Hey girls!
Exercise and a beautiful body can do wonders for our self esteem and also our vibration.
Last year I started a challenge with a coach and many other girls. It was called the 100 day challenge. Basically, what we had to do is exercise and eat right and everyday we had to post a photo on Facebook of something good that we did that day to be in better shape.
I completed the challenge and won a month of training with that coach, but also I won confidence and I was feeling sexy as hell. And I have to tell you, that while I was doing that challenge, I attracted my man for the first time.
I have a training program that is very easy to use, you won´t need equipment (just a bench and some weights) and that´s all. The results are amazing. I can send a copy to your mail.
We can post photos on our instagram accounts. You don´t have to post pictures of yourselves if you don´t want to, but pictures of the healthy food you are eating, quotes of motivation or whatever you like related to healthy habits.
Who is in?
Last edited by Jim Chien Beige (7/25/2016 10:52 am)