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1/23/2017 7:15 pm  #71

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

Sunny is right. Listen to this and try to soak it all up. You'll never heal until you accept what has happened. Also don't accept what has happened and heal just to reach that "now I'll attract her back" state. Don't do it for anything at all. Don't even do it for yourself. Just do it.

In lak ech. Ancient Mayan for "you are my other me"

1/23/2017 8:31 pm  #72

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

I hope you're doing okay and taking the feedback in good stride, cuz you know what? reading through this entire thread certainly did help me and I am sure it is helping others as well who may not necessarily like commenting however still take in the information. This thread helped me because it is infact easy to feel so 'hopeless' after having a certain expectation and being disappointed. I believe that this is where inspired action comes in, where we operate out of love and not out of fear. A fear thought can be ' let me do this just to remind her how much I still love her' The fear in this? thinking she may forget. You certainly have to believe that your love defies boundaries and limitations and your love will be received and later reciprocated in the physical plane when the timing is right. She is yours, if you truly believe, you just have to meet her at her vibrational match. Maybe she is on a frequency that requires more self love, confidence and independence. Certainly you can meet her there if you change your core beliefs. No one said this part was 'easy' rewiring does take some work, but I believe ultimately it will make us better people.

As for myself, when I first posted here I was a basket case, in fact I still get moments of confusion and I am ever so thankful this is a judgement free zone where we all want to see the best in each other and help us get our loves back. I had a bit of a rough weekend myself but I am 'thankful' for this obstacle you know why? because it allowed me to identify the part of me that still needs healing. It showed me that I certainly want more for myself in terms of standards and Β what I should tolerate. It showed me that in order to have a good healthy relationship, I need to actually believe I love myself as much as I say I do in order for us to have something beautiful. Its one thing attracting them, but what is the point if I am not being the best version of myself for this person, and chances are, this person may never meet me at this vibration and I will be okay with that because it shows that they are in fact not adequate enough to meet me at my best and i want the best outcome because i deserve it and so do you! now don't get me wrong this is still the love of my life and I still believe in miracles and the healing of relationships for the better, however self love truly comes first. This is the foundation of creating the most beautiful reality you desire. YesIWILL, I think you will be fine, all of us will..and we are here with you every step of the way.Β 

Last edited by MiracleMaker (1/23/2017 8:35 pm)


1/24/2017 2:33 am  #73

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

I'd be interested to know what happened to end the relationship as that may affect the whole response. PM me if you don't want to discuss publicly.

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

1/24/2017 8:09 am  #74

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

There isn't anything attractive about you literally screaming over her. You're too attached and desperate to have her.

The Universe is your playground.

1/24/2017 4:15 pm  #75

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

PrettyFlamingo wrote:

I'd be interested to know what happened to end the relationship as that may affect the whole response. PM me if you don't want to discuss publicly.

There was a misunderstanding earlier on, and she has trust issues since her last relationship. After the misunderstanding things started going downhill and I guess it affected her feelings lowering for me over time. The last conversation was something like

"I am NOT ATTRACTED TO YOU!!!! Physically or emotionally anymore!!!! We will NEVER BE TOGETHER!!!!!!! I can't see a future with you. You are a stranger to me. You'll be fine. You'll find someone else. I am DEFINITELY NOT THE ONE. I DONT SEE YOU IN A ROMANTIC LIGHT have a good life. You won't be hearing from me"

It was going downhill while we were together, and it's obvious she was losing feelings for me.

She hates me, doesn't want me in her life, I can't stress enough how much she's said she doesn't see a future with me, and how convincing she said it in.

She means it when she says what she's said. That part is obvious. When she said "I think I have feelings for someone else" that may be her trying to push my away at the times when I'd keep trying to pressure her into giving me another chance.

No matter which way you spin it, she HAS lost all feeling for me and means EVERY OF THE THINGS SHES SAID. It has also been clear by her actions, yet not just her actions.

If LoA isn't a thing, or doesn't work with getting an ex back, for example, and if it were up to the "logical" interpretation of how the universe works, cause and effect... then she is NOT coming back and has ZERO attraction toward me.

This is why I have to rely on the LoA. It is the ONLY AND LAST CHANCE I've got to get her back. Because if it doesn't work, then she's not coming back ever. I'm not just being negative. After what she's said and done, she means it when she says she doesn't thinkn about she and I, and that she's completely over me.

This is my last chance to get her back.

But I know what you're thinking "she may change her mind! People do every day! She'll miss you!" - logically, LOA not involved, NO. After what's happened (we really made things bad) without LOA she will NOT COME BACK. And that's a fact. You all don't know because you haven't experienced what she and I had together and just how bad and pushed away from love we've been toward each other.


It is nothing about focusing on myself, "learning to love myself" or any of that others bullshit repeatedly puked my way by forum members. Because I LOVE MYSELF. I've been FOCUSING ON ME AND MY CAREER.

No matter what your rebuttals may be, it has NOTHING TO DO with working on loving myself. I am not lacking anything about myself and there is nothing deep down that I haven't addresssed. I just need to make this clear so that I can stop hearing this nonsense.

The whole issue with me here? I can't believe she's ever coming back. THAT is something I need to figure out how to fix. THAT IS what I need to tackle. If loa works, Then I just need to find that belief (which is such an almost nonsensical thing to believe given my current situation)..

It's not about working on myself. I just need to find a way to believe she's coming back.

I'm in the hospital and won't be able to reply for a few days to a week. Accident.

So what I need from you all, in terms of advice, if you'd be up for giving a struggling man adivice even still... we need to find a way to convince myself that she can is coming back to me. I can't get enough faith for something so seemingly huge (and yes I've tried manifesting smaller things and letting go. Never happened)

So please, to help me, please help me believe thats what I need

     Thread Starter

1/24/2017 4:29 pm  #76

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

YesIWILL, don't you realize that if you don't allow yourself time to heal and grow and not be so attached to her, when you get her back, things are just going to go south again? All of us are literally giving you the BEST advice you can be given RIGHT NOW but you are unable to hear us and what we really mean. It's a shame. Because I got where I am now by giving myself this time and so have many others. You are beyond attached. It's frightening to you and everyone else. And that's a clear indicator that you will always end up in unhealthy relationships. Again, it's such a shame.

My last bit of advice to you since you refuse to listen to the excellent advice already given to you: Either delve into the LOA until you fully understand it or seek professional help for your attachment. When you fully understand the LOA, you'll know that anything is possible and the past doesn't matter at all. Bottom line -- we can't help you. You have to help you.


1/24/2017 4:58 pm  #77

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

Baby. I've told you time and time about. So don't you dare swear at us or say anything of the things we say are bullshit. All this time I've been taking my time out to give you the sound advice you need as well as everyone else here. You know what if you've been writing stuff like this behind my back saying their advice is ''bullshit'' when mine has been the exact same then you know what you just confirmed you don't value me as a friend. One day you will look back at all of this and you will understand what we meant all along and when that day comes I hope you realise how much love you've been receiving while you've been selfish and throwing away our help and advice for you because you'd rather act on your current feelings than take the time out to really soak in what we have been saying and truly change yourself.
When you come back don't you dare push me and everyone else over the edge when we've all been trying to help you. Sorry, I have to be tough with you this time if it's the only way I can get through to you. I will speak to you when you come back.Β 

Last edited by zionthecomedian (1/24/2017 4:59 pm)

I thank the universe for everything.

1/24/2017 4:58 pm  #78

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

Your problem is you don't listen.Β  I'm sorry but it's true.Β  People's advice goes in one ear and out the other or is written off.Β  If you wanted a shirt and couldn't manifest it, would you stand screaming and feeling like you couldn't be happy without it?Β  No,Β  you wouldn't. Your behavior is a symptom of someone that needs to work on self.Β  Were you screaming in your relationship?Β  You've GOT to change. There was something about you that she couldn't take another second of and will not.Β Β  So, change and let the new you be what she wants.Β 

People are going to run out of things to tell you.

The Universe is your playground.

1/24/2017 5:29 pm  #79

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

I think someone asked what was the reason for the break up. I would like to know also and how long were you together?


1/24/2017 5:47 pm  #80

Re: Positive vibes PLEASE [Update! Please help!]

Suzy wrote:

I think someone asked what was the reason for the break up. I would like to know also and how long were you together?

He answered. He said there was a misunderstanding and that things went downhill and got really bad.

The Universe is your playground.

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