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Help me align please... πŸ™ˆ » Help please, I don't know what's going on at the moment » 3/30/2019 8:12 pm

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Cynthia wrote:

If you don't want to imagine marriage as the end result there's no reason why you should do. I'm a marrying kind of person and so is my SP, so that's the end result I want. What I mostly imagine myself is the two of us being together and both of us feeling happy and him looking very happy and totally in love with me and him telling me the things I want to hear and me replying in kind, and also both of us wearing wedding rings, and this might sound silly to some, but they have each other's names on them sometimes.

I know I told somebody this recently, I don't remember who, but that time when Neville wanted an honourable discharge from the army, he made it sound like he had only imagined it on one occasion because he fell asleep and had a dream where a hand came down and crossed out 'disapproved' and wrote 'approved' and a voice told him that it was done and to do nothing. He stated that he did nothing after that. I know he meant for sure that he took no outward action and I also got the impression he felt no more need to imagine it. If you feel the same way about your desire, I think that's your answer.

Okay, so I felt like that scene was done at the time, but haven't been feeling like it's done recently. I'm going to focus on revision as a priority but I'll keep imagining being with him until I feel no need to think about any of it anymore. I mean, that scene was so real but I feel like my mind isn't convinced with the reality of the whole thing so I have to carry on. I probably would marry him and have thought about it a lot but I'll leave it out for now, can always change it later.

Help me align please... πŸ™ˆ » Help please, I don't know what's going on at the moment » 3/28/2019 8:06 pm

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Cynthia wrote:

Thanks. I think you're trying to be too perfectionistic. I was brought up to be that way myself, and it's taken a long time to get over it.

You'll get better with practice and repetition, like with learning any other new skill or changing a belief. In my most recent reply to the new person calling himself roomnumber16, I told him what I personally do that helps me, if you're interested. You don't have to be perfect at all times. It must be an unusual person who never has a down moment.

I read that thread. Just curious, what scenes do you use this time for your sp if you don't mind me asking? I know before you just imagined the wedding ring. I usually at times during the day, imagine him telling me he loves me and me saying it back. I decided at night I want to use John Kironde's example of imagining the same, but that he's in bed with me, and focusing on his presence.

I don't know if I'm entirely comfortable about using marriage as the end result. I used to write down my name plus his surname. The thing is, marriage is a thing I was never particularly bothered about in and of itself and was happy with the idea of companionship without that part of it. The only reason I started imagining marriage was because of visas etc. After a while, I just assumed I'd marry him, but it doesn't feel like the natural desire at the moment. I feel like if that's the only reason I'm imagining marriage, then maybe it would interfere with the how? ie. limiting other means for him to come and live here? I don't know, maybe it wouldn't affect it. I'm happy to just imagine him being in a long-term relationship. The marriage part is an indicator of time having passed. I know a lot of people imagine anniversiaries and stuff like that. I just want to stick with what I'm using at the moment, just hoping it's the right type of thing.

That leads me to this...there was one scene I had before and one night I imagined it so incredibly intensely I just didn't want to ima

Help me align please... πŸ™ˆ » Help please, I don't know what's going on at the moment » 3/28/2019 7:52 pm

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roomnumber16 wrote:

Hi all,
As Cynthia said in my post/topic. You must believe it works. and Just do the things that make you feel its happening, or what makes you feel that the desired thought is now in reality. I did have setbacks as I've told Cynthia as well. I did check upon my SP social media and as Cynthia told me, I must stop doing those things ( checking her social media/ checking other dudes that might be a suitor) because it will really break your belief.Β 

Do whatever it takes for your desire to be in reality. BELIEVE in itΒ  Don't take NO for an answer this time. I personally told myself that. And I've kept repeating what Cynthia asked me if I ever get the urge, (That is : How much do you want the relationship? and kept it on my mind all the time)

Yeah I don't do social media. I used to but deleted my Instagram account in the beginning of this journey. Social media is a bad mental diet. Using images outside of imagination to create is not the way I intend to do things. I still have a facebook account which I hardly ever signed into and the only reason I have again is because of Joseph Alai's group. I don't even look at anything else when I do go on there. Joseph is great, I love him. If you don't know him, he's a youtuber that is purely 100% about Neville, has been practising it for years and he keeps me on track.

Neville Goddard » NEW TO NEVILLE » 3/28/2019 7:46 pm

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Cynthia wrote:


You're welcome.

Do whatever helps you believe that you have the relationship already and helps you live in the end of the wish fulfilled. I can tell you some things that have helped me. I listen to Neville a lot for the reinforcement. With all of the general negativity in the world, it's really important to counteract that as much as possible. I often imagine the relationship the way I want it to be whilst listening to Neville talk about the subject, when he talks about marrying his second wife that way and talks about other people having done the same thing, as well as imagining it at other times. I also read his books and lectures, although I listen to him more than read, and I regularly reread the letter from Mrs J E in the part of The Law and the Promise that I recommended before and do what she did. I have 3 songs that are meaningful to me that I listen to a lot whilst imagining my relationship with my SP. They're from a long time ago. Two of the them are by The Turtles, one is Happy Together, the other is She'd Rather Be With Me, and the third song is by Climax Blue Band called I Love You..Those are the things I do consistently. I also sometimes listen to I Miss Ya Girl (first version) by Chas and Dave. In the past I have listened to and sometimes still do to two hypnosis recordings. One is called Get the Love You Want by Glenn Harrold and the other is called Attract Love by Barrie St John. As an added extra, I had a subliminal recording made to my specifications at the beginning of the year for which I wrote all of the statements myself that I wanted used and have that playing a lot in the background, but I haven't listened to it all that much with headphones as it said to do, so I couldn't say whether it has helped or not because I just don't know.

I think it was also really important for me to finally decide one way or the other whether I wanted the relationship or not after being indecisive for such a long time and to commit to doin

Help me align please... πŸ™ˆ » Help please, I don't know what's going on at the moment » 3/27/2019 2:00 pm

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Cynthia wrote:

I've been listening to some more of those recordings. I don't know why they're calling them subliminals because you can hear what they're saying. I''ve listened to a straightforward version of that one you just mentioned. I really don't like those ones that are reversed and sped up or with other strange effects. I like some of the recordings with the messages they've got, but some of them I didn't like at all.Some of them are not living in the end, so I don't feel good about those ones, but there were some others I did feel good about. I'm doing fine without them, but I might listen to them sometimes anyway. I looked up the website given there, but it doesn't seem to exist any more, unless something strange is going on.

I noticed some of them weren't living in the end as well so avoided those. I never looked on their website so I'm not sure what's going on there. I used to listen to this one as well from a different channel:

There are some other people I want to manifest, not in a romantic way. There's a friend I haven't heard from in a long time that I'd like to be in contact with again, for example. He's someone that always said he was bad at keeping in contact with everyone and not to take it personally. He used to seem to only make an effort with his close friends. But I keep having this recurring dream that I'm talking to him, in person. So I want to manifest it. I'd love to see him again. I think if I experiment with him and other people I'd like to manifest, it will be a good experience for building faith.

Actually, I mentioned before the situation with my Dad and how we weren't speaking. Well, my Mum imagined for a couple of minutes that he was contacting me and the situation was different. Later that day, he messaged! And I met up with him since. I haven't decided what to do about the rest of the situation, but this was great and really boosted my morale in general.

I sent my sp a birt

Help me align please... πŸ™ˆ » Help please, I don't know what's going on at the moment » 3/23/2019 7:05 pm

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I forget sometimes that it is actually a skill and will get better with practise. As well as it being a skill that is counter-intuitive to get better at, as far as effort is concerned. Those ideas about getting places through "hard work".

I've been a bit distracted in the last few days...I became a bit obsessed with someone online who I would like to meet and I will manifest meeting him. He has such an incredible, powerful energy about him and I felt so drawn to him that it took my attention off my sp. I'm not going to try to manifest more with this other person, since I've never met him, but it really caught my attention, the feelings that this person brings up in me. Got a bit confused about this hypothetical idea of having to choose between them haha.

There's one on that channel which is about 50 minutes long and it has reverse and sped up messages as well as the normal ones. I listened to that a few times back then as well. I just like it because it was longer. It's called "Be in his thoughts 24/7" or something like that. Normally I use the custom made one while I'm working but I'll keep listening to one of these ones before bed as well for now.

Okay I'll have a look at that user's post, thanks.

Help me align please... πŸ™ˆ » Help please, I don't know what's going on at the moment » 3/23/2019 2:05 pm

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This is the one, and that channel has a lot of similar ones.

I’ve been wondering, what do we do to make things click in that moment that we feel the realness of a state? I want to get better at feeling states deeply. Like when I just felt that I lived abroad and completely denied being where I lived, despite literally everything around me, just for a few moments. I want to do that because that really worked.

I told myself all this here isn’t real. But I felt it deeply. Compared to just saying words that feel empty,

Help me align please... πŸ™ˆ » Help please, I don't know what's going on at the moment » 3/22/2019 7:44 pm

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Cynthia wrote:

The impression I got from reading your post is that you've been trying too hard, are being too hard on yourself, and that you've been trying to force things, especially forcing yourself to do certain things, and also like you have a sense of urgency for the relationship with your SP to be what you want it to be.

Thanks Cynthia.'s exactly what I've been doing. Self-discipline in life in general is one thing, but forcing oneself to do something that may not even be the best way, because of fear, is another. I think I haven't been trusting myself, out of fear that the negative programming will get the better of me and make my thoughts be counterproductive. Thankfully the living situation isn't too bad now that I am settled here. It's not ideal but having less responsibilty for a while is great.

Some positive things happened today and I feel a lot more relaxed. I woke up and remembered that what we desire is already ours and that imagining is just a preview of the experience. I realised that, because of this, I can enjoy it without the pressure. This allowed me to give myself permission to start living in the end again and thinking from it ie. Okay it's mine and my thoughts about it come from appreciation that it's already mine.

I also realised why the subliminals I used to listen to got me to where I was. They made me feel the wish fulfilled, simple as that. They weren't really subliminal, just one of the ones with multiple voices playing at the same time. I listened to it every day, before sleep and when I woke up, and sometimes another couple of times during the day. I did that for a month or so and that was when he invited me to see him. I am just so glad I realised that I was actually feeling the wish fulfilled because of the words they were saying. It's so obvious now, but at the time I just felt like I was winging it and hoping for the best, but now it makes sense.

The main positive thing that happened today was that I re

Help me align please... πŸ™ˆ » Help please, I don't know what's going on at the moment » 3/21/2019 9:06 pm

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I could do with some outside perspective on this. Only Neville based please.

I've been working a lot on changing my self-concept. The way it worked was that I was having a lot of realizations and that alone was helping me to reject the old programming. I started doing revision through all the bad memories related to relationships. I made a list of everything that could be contributing to my current state that is contrary to my belief about my SP. I have started going through that list and changing the memories, somewhat successfully, depending on how well I can concentrate at the time. Even during writing the list of about eight pages, and writing for each one, what the new memory would be when I did revise it, I felt like things had shifted just a little bit and it was a good sign for things to come. Even just last night, I was feeling closer to knowing it is done (manifesting my sp) and I just didn't care much about anything, I was feeling generally good.

I had a night booked in a hotel to give me a break from my Mum's one bedroom flat, as I'm staying in the living room. I had intended to spend this day changing more of these memories. I don't know if maybe this could be a result of some of the revision I've been doing, as in, unpredictable emotions as things are rearranging themselves within me. But what happened was I spent most of the evening crying, having this feelings of abandonent and being forgotten, by nobody in particular. I was already in a bad mood, feeling irritated cos I struggle to imagine sometimes. But then it just got out of control and it's rare that I get quite that emotional.

I was all upset thinking what if nothing ever changes and I spend my life alone blah blah blah various other nonsense. Wondering if I will ever get my imagination to be clear and vivid. But then I think about some realisations I've had recently, about manifesting in general. There were a few things I manifested in the past purely by BRIEFLY feeling the reality of it an

Law of Attraction Discussion » Gaslighters and manipulators » 3/07/2019 4:02 pm

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This time it was just a temporary thing that was very easy to walk away from. I've experienced them before though, for longer periods, so was curious because of that.

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