and i have been friends for close to ten years. HE has not committed a soul since me and that's when I was 22. I'm currently 35.

When we broke up his world changed. I miscarried twins, his father died, his mother has cancer and he is the man of that family. So he financially, emotionally, and physically with drawls and stress all the time.

Outside his family, I'm sincerely the only person he will share those talks with where maybe it should be tgem or a therapist sender puts his LIFE on hold.

Things for me keep going because I AM a catch, but it doesn't change he has my heart.

It's not always us that loses our loves because of our "down falls." His issues and my focus on building more for my daughter and my life clash often and once it gets good or I'm single or he is doing well in life, he comes back. This time I gave it a chance all year and unfortunately his mom got sick again and gone he went for two months.

This time he was back all a new assignment with his department, things were looking good...and NOW we are back to a disappearance.

The trouble is LOA works for me attracting love or men. But he is already attracted, his life isn't something I can manifest for him. And that's were my emotions lie.

I am a girl who loves a boy at the end of the day no matter how I word it...but i totally love me and my kid above all!

But if I'm honest I don't know that I can do LOA for him. He has to do it for himself to attract the things he needs in his life to feel like he has one and us financially secure and knows he IS NOT his father and he has to create boundaries so he can enjoy hi

Help me align please... 🙈 » Feeling Defeated » 12/06/2017 2:32 pm

So me and my guy were doing great and all of a sudden no contact again...for a week now. Nothing went wrong.

I messaged him it breaks my heart to be ignored or only be available when he needs something. I asked him if that's what this is or isn't, letting me know would be appreciated....I got no reply.

Just a week ago he seemed to into me and being in my kids life, I honestly feel like I can't breathe. Like we broke up all over again.

I'm a true catch. I know this about myself, so why wouldn't he want to stay and me wih me? He always says it's not me but work and his fear. But hurting me makes more sense than work through it.

I'm afraid. I'm sad. I'm struggling trying to get back to positive thinking. Any suggestions, any ideas, any help.. I dont know how to refocus. It's so painful.

Flying High đŸš€đŸ’œđŸ’« » Almost success » 10/10/2017 9:34 pm

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Selfloveiskey wrote:

Thanks everyone 😊

Yes it was more of a holistic thing. I feel at peace even now and I remind myself that he isn't my soul purpose I am. Of course he said everything I wanted him to say Saturday. It was very intense . But in a good way. I didn't pressure anything and he told me he realized he could never love anyone as much as he loves me. He kept saying how beautiful I am and how he missed me so much. He kept calling himself stupid for what he did ( I confirmed that he was stupid lol) he was very very loving. When he kissed me it was different it was very very passionate and loving. He again kept telling me how he loves me so much. He kept apologizing for how much he had hurt me. He told me I drive him crazy. He said every time he always comes back to me always. It was a very nice night and totally unexpected. And we both want to give it another shot 😊. And yes we did have sex but it was different too he was more focused on loving me and was different the entire time. He also after even in the morning was very loving and sweet . He just wanted to hold me and still told me the same things. Now we are texting and he initiated it and is telling me about his day . You guys remember my story and where I was months ago. This is amazing

"...and yes we had sex," made me smile so! Yasssss honey!

I'm very happy for you over here. I don't comment all the time but I do read stories and boy the word processing is too bland of a word for you.

You're a rockstar right now!

Calling all success stories! đŸŽ‰đŸ‘đŸŒ » I got a text after a month and a half! » 10/10/2017 9:31 pm

Dan2015 wrote:

Take it as a positive.    A GREAT start    It’s only the beginning, you’ll see so much more soon

Thank you Dan. I sure do hope thinking like an LOA'er gets easier.

You really have to trick yourself when you're used to a different way of thinking you know.

Calling all success stories! đŸŽ‰đŸ‘đŸŒ » I got a text after a month and a half! » 10/10/2017 9:30 pm

sillyromantic wrote:

Awe congrats. That's a big step! Just enjoy this and let it happen! he's still thinking about you :-)

That's the part that makes me happy....just knowing he still thinks of me.! Thank you.

Calling all success stories! đŸŽ‰đŸ‘đŸŒ » I got a text after a month and a half! » 10/09/2017 5:12 pm

So real quick. I got a birthday I love you on 9/6 and a love some 9/15...but he didn't talk to me, answer a message..he has even ignored and screened calls and I might add...we never fault really just fell off the side of the earth.

I took alot of you guys advice. Started meditation, asked for signs, got myself feeling like a sexy catch, having fun, deleted all social media nonsense of myself and him, stooped asking bout it and just visualized and used spiritual guidance and mediation.

For a week I was crazy turned on. Then last night I hear my name. I jump up look out the one's there. I got to lay down and maybe ten minutes later my cell phone goes off. IT IS HIM.

He says. " Hey miss I'm sitting here thinking or you. If youre not ok, call me!"

I say I'm ok and you?

He says "I'm ok babe are you sure you're ok?."

I said "Yes why are you so worried, what happened?"

He said " I always worry about you."

I said "you disappeared are you ok? I miss you."

He said " "I took and assignment outta town. We can meet soon... goodnight young lady."

Ummm. Not COMPLETELY the romantic experience I'd hope for, but I'm totally shocked .

I'm confused too. Was anyones experience who has been successful as weird?

I know of all the things I am totally crushing and blushing on the fact he thinks of me still. Worries about me bothers me but hey it's an emotion right?

And that dream and him shouting and a text behind it...CRAZY!


Law of Attraction Discussion » Law of Assumption » 10/09/2017 5:03 pm

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ashpari wrote:

hello everyone,
i have question 
basically i can effortlessly visualise and  day dreaming that me and my specific person getting marry or already we are husband and wife.
so that means my subconscious mind already believe that and in future this will happen.
and i also have question that in my mind suddenly some  thought pop up that he is getting marry with another girl but in second i changed it.
is this thought affecting my dream ?.
if affecting so how can deal with this .
sry for my bad english

So I think that random thoughts aren't always your fault. Sometimes it's our creative thinking if you will that ruins things or makes them amazing. It is the dwelling and acting on it that makes them alive.

I forget the phrase but it goes something like if you say it it becomes real if you thinking it then you'll do it. If you do it it becomes...don't act on the negative ones obviously by allowing something like marrying someone else get in the way.

Harder said I'm sure but believe in you! Start thinking you are the best catch there is out there...who on earth would leave you. Think it, be it!

Law of Attraction Discussion » So you got some what? » 9/28/2017 11:24 am

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Cynthia wrote:

Dan2015 wrote:

One thing that confuses me is.     Why people believe in loa but tend to think of things in a non loa way most of the time

I mean. I’m not saying don’t use common sense or don’t think practical.    But with loa you’re suppose to be more of a “dreamer” or more fairy tale based

With loa you’re suppose to think of things more on a positive side(especially if you’re still happy even without the specific person, I mean why not?  What do you have to lose)

For you.   Of course non loa and practical thinking would be. “He’s manipulating me to keep me around”.   But if you believe that, what’s the sense of believing in loa? Where basically anything can happen if you’re in alignment?

A more loa way.  Would be to look at it on a positive side and know you’ll get things you want

Ugh.  Times like this is when I wish people like Cherished,Sam,etc still came on here


I agree with you. That wasn't the OP's belief at first, she was just confused, but sadly after the non-LOA reply she got it appears that she now thinks that as well. It's all too easy to believe the worst case scenario or at least something negative in the non-LOA world. I thought forums such as this were to help and encourage a more positive attitude of creating one's own reality, not reinforcing what the rest of the world thinks.

Cynthia thank you for being alert enough to recognize that. If I'm honest I DON'T know how LOA thinkers think and here we are..not replying as LOA thinkers but basic judgemental humans...smh.

I respect the first comment...that is a reality...not one that I want obviously but respectfully a reality.

I didn't get on a few days to process how I was feeling and i came back only to read his reply...still not a LOA discussion but judgement...I appreciate your reply to him...humanity is absolutely admirable! And I pray your day/life pays you right back for your kind reply.

Law of Attraction Discussion » So you got some what? » 9/28/2017 11:20 am

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Dan2015 wrote:

One thing that confuses me is.     Why people believe in loa but tend to think of things in a non loa way most of the time

I mean. I’m not saying don’t use common sense or don’t think practical.    But with loa you’re suppose to be more of a “dreamer” or more fairy tale based

With loa you’re suppose to think of things more on a positive side(especially if you’re still happy even without the specific person, I mean why not?  What do you have to lose)

For you.   Of course non loa and practical thinking would be. “He’s manipulating me to keep me around”.   But if you believe that, what’s the sense of believing in loa? Where basically anything can happen if you’re in alignment?

A more loa way.  Would be to look at it on a positive side and know you’ll get things you want

Ugh.  Times like this is when I wish people like Cherished,Sam,etc still came on here

Dan, I'm almost taking offensive to your reply. Surly you understand everyone's"common sense" is different because NO ONE'S situation is common!

If you're further along in suggestion...act like it and respond in such a way that is helpful and not critical. That ia what this forum is for correct?

The room I chose was a "discussion" room because I'm as far along. My title said "now what" making it textually obvious that I'm not sure what to do next.

We battle with our life experiences and as the person who replied to me with "bread crumbs" it IS a considerable thought because that what discussions are.

Have I been lead on in the I can respect that point of view from a non-loa perspective.

Would you like to offer a pro&loa perspective?

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