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10/29/2016 3:44 pm  #1

He's back, but still struggling with long distance

Hi everyone!
I'll try to make the story short. My boyfriend and I started dating 3 and a half years ago. most of the time was long distance. In april he broke up and we almost had no contact after that. But it took me about 2 months to manifest him back. The reason he broke up with me was because he had a crisis and wasn't happy with his life so he wanted to figure out what he wanted. After 2 months - I had only focused on making myself happy - and that's when he asked me to get back together and said he missed me and stuff. I then went to his country for the summer. We had a great time but then my grandma died and because I was staying at my boyfriends house most of the time while he was at work I kind of got a little sad and lost motivation and we had a few little fights. But when I went back home everything was totally fine between me and my boyfriend.
But something that bothers me is that the first year of being a couple we used to talk for hours and hours everyday and since like a year, we hardly talk on the phone. I would love to talk everyday or at least a little more often and I told him. I know he likes to be alone sometimes and he kinda doesn't wanna cope with me being far away but come on. Since summer we usually have a 1 hour phone call every 2 weeks but even when we talk I feel like I'm the one asking or telling him stuff and he's quite uninterested. I also feel like he's being kind of a negative person these days and not making an effort in our relationship. Sometimes I have thoughts of breaking up because that situation doesn't make me happy, I wan't him to want to talk to me, to miss me and want to know about me if you know what I mean. However I know what relationship we used to have and while we are together he is still the guy I fell in love with. He is coming over on christmas/ new year but even though I will be happy once he is here, I'm not happy with our situation now. But I don't wanna give up on him. I want our relationship to be great as it used to be and I also wish to manifest us moving in together but I'm struggling with all that because right now our relationship is not in the place I want it to be.
I was hoping that maybe someone of you had a similar situation or just any kind of advice for me and other people who are experiencing something similar.
Thank you so much!
Lots of love to all of you and may your dreams come true!

If you want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it!
- Paulo Coelho

10/29/2016 4:41 pm  #2

Re: He's back, but still struggling with long distance

Hey love

First or all Congrats!!! Happy for you!!

Your story is a lot similar to mine. I can give you my "tricks" for when I was dealing with long distance if you want don't hesitate to reach out by pm!


2/02/2017 9:04 pm  #3

Re: He's back, but still struggling with long distance

How did the holidays turn out?


2/03/2017 6:02 pm  #4

Re: He's back, but still struggling with long distance

Hi Suzy!
The holidays turned out great! We were both so happy and I was also glad to be able to talk in person.
Now that he's far away again, although things have improved, I'm still not fully happy with the situation, mostly with him being rather distant and cold. I do realize that it's because he still isn't happy with his own situation and how things are going in his life. So I'm mainly focusing on myself and other areas of my life that make me happy, while hoping that my boyfriend will overcome his struggles and be in a happy place soon.

If you want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it!
- Paulo Coelho
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2/03/2017 10:30 pm  #5

Re: He's back, but still struggling with long distance

I'm happy to hear your holidays was great. Continue what you were doing and allow him to sort out his own stuff. He wants you in his life.


2/04/2017 4:11 am  #6

Re: He's back, but still struggling with long distance

yes, I'll do that And thank you!

If you want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it!
- Paulo Coelho
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