Hi! My ex and I broke up in August 4, and we kept in touch, bec he wanted to keep talking. But before I found this forum and the other The Secret forum, I read about the 21-30 days no contact period, so I insisted to my ex that we shouldn't communicate, for me to move on. Is it really important to not have contact? I read that it is, so the bad feelings and negative experiences that caused the break up will no longer be associated with me.
What are your thoughts? Although I am trying to visualize and manifest that he would initiate contact, and tell me that he realized that he wants to work things out. I am also new to this, so help from you wonderful people would be greatly appreciated. Because there are times, esp when I have just woken up, and I feel bad bec my ex and I are broken up. That I no longer wake up to messages from him. What can I do about that?
I just started the 25-day challenge today, as I have only learned about it last night.