PrettyFlamingo wrote:
Tom, a week or so ago I had the impulse to connect with a guy from a long time ago. A crush if you like. Didn't have a clue what to do.
Though I used visualization. I've not been a fan of it before and tended to daydream rather than purposely visualize.
A week later I've been in contact with first one person and then another who have filled me in on where he is and what he's doing, I have his number and Facebook details and now have the means to get in touch.
This is someone who went off the radar and all the connections I made were flukes I'd never have found before. It was almost inspired how I came across them and as an aside there have been other elements, for example I love cats and one of them is a cat portrait painter.
Just need to get to the right frame of mind for that, and I'll know when that is.
Should everything be this simple?
I believe that I know what You are saying: Giving it little to no attention, and miracles will occur. (right?)
But I just find it hard to find a standpoint, when there is so many opinions and perspectives, when it comes to LOA.
I know that, in the end it's what You believe, and what works best for You.
I think, We can all agree on, that going on a feeling rampage is amazing. I do it alot, and I feel amazing.
But it has come to my attention, that when I give it very little to no attention, that's what usually vibrate into my life.
And THAT'S what I find difficult to understand/work with (if it makes sense). And I believe Im not the only one on this forum, having this "problem" (Maby thas why, alot of people here, vibrates on a low signal?).
Last edited by Major Tom (1/29/2017 8:52 am)