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Law of Attraction Discussion » Skepticism on the use of law of attraction (harsh reality) » 12/24/2016 7:07 pm

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sunny wrote:

ShootingStar wrote:

Well there are very very few things that are 'impossible' , one would be say changing your history, changing your race or having someone be your partner who is dead haha so yeah of course the possibilities are always there!

Many channelers and other LOA teachers are adamant that the past can literally be changed and is in fact changing all the not everyone agrees that these things are impossible.

ShootingStar wrote:

But there are times when one has to have a slight realistic view on things so that they don't live their life in misery.

What is "realistic"? Reality is a reflection of your consciousness. There is no reality that is the one true reality, whereas everything else is "imaginary". Imagination is just as "real" as what you see in the physical.

ShootingStar wrote:

Now, the possibility of her dating this guy like is there but very very very low, like so low.

This is only a belief.

ShootingStar wrote:

Now the majority of other people on here are not in such a dire situation as her so the possibilities for most people on here to get their specific person are probably quite good!

Again, this is a belief. You are placing the definition of "dire" on a situation, but the situation itself is neutral and can just as easily be defined as "easy".

ShootingStar wrote:

But like, sometimes in life we can't be children and say 'daddy I want that one and that one only'

Yes, you can. You are the creator of your own reality. Your ability to desire something is your ability to manifest that desire.

ShootingStar wrote:

but saying that, it can often prove that the one we want is what we get but if we obsess and limit ourselves sooo much, we'll just end up having really unhealthy obsessions that end up just ruining our lives more than helping our lives.

Not necessarily. The desire for a specific person does not automatically equal obsession. I agree that unhealthy situations can sometime

Law of Attraction Discussion » If you're afraid of the idea of moving on..if 'moving on' sounds bad » 12/24/2016 5:02 pm

We've all heard it after a break up, our friends say it, our family says it, strangers on the internet say it 'just move on' or something like that and the feeling we feel when we hear that just makes us SO angry... but I'm going to show how illogical it is to feel angry or resentful or stubborn about that thought. First of all, why do you get angry? Is it because you feel that the other person simply doesn't 'get it' , that they don't realise how in love you are? Or is it because the idea of packing up your hopes of getting back together and actually going about life without that person just seems so daunting to you that you can't fathom it? Well here's a clue about it- imagine if you were wishing you could be a millionaire and someone says 'oh well, that probably won't happen, just move on' and you actually follow that advice, do you think if someone offered you a million dollars the next day you would just reject it and say 'nope, sorry, I moved on.' No, you would not. So what's the deal there? Moving on just simple means to live life as happily and as full as possible without it being all about wealth or all about that specific person, but it doesn't mean that you have to live life poor forever or without love forever. It's just finding ways to wake up everyday and feel happy. So if you're in a place where the sheer idea of 'moving on' make you want to vomit, then you are not in a place where you can really truly start looking at your desires in an open way- which would actually bring the desire to you.

I attracted a specific person about 5 years ago into my life and here's our story. I first heard about him through a friend who had a huge crush on him. I then looked at his facebook and the first thing I thought was 'wow, he is the hottest guy I ever ever seen...ever' and I added him. I added him just thinking 'wouldn't it be nice if he accepted my add' and he did. Then I started talking to him online and thinking 'wouldn't it be nice if he replied' and he woul

Law of Attraction Discussion » 'Work behind the scenes' business might have happened to me » 12/24/2016 3:04 pm

So it's been a good long while since me and my boyfriend broke up and yeah, really didn't get much promises of any changes in the situation. I've been on here for about a year now and in that year when it comes to my person I have -had a weird little facebook argument in January, ran into him in April where he was extra nice and called me beautiful even in front of his girlfriend, no replies to any form of contact (I sent a couple of emails) , he actually ran away from me at a music festival in August, then he was nice for a few seconds to me at another festival in September but became cold as ice when I told him I was there with two guy mutual friends of ours, no reply to a birthday email I sent him, cold and weird last week at our 4th run in this year. 

So on the outside- does not look great haha. But then maybe this whole 'behind the scenes' stuff is what's going on because here's something that I think: He ran away from me at the festival because he's still not ready to see me as just a friendly face he can say hello to yet, he was cold to me at the next festival because of a bit of jealousy maybe I was hanging out with the two guys (?) and cold and weird with me last week because he didn't expect me to be there and I looked damn good lol. Also, last week his girlfriend confronted me to tell me that she was 'intimidated' by me, that she was scared I might be still in love with him, that he and her were having issues...then I actually saw them fighting and her crying. 

Oh and the recent little thing- he blocked me for the first time on facebook after I sent a friendly message just saying how I hoped things weren't too awkward between us and that I went to the party because one of the mutual friends invited me. 

So oddly- perhaps...this outward negativity is actually a form of him being jealous/ annoyed that he still likes me/beginning to regret his choice. Otherwise why isn't he just chill and friendly. Anyway haha I dunno, just thought I'd make this post i

Help me align please... 🙈 » Confusing again, help me please » 12/24/2016 2:48 pm

That's why they say not to look at their facebook.... see it's kind of like, if you want them back, then you need to not see what they've been doing in the meantime. Like, you want it to be like, she calls you one day and says 'hey ' and it's like nothing has happened between the last time you spoke and now. You don't want to have all this information that had nothing to do with you circling around in your head. You only want the information that does have to do with you. So her life now is irrelevant to you ! It's nothing to do with you and it's none of your business. If she comes back into your reality, then she is part of your business and she might tell you things that happened to her since you, but she might also not. Your reality with her involves both her and you. Her reality right now doesn't involve you, so stay away from it. 

Law of Attraction Discussion » Skepticism on the use of law of attraction (harsh reality) » 12/24/2016 2:39 pm

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Well there are very very few things that are 'impossible' , one would be say changing your history, changing your race or having someone be your partner who is dead haha so yeah of course the possibilities are always there! But there are times when one has to have a slight realistic view on things so that they don't live their life in misery. There was a girl who used to be on here but she subsequently deleted her account because of the 'negativity' thrown her way as she say it, but what it really was was people gently advising her to focus more generally and not on her specific person and the reason for this was because her specific person is like a really really well known celebrity who only dates really really well known celebrities and right now he's dating Lily Collins after dating Kate Hudsun and the girl on here was a fan of his but she was also a lot older than him and not in his inner circle or a celebrity or close to a celebrity- so it really just sort of amounted to her being a fangirl and she was on here for over a year and it just appeared that things in her situation never moved and were not going to move and even though she was so hopeful and everything, it just got to a point where her desire was more hurting her than helping her. Now, the possibility of her dating this guy like is there but very very very low, like so low. The problem is, she never stopped wanting it so her desire was becoming an obsession and just getting really unhealthy and harming her mental health I would think.
Now the majority of other people on here are not in such a dire situation as her so the possibilities for most people on here to get their specific person are probably quite good! But like, sometimes in life we can't be children and say 'daddy I want that one and that one only', but saying that, it can often prove that the one we want is what we get but if we obsess and limit ourselves sooo much, we'll just end up having really unhealthy obsessions that end up just ruin

Help me align please... 🙈 » I just... don't get it » 12/23/2016 11:15 pm

On a vibrational note it would appear that you attract him back when you're low- like low self esteem and low self love, so it is probably going to happen again that you will attract him back ... either when you're low (not the best) or if you're high and if you attract him back when you're high, that means he has come up to join you in your new higher vibration which would be a good thing

Law of Attraction Discussion » Skepticism on the use of law of attraction (harsh reality) » 12/23/2016 11:06 pm

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I'll just throw in to back that up with anecdotal evidence- when my father left my mother it was over something that she did by accident to hurt him but didn't know it would hurt him. She harboured a very strong desire to one day reconnect with my father and get back together as she never wanted the relationship to end and didn't mean to hurt him. She lived in hope and belief that he would talk to her again for about 5 years but he never did. My father desired never to speak to her again because he himself could not get over his own hurt and anger over what she did. Of course she never intended harm, but in my father's eyes, he could not speak to her again. And so nearly 20 years on, they have not spoken a word or seen each other even though my mother tried to contact him and believed he would change his mind, he never did. 

But that is because he made it his business to create a desire not to see her or speak to her again so it was strong in him. Most people wouldn't do that unless they've been deeply hurt. 

Law of Attraction Discussion » Skepticism on the use of law of attraction (harsh reality) » 12/23/2016 11:01 pm

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Sunny- I think you should listen to Abraham Hicks' teachings on relationships. She talks about the idea of two people coming together and co-creating, in fact there is one video about a man who asks Abraham how to get rid of his ex girlfriend from interfering in his life and Abraham asks him to visualise her having a happy life with someone else. Abraham also does talk about the endings of relationships, accepting them as endings and understanding that some relationships are just not meant to be because the two people involved in the relationship simply desire something else that the other one refuses to give them. She mentions attracting back a specific person, but if you do listen to her you will hear that she maintains that you cannot actually manipulate someone into a situation, so if a man doesn't want to speak to the woman who vandalised his car, that would be his desire and her desire to speak to him would not interfere with his desire not to. It would depend on how strong his desire not to speak with her is, which I would presume is pretty high. So if one person is wanting something but another is not, that person can't make the other person want what they're wanting you see or that's not perfect aligment. That's why relationships happen when two people are desiring and wanting the same thing- to be with each other, and why they end when the desires change. So if you murdered your ex boyfriend's beloved cat, he would naturally make it his strong desire to never see or speak to you again. That would be his own desire. 

Help me align please... 🙈 » I just... don't get it » 12/23/2016 10:52 pm

So you have to ask yourself whether you actually might be smarter and more driven than Jack or at least on his level. Because you see, he seems to be the kind of guy who would feel better with a girl who has less going for her than he does. And there are plenty of girls just like that. Did you know that girls with mental health issues like anorexia and BPD and bipolar and the likes are always having guys chase them or want to date them? I know because I'm one of them and I'm friends with lots of them. We draw guys like Jack in like magnets.... while my friends who are healthy, stable, nice, pleasant find it so hard to get a guy to be interested in them for a third date! But, as we get older, the stable girls are picked up more to be wives and girlfriends as men mature and begin to want women on their level. Some men never mature and will always seek out the women with the self esteem issues- the women with the broken wings. 

I guess if you want to vibe with Jack, you would need to be vibing on that level. I think if you look at his past girlfriends and see a pattern, you will see the vibration that truly attracts him. But would you want to change yourself to be with him? That's the problem... 

Help me align please... 🙈 » I just... don't get it » 12/23/2016 10:45 pm

So I pretty much understand why he left you to be honest and it's not LOA , it's psychology which I know way too much about because I studied it and I have mental illness so I have to know about it but here is the human reasoning to why he came back and why he left:

Your guy (let's call him Jack) is a typical insecure male. Jack only dates 'drama queens' who are 'full of jealousy and manipulation' and the reason Jack does that, is because it makes him feel like he's important and he needs that because he doesn't have good self esteem. So when a drama queen gets all jealous that he's talking to another girl, Jack thinks 'wow, I'm special, I'm super important, she thinks I'm the best' and that makes Jack happy. Jack is also addicted to chaos, probably because he had a weird upbringing (neglectful or domineering mother is usually it) so Jack has developed the idea that love is chaos and drama fuelled. It is about mind games and manipulation and pain. He actively chooses girls who also have low self esteem and who will treat him like he's super special but at the same time treat him like ****. Many of these girls have something called borderline personality disorder. Jack needs that constant attention, he needs to be the centre of someone's world to an unhealthy degree. Jack himself sounds like he may have borderline and sounds like a typical 'Casanova' borderline male. He knows exactly what to say to a girl to make her fall head over heels for him and just when he knows he 'has' a girl, he backs off and pushes her away because Jack can't do intimacy very well, he doesn't like the feeling of being so close to someone. A girl who is a 'drama queen' never lets her boyfriend in close to her either, even though it seems it from the outside, this kind of girl doesn't do intimacy, she does possession. 

So why did Jack come back? Because you're were there. You also had low self esteem at the time which I'm guessing he picked up on because this kind of guy is a master at fin

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