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9/05/2016 8:08 pm  #1

Someone please help me get out of this FUNK!

Hi Guys!

I haven't been here in a while, and man has so much occurred. Last time I wrote to you all, I told you that I was manifesting several things such as health, friends, (my ex's friends) and a positive attitude. Not sure what got into me this weekend BUT I've been feeling anxious.

I ran into my ex on the train this past week and I was SO happy. I was reading The Secret on the train and all of a sudden ( as I was saying affirmations in my head) I looked up and I saw him! I said hi to him and we talked and laughed and smiled and it felt great. I invited him out to meet up with a couple of friends ( we both have mutual friends ) and he said he would think about it. Turns out he ended up showing up - however with his own group of friends. We ended talking that same night ( yesterday) and it didn't go as planned. He repeated that he didn't " want to make it work" between us and that " he doesn't want to be in this relationship"... He expressed how he "likes me" but doesn't "love me" and that he has "lust" for me however he did mention he was "jealous" and was "curious" to know about how I was doing. 

??? .... ( this is me just feeling confused)...

I guess, my question to you guys is can I change this? Can I still manifest this man who I know is my soulmate? Can I still manifest this relationship with this specific person knowing he feels this way?

Maybe from the story I gave you all he sounds like a complete jerk, but he is not. He's an amazing man, with an amazing heart. I just don't know what to do anymore.

I was able to attract him twice, although it didn't go as planned and I don't want to "give up" although I know LOA is always on full effect.

All I need right now is some advice, and I know you all are amazing people who can help me out.

THANK YOU in advance!


9/05/2016 8:48 pm  #2

Re: Someone please help me get out of this FUNK!

Ok well you're clearly vibing well because you got his attention and he made an action for you, he showed up. So you were doing well until you decided, like in the story of Fred (check out the Abraham video) that you were going to jump the gun to your end result instead of living in the moment. So his reaction wasn't to you, it was to the situation! You were doing well, you were hooking him, but you pulled the line before he bit down haha. 
Don't worry, this is gonna be fine, you just need to chill now and if you need to send him a text or whatever to say it's all cool between you and that you're actually fine with what he said and sorry for bringing it up and stuff, that's ok. Don't dive too deep though.To attract someone you have to create an atmosphere. When Cleopatra wanted to attract Julius Ceasar, she didn't say 'Hey Julius, wanna sleep with me in return for giving me back my kingdom?' No, she smuggled herself into his room in a carpet dressed in her best dress and wore make up and carefully seduced him by making him feel safe and in charge. She knew the power of creating an atmosphere, of creating excitement, mystery, sex appeal, desire.... So you have to realise that words mean very little. People say they will stay with a person forever at their wedding and get divorced 6 months later. Words are meaningless, it's FEELING that matters. You need to make a person feel a certain good feeling when they're around you and you need to keep making them feel that feeling for as long as you want them in your life. Basically, he wasn't feeling you enough to say the words you want to hear, but he can... Just treat this whole thing as if you're beginning from scratch and you just met a guy you liked on a train and now you want to see him again. You want to get to know him. You want to talk to him, be around him, see who he is. You have to be the girl who he wants to be around. Ignore him saying he doesn't want a relationship and start to see what he does want and build and build. Maybe he wants to go running with you. Maybe he wants to see a movie with you. Maybe he wants to go to an art show with you .... you have to make him feel that he's safe, that if he accepts an invitation to hang out with you, you're not going to bring up heavy stuff. No one wants that. People also like to feel that they're in control, he wants to decide himself about being in a relationship with you and he doesn't want to feel coerced or convinced into it. You just need to attract him through feeling and positive energy. 

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

9/05/2016 8:52 pm  #3

Re: Someone please help me get out of this FUNK!

Also just to add, jealousy and curiosity are really good signs. You need to actually keep those alive by going out and doing things with your life. You are single, and he wants to know what you're like single. What kind of girl are you. Are you exciting, are you boring, are you intriguing, are you an open book. Even though people these days are saying how honesty is the best policy, that is only true when you are really in a relationship or becoming heavily involved with someone. When you're single, you don't need to answer to anyone ! And it's much better when you don't. If he says 'are you dating anyone?' you just shrug it off. He is not your boyfriend, he has no right to know personal things. If he says , 'what are you doing tonight' you just say 'oh just out' or 'some stuff' because again, unless you want to tell him, he is just a stranger and you don't owe him your life story. This will make him want to get closer to the place where he does get to know. 

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

9/05/2016 9:24 pm  #4

Re: Someone please help me get out of this FUNK!

Wow! First off can I just say I got chills reading your response! Second, just by seeing your username that in itself was anUNEXPECTED sign which I KNOW came from the universe too!! ( still in shock)

Thank you thank you thank you, for your words, it's like I attracted the right person to help me get out this FUNK! aha But you're completely right, I have to go out and enjoy life as I have been. It feels amazing and I know everyone feels my energy when I'm around because everyone who I've attracted are all fun and amazing friends and they all seem happy around me!

I am going to continue to attract my ex with my positivity and strong feelings!

Thank you once again! xo sending you love!

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9/06/2016 4:13 am  #5

Re: Someone please help me get out of this FUNK!

ShootingStar wrote:

Ignore him saying he doesn't want a relationship and start to see what he does want and build and build. Maybe he wants to go running with you. Maybe he wants to see a movie with you. Maybe he wants to go to an art show with you ....

ShootingStar, that's brilliant. Never thought about it that way, but it's true.

You didn't tell us why he talked about not wanting to be in a relationship with you, but you obviously ask. Why? You probably didn't trust that it would happen on its own, so you wanted to make it happen. But that's not how it works. Don't be in a rush, take your time. Is it really important in the long run, if he is back tomorrow, in a month or two? You aren't fully aligned with your desire yet and that's okay, but you can't compensate your missing alignment with action.

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

9/06/2016 7:28 pm  #6

Re: Someone please help me get out of this FUNK!

Yep Sanshi is very right, those who run fast, stumble 

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

9/06/2016 8:45 pm  #7

Re: Someone please help me get out of this FUNK!

Sanshi, you are correct, I did ask. Somehow we ended up talking about " the situation" and he answered my question by telling me he doesn't want to be in a relationship and "doesn't want to try". I was indeed not trusting the situation and instead forced it! However, I am feeling so much better today as I went over to YouTube and listened to Abrahams video on Fred! It's quiet funny - incase anyone else is having any "worries" it will help! 

I just have to let go and TRUST that it will happen.  It actually feels so much better now because before I was almost obsessed with this idea of getting him back and its not that I don't want him badly now, I DO (obviously) but now I know it's all about trusting, letting go and knowing it will happen.

Thank you for your advice Sanshi! xo Sending you lots of love.

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