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Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/11/2017 12:29 am

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I think so too. I need to find me. To find peace within me.
At the same time, when I asked the question, I asked "how will my future with her look like?" And I Got a tarot reading telling me that in 3 weeks time, this younger person who was her age, would enter my life.
So confused.

Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/10/2017 11:41 pm

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Staceylouuu91x wrote:

Lj wrote:

All of the sudden, out of the blue she just unfollowed me on IG.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on.
I Really have trouble right now in believing the LOA. I have done absolutely everything right, and still this is the result.
It just continue to get worse and worse, whenever I try to do better and better.

Apart from this situation, is there anything else negative happening in your life that could be affecting you?
I'm sorry you're feeling the way you are, I hope there's something we can do to pick you up. 


No. Nothing.
I actually felt and thought things were getting better.
And then this happens.
My vibrations were begining to get higher and I felt I saw all these signs of progress.
Were doing my meditations, positive affirmations etc.
Then I asked the universe, "do this girl still like me?"
And then BAM, she unfollowed me.

Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/10/2017 4:40 pm

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All of the sudden, out of the blue she just unfollowed me on IG.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on.
I Really have trouble right now in believing the LOA. I have done absolutely everything right, and still this is the result.
It just continue to get worse and worse, whenever I try to do better and better.

Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/05/2017 7:10 am

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PrettyFlamingo wrote:

My comment was for clarification not criticism as a fairly new poster had asked.

I didn't take it as critisism 😊

Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/05/2017 2:21 am

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PrettyFlamingo wrote:

ThisDude wrote:

80saeaak wrote:

My thoughts.... if you have had absolutely no contact with her and she randomly texted you with this, she's feeling the urge and resisting. Like she's trying to justify in her own head that she's feeling it, but she doesn't want it.

That brings up a whole new thing, though. You keep affirming to yourself "she loves me". That's kind of backwards. You should be sending unconditional love, meaning even if she doesn't come back to you, you still love her and wish her the best. If she's resisting, are you willing to overpower what she wants? Personally, I don't believe in free will and think you can absolutely break someone's "will". Is that the measure you want to take to make this happen? I only ask because over seen a few posts on a few forums about people realizing they were RSed by people they absolutely don't want and it makes them feel violated. Personal morals and ethics come into play here. The question is if you get her back, do you want then possibly of having to continue to try to attract this one person for the rest of your life? And you may want to ask yourself what you're lacking in self-love that you feel the need to get it from her.

I'm rooting for you. I just think our ego gets in the way of what's best sometimes.

This was well put but I must say that if the love between them was real and now he's working on himself to become better AND he's also sending her love, she might be feeling it but not feeling it properly (yet), in a way.
Her mind might still be stuck on what happened in the past and therefore she's not willing to reestablish a relationship (yet) and so she believes closure is the best thing to do.

It's still odd to me that she would randomly bring that up, it's more like she's trying to convince herself that it was really "for the best".

@Lj, if 80saeaak is right, you really need to become a better version of yourself and fast! You don't want the old relationship because that e

Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/04/2017 2:20 pm

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ThisDude wrote:

Lj wrote:

She told me she talked to her sister and her friend about us. And they said it would never work out between ud, mainly because of the age difference and that she went too fast into "us" after her last relationship.

The reason why she wrote, is because we are Going to the same birthday tomorrow. So I guess she wrote to get it all cleared out.

I guess I just have to keep working on my self.

It's kind of a bummer to get that text, when I've been doing all these things all troughout summer. Haven't missed her, just Looking forward to see her again. And now my vibes got all low.

Nothing is final and everything is ever changing, raise your vibration as soon as possible! That text is now in the past since it already happened, never dwell on past events specially if they don't serve you.

The only way is forward, if LoA techniques make you feel good keep doing them, everything is energy and malleable, focus solely on the relationship you want to have with the girl and not on the girl herself, in order to draw her closer.

People have manifested millions of dollars and ridiculous situations one may call "miracles" so why the hell can't you do this too?

Good luck!

Thank you for raising my vibe 😊
I definately won't Call it quits and Will continue to focus on my self. Send her all the love I can and just keep positive.

Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/04/2017 1:18 pm

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ThisDude wrote:

To be honest, if he focuses on having a beautiful relationship with this girl there's nothing wrong with that because it's perfectly possible.

If he NEEDS it then it's a problem and he should reevaluate the situation.

That is all.

I don't Feel I need her to be happy. I'm perfectly happy as I am.
But I would like to have a this amazing relationship with her.

Yes, we went too fast Into this and we didn't get to be friends first.
But this time I Really want us to become friends and develope a New relationship from there.
That's what I'm meditating on.

Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/04/2017 1:14 pm

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She told me she talked to her sister and her friend about us. And they said it would never work out between ud, mainly because of the age difference and that she went too fast into "us" after her last relationship.

The reason why she wrote, is because we are Going to the same birthday tomorrow. So I guess she wrote to get it all cleared out.

I guess I just have to keep working on my self.

It's kind of a bummer to get that text, when I've been doing all these things all troughout summer. Haven't missed her, just Looking forward to see her again. And now my vibes got all low.

Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/04/2017 10:42 am

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ThisDude wrote:

She might be resisting your influence, however...

There's no way what she is saying means anything of any relevance, she's saying that probably trying to get a reaction from you. I bet this is the Universe testing you.

Sometimes I also feel like the Universe is mocking me with certain things that happen, when I analyse the situation I find that it's a way of telling me where my vibration is at. Anyway, I think she's saying that in order to see if you've moved on or not. Stay positive and pay no mind to her words.

She knows how I feel. She's always known.
I just don't see why the universe tells me all these things.
A couple of days ago, just before I went to bed, my Phone lit up and the time was 22:22.
So I went outside, looked up to the sky and asked, what are you trying to tell me, universe?
Coz I had seen all these Angel number all around for the past week or so.
And then when I fell a sleep I had a dream where she asked me, "so you still want to be with me?"
I must say I took that as an answer to what I askeď for.
But apparently I was wrong.

Help me align please... 🙈 » What the hell? » 8/04/2017 9:42 am

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I don't her LOA.
The last 6 weeks I've been doing everything the LOA teaches us.
Been doing things for myself. Making my self happy.
Living in the end.
Constant positive affirmations.
Cleaning up my house and life.
Telling my self she loves me, it's all good, I'm good enough and deserves love etc.
Praying and talking to the universe.
Seen different signs of everything is going the right way.
And then Today the girl I've been trying to re-attract bacķ, text me for the first time since I Saw her 6 weeks ago, telling me she's sorry she did what she did (ending it) but it's for the Best.
What the hell, universe? Are you just screwing with me?

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