Berryluv wrote:
Hey there..
I say, take the timE out to read your initial storyline. And break it down into two groups. Look at the words you used to describe about your idea of him, and the words you used to describe your career.
We have to trust ourselves more that we hold all the answers to the questions we are asking. Our emotions are a great indicator of what you are attracting. When you see him or greet him, what is your mental conversation? What are your views of yourself? Everyone in our experience is playing the part you delegate them to play. Change the script and see how things change in your world.
Agree. Maybe you did use LOA, but you didnt use it correctly. Like Berryluv say, you had so much negative toughts inside you about him. You wish to manifaste him, but everything what you did it was just pushing him away. You MUST let go past and present and create your future which is full of love, peace, undrestanding and joy. You can attract him back, even if he dont talk with you, or he moved in another corner of that earth. Forget about anything and start create your future. If you want him, you can have him... FACT: it is all in us...