โI get loads of questions from people on here and friends. I've answered some of them in another post but I feel I should answer them again for those who haven't seen it. Also, some of these questions might be what others are asking and are having trouble finding the answer.
I must point out that I am NOT an expert but I can help you with what I have learnt.
โQ: If I have a low day, have I ruined my chances of receiving my desire?
โA: No. It's normal to have low days. We are all human. If you're constantly feeling low though, your desire will take longer to manifest. When you're feeling low, do whatever you can to make yourself happy again. This forum is a big help Don't focus about your current negative feelings. Meditating is also really helpful at making you happy again. If you wake up feeling sad, don't panic, you haven't ruined your chances of receiving your desires. I know people tell you to be happy and that is important but when you notice you're feeling sad, down, negative, just do anything to raise your vibrations. If you've scripted, read over what you have scripted. That cheers me up all the time
โQ: Do you have to believe in God for LOA to work?
โA: No. The LOA is working all the time whether you realise it or not. You don't have to be religious to use it in order to receive your manifestations. You are always using it and you can still get what you desire if you believe in God or not.
โQ: What if there is more than one person trying to manifest a relationship with the same person as you? Does this lower my chances?
โA: We all know someone who has admirers queuing up to be with them. Some people are like that. If you are trying to manifest a relationship with someone and you know someone else is also hoping to be with that same person, you need to focus on the relationship YOU desire. Don't worry about anyone else. The relationship you desire will manifest if you only focus on you and them being together and not letting any energy go to the other person who is also trying to be with the same person as you. You could have an advantage, this other person may not have the knowledge of LOA. Doesn't mean they are not still using it bit because you know about it and are consciously using it, you will have a better chance of manifesting the relationship you desire. The desire goes to whoever focuses on it the most.
โQ: Why hasn't it happened yet?
โA: If you're asking this question, you're kind of answering it as well. If you're asking this question then you're focusing on your current reality. You're being impatient. The 'waiting game' shouldn't be a difficult process. You've asked for what you desire and all you need to do is KNOW THAT IT WILL HAPPEN. Don't worry about how long it's taking. The universe knows the right time to give you your desires. Good things come to those who wait. Once you've asked the universe for your desire, don't just do nothing. Go about your day as normal. Go out and enjoy life. Be happy. Give thanks that you have already received your desires. Be grateful for everything you have AND everything that is yet to come. If you've asked for a text from your ex, don't sit around staring at your phone waiting for it to ring. It doesn't work like that. Patience is key. I don't know many times I had to tell myself that but trust me, it's true.
โQ: How can I love myself?
โA: There are many, many ways you can love yourself. You can tell yourself you are a good person. Write down what you love about yourself. Compliment yourself. Treat yourself. Know your worth. Put yourself first. Being selfish isn't a crime. If someone tells you, you can't do something or have something you want, ignore that negative little **** and tell yourself you CAN do and have everything and anything you want. Don't let other people's opinions effect you. If someone is bringing you down, let that person live their miserable life alone and go out enjoy yours. You want to keep your vibrations as high as possible so distancing yourself from negative people is a way of loving yourself. You don't want negative individuals bringing you down to their sad pathetic level. Sound harsh? So what. State, ''This is MY life and I'm going to live it how I want to.''
โQ: If I miss a day of visualizing, does that mean I've ruined my chances of receiving my desires?
โA: No. Although visualization is important and it works best when it's done daily, missing one day isn't going to stop you from manifesting your desires. Try if you can to manifest daily. You don't have to spend hours and hours visualizing. Although to be honest, every time you have a thought, you're visualizing. But we're talking visualizing consciously. You can visualize consciously for as long as you want. This shouldn't seem boring or like a chore. It's suppose to fun. Commit yourself to whatever time suits you best And if you do miss a day for whatever reason, don't worry. You seriously think that you've blown all chances because you missed one day and now you will never receive your desires? Come on, you can always receive your desires
You wouldn't have the desire if you couldn't receive it
โQ: How long does my gratitude list have to be?
โA: There's no rule that says you need to include a certain number of things to be grateful for. It can be as long as you want. Mine is usually about 3 A4 pages long. Write at LEAST 10 things because you must have 10 or more things to be grateful for. Here's a list of what I write EVERYDAY
Law Of Attraction
Waking Up
Going to bed
My Life
Being Happy
Being Confident
โBe Beautiful
Being Alive
My Sight
โMy Hearing
My Taste Buds
โMy Sense Of Smell
My Speech
โMy Ability To Walk
โMy Ability To Write
My Ability To Visualize
โMy Thoughts
My Mind
My Friends
My Family
My Pets
โMy Social Life
โSocial Media
Clean Water
The Birds
The Sea
The Clouds
โReceiving My Desires (even if I'm yet to receive them)
........ Loves Me
....... Is Back In My Life
โ....... Only Has Eyes For Me
My Memory
โThere are so, so many things you can include. I usually start mine of in the morning and I add to it during the day. But you can write it whenever you want to.
โQ: I asked the universe to be back with my ex and he got with someone else. Why?
โA: This happened to me before I got back with my boyfriend (who was my ex) At first I was gutted but very quickly I got happy and looked at it as a sign. It was an obstacle. It wasn't real. Unwanted manifestations are in fact a sign that what you want is coming. So don't worry about the other girl. Carry on focusing on YOUR desire and it will come to you. People split up every day so don't worry about that relationship and be happy that you know your relationship will happen at the right time. Continue to visualize the relationship you desire.
โQ: How many times do I have to ask?
โA: Ask for each desire once. Then the universe knows what it is you desire and will go about it's way to give your desire. You still need to visualize, affirm and focus but you don't need to constantly ask/ If you keep asking, it will take longer to manifest because by asking for something you're telling the universe you're lacking. If you keep asking it shows you're impatient and that can also mean you're doubtful and not trusting the universe and this behaviour will slow down the process.
โWell I hope this hopes and I can always add questions if anyone else has anymore or you can message me. I try to get on here every day. I'm always happy to help as I love helping others. Remember, I'm not an expert I can only tell you what I know. Sending love and light to all and have a great day
Thank you so much for this post there are even some of my questions
I really appreciate you helping us to manifest our desires and encouraging us <3
Asking isn't something you have to do. It happens automatically through contrasting experiences.
Awesome! I would just like to point out something when it comes to question number three... It literally does not matter if someone else wants the same person you want. It's not something you have to fight against and there is no competition. You create your OWN reality, and they create theirs. So in their reality they could get the person, and in your reality you can get the person. You are the only one creating your reality, no one else.
I agree with your opinion..
sunny wrote:
Awesome! I would just like to point out something when it comes to question number three... It literally does not matter if someone else wants the same person you want. It's not something you have to fight against and there is no competition. You create your OWN reality, and they create theirs. So in their reality they could get the person, and in your reality you can get the person. You are the only one creating your reality, no one else.
Nice post but I think that universe dont knows the right time to give you your desire .I like Sanshi post
I can't tell you how wonderful I felt reading this. I was completely shattered yesterday. Reading this brought tears of relief to me. Thank you so much <3
amazing post, thank you for your helpย
Good post with a lot of information๐