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Flying High πŸš€πŸ’œπŸ’« » AceWay123 - Patience » 2/07/2020 2:28 pm

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Hi, Ace here.

Today, I would like to make you levitate.

Sounds weird? No.

A short positivity shall make you "Fly High" after reading this post.

In a world full of people being busy all the time, I thought I'd be the one to make you say "yes" to the desires you'd like to achieve; the bright future that awaits ahead of you.

Let's get started...

For those of you that don't like waiting or simply lack patience, I would like to say, what I always say to myself.


There is no need to know when, only thing to know is that it will.

We humans feel frustrated or almost like giving up, we choose to feel something all the time, when a desire of ours isn't coming as quickly as we want it to come. The choice of always wanting to feel something in every situation, can lead you to make a decision, and that is to complain. 

in such a world, where learning something has never been as easy as it is now, how could you possibly feel like chasing something that has the power to come to you?

The necessary steps have been taken, the requirements of your desires have been learnt and so, it will come. if you have done as much as you've could, there is nothing to do anymore, unless it needs you to do something.

Now it's time to turn nervousness in your delay, into excitement.

Let it all come togehter on it's own.

There are great gifts that life holds, for those who have patience after acknowledging they have done enough.

- Ace

LOA Questions and Teachings πŸ™‹ » Attracting Money - AceWay123 » 12/26/2019 10:10 am

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15minmanifest wrote:

Your summary is really motivating. I have just begun reading Think and Grow rich by Napoleon Hill and i am going to apply your principals alongside this book.
Thank you

Thank you and you're welcome πŸ‘ You'll definitely see results if followed correctly. Also, that book is very popular and does have a very good rating from most people who've read it, might need to get one too.

LOA Questions and Teachings πŸ™‹ » Attracting Money - AceWay123 » 11/04/2019 2:27 pm

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Hi, Ace here.

Probably after 4 years now, I'm making a new thread. My last post from all the way in 2016 has now got almost 200 replies and more than 42,000 views. It does feel good to help people sometimes, and I'm glad it helped everyone that read it.

Today, after almost 4 years, I hope to guide you once again, but this time with money. I can feel the vibes of 2016, this is exactly how I used to type haha.

Let's get started...

If you are trying to attract more money into your life, chances are, the idea to attract money came from the lack of money.

This means that you are in a state, where if money doesn't manifest right now, you'll continue to feel the lack of money, you'll continue to complain and you'll carry on living unhappy.

This creates an endless cycle, which then becomes a habit...
...a habit that makes you feel like everyone is blessed, except you.

I can promise you, everyone is blessed in many different ways.

- To attract money, you must first get yourself in a neutral state. Get your soul in a place where you acknowledge, that you may not have much money right now, but you have the full, complete power to attract more money into your life.

- Stop seeing money as a problem, and start looking at it like as if it's love. No, money can't give you the permanent inner happiness, but it can permanently improve the quality of your life. Love is the highest form of good energy. The more love you put in money and know that it has helped you in the past, the more of it will flow into your life.

- Download one picture of stacked money into your phone. Everytime you go to your gallary, you'll have a glance of that picture even if you don't open it up. What this does, is it puts you in the good energy of money, you can literally feel it. You won't see lack, you'll simply see more. This one is highly recommended. This one has worked for me, my savings looked almost the same as the picture I looked at I swear. It is almost like a vision board.

- I o

Ex/Specific Person Discussion » Specific Person - Dealing With Worries » 11/27/2018 3:03 pm

Replies: 197

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Flower293 wrote:

Wow!!! I expected this to be a one post thread and have been spending time getting happy over success stories! I had a bit of a dip today and whilst was feeling better as my dips and lasting less and less each time they happen. I still had a few things on the mind and ended up on this  thread!!! The universe works in strange ways. Thank you Ace and everyone else who has added their advice and positive vibes!!! This has really helped.
Much love xxx
P.S will definitely sub on Instagram. Thanks

Thanks a lot and no problem at all ❀

Ex/Specific Person Discussion » Specific Person - Dealing With Worries » 11/25/2018 1:36 pm

Replies: 197

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Wow... I have just signed in after a whole year. I am truly grateful for all the replies, and I'm happy that my post has motivated so many people. My post is based on the truth. Things do return without our knowledge. Thank you, and all of you are welcome.

I hope i have changed some bits of your life in a way, and most importantly, i hope i have made you do more for your own happiness. Thank you all once again. I appreicate it.

- Ace

Flying High πŸš€πŸ’œπŸ’« » AceWay123 - The Tree » 9/09/2017 3:32 pm

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Hi, Ace here.

Today, with something short and simple. It can slightly change your mindset by pulling it towards the positive.

It's a short description about Trees, this post can be used as a sign for some of you, that is telling you or guiding you towards your desires. That is completely fine if you want to take it as a sign, anything for motivation.

Let's start...

In a world, with billions of trees, there is a secret lesson or a blind motivation a tree gives.

A tree, loses so many leaves... And is never worried. It knows that, losing leaves, will bring more leaves again in the future.

A tree, only can sit in one place, under any weather, and still be happy. Rainy, Sunshine or even Thunder, the tree is always enjoying and feeling love on its branches. While people are complaining about how bad the weather is, how bad this job is, how their specific person isn't here.

A tree, isn't afraid, when it's time to die, because it has lived it's life by being happy and that's why it never had time to regret.

A tree, is just full of love.

These trees are an example of how we should live... is a secret lesson or a blind motivation...

...which encourages us to be happy under any circumstances.

It is telling you that sometimes, a lose is a gain, or a better gain for the future... also tells you that with time, things can heal. Exactly how with time, the tree gets it's leaves back.

Everything is telling you something...

...just keep your eyes open.

- Ace

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