For the record, at the time of my previous comment it hadn't even been 3 weeks since the person who is back here looking for other advice had thanked me for my detailed advice on another thread and said she was going to follow it. Whether she even tried it is open to question, but even if she did, she hasn't given it enough of a chance or shown any patience or perseverance or faith, which is what it takes and which is why I made that comment. She had no faith to begin with if she's already !ooking for something else. This sort of thing has happened more times than I can even remember. What I told her and have told many others is not a quick fix that everybody seems to want nowadays, I don't know of anything that is, but it is a 100% proven effective method that works when applied properly. It has worked for many, many people, not just me.
This is a big reason why people fail, not because they didn't follow my advice, but because they don't stick at anything. In their haste to have instant results, they chop and change all over the place, never giving anything enough of a chance to work for them, which ends them up having a longer and longer wait for results, if they ever get them. Oftentimes they become hopelessly confused about what to even do. I see that all the time. 'I don't know what to do.' Many give up, as disbelievers, when it doesn't have to be that way, and it all started because they were desperate and had to have it right now.
Last edited by Cynthia (5/20/2019 8:52 pm)