my journey .....

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Posted by khushi
1/28/2016 9:08 am

I started my journey of LOA around two years back to get a specific person back. we are in same college and have common friends, it becomes awkward that we don't talk or sit with each other anymore like we used to do. he no longer talks to me. when i make the effort of talking to him, he talks and replies well but never asks about any of my personal whereabouts. and never initiates any contact himself. its like he does not even with our mutual friends if I am sitting there. this continued for sometime and ultimately i just thought that its enough if he does not want to talk to me then I won't bother him. so i also stopped talking to him.
and then there were so many things in my life going wrong that i completely took off my mind from him and started focusing on my career. so now my career is going really awesome !! i am happy with that and all other areas of my life are beautiful as well. at some point of time there, he did come around but still never talked to me on his own so i also never initiated anything trusting that universe will do it eventually. now its been 4 months since that happened and now it has gone back to him not even greeting me. I am at a point now where I just wish we would talk normally since its almost the end now and we may never even see each other. when i meet him, I do always greet him but he never does. so I feel like a dumbo !! 
one part of my mind says to just ignore him like i did earlier and one part of my mind says to go and talk to him clearly about everything (i don't talk to him about this thing because i am afraid he would not entertain any talks related to our relationship and would just whiff it off saying it was nothing). i don't know what exactly to do.

Posted by khushi
1/29/2016 8:35 am

anyone would like to suggest something, anything ?? 

Posted by Berryluv
1/29/2016 8:54 am

Hey there..

I say, take the timE out to read your initial storyline. And break it down into two groups. Look at the words you used to describe about your idea of him, and the words you used to describe your career.

We have to trust ourselves more that we hold all the answers to the questions we are asking. Our emotions are a great indicator of what you are attracting. When you see him or greet him, what is your mental conversation? What are your views of yourself? Everyone in our experience is playing the part you delegate them to play. Change the script and see how things change in your world.

Posted by Leli
1/29/2016 9:45 am

Berryluv wrote:

Hey there..

I say, take the timE out to read your initial storyline. And break it down into two groups. Look at the words you used to describe about your idea of him, and the words you used to describe your career.

We have to trust ourselves more that we hold all the answers to the questions we are asking. Our emotions are a great indicator of what you are attracting. When you see him or greet him, what is your mental conversation? What are your views of yourself? Everyone in our experience is playing the part you delegate them to play. Change the script and see how things change in your world.

Agree. Maybe you did use LOA, but you didnt use it correctly. Like Berryluv say, you had so much negative toughts inside you about him. You wish to manifaste him, but everything what you did it was just pushing him away. You MUST let go past and present and create your future which is full of love, peace, undrestanding and joy. You can attract him back, even if he dont talk with you, or he moved in another corner of that earth. Forget about anything and start create your future. If you want him, you can have him... FACT: it is all in us...

Posted by khushi
1/30/2016 12:45 am

thank you Berryluv and Leli.
i think i will rewrite my story. you are write Berryluv i don't feel good about him at all and still i am so insecure and i don't trust him at all. even if he does come back right now, i will be miserable and will always be thinking that he is not being loyal to me. just as i did before that led to our breakup.
i will have to change for things to change. and i will do that whatever it takes to do that.
thanks guys !!

Posted by khushi
2/02/2016 8:05 am

i feel pretty down today. i have been holding good vibes for him till now. last week, i even made the initiative to go and talk to him thinking this might change the situation. and i had a hunch telling me to go and talk to him. he talked normally but didnt ask me anything about my personal life. i didnt take it as negative. but even now he does not greet me. he does not come and sit with us all if i am there. this gets me down every time it happens. 
sometimes i feel like giving it all up and stop thinking anything about him because it just makes me sad. its feels nice when i think what it would be like when everything is good. but then when i dont see anything happening, it just feels like i should stop thinking about him at all. but i am afraid that if i stop thinking positively about him, LOA will not work and I will not be able to ever get him. i feel so stuck right now unable to decide whether to hold on or to let go

Posted by Berryluv
2/02/2016 8:29 am

Take a look at what you just wrote, re-read your last statement. LOA works every single time whether you like it or not. It's a fact, you don't have to believe me. But your answer lies within what you just wrote. Look at the vibration you are sending out, do you feel how low it is. Of course you are going to get more of the same. One simple way of even raising your vibration is changing the way you tell your story.

Posted by khushi
2/02/2016 8:43 am

so i change my story that everything is happening in my favor. whatever he is doing is because he still thinks of me and misses me and likes me. soon he is going to come and tell all his feelings to me and we will be in an ever loving relationship.

Posted by Himanshupatil
2/02/2016 8:46 am

well the new story is great!!!
honestly... i feel the new story is already playing out...
so the new story rocks....believe it!!

she is mine..... she is in love with me.... and i love her unconditionally!!
Posted by khushi
2/02/2016 8:48 am

its already playing out. everything is already happening !! things are rearranging... 

just tell me one thing guys. when he does not come sit with me, i dont feel good. can i just stop going at the same time so that i dont confront him at all and not feel bad as well. will that be counteracting LOA ?


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