It's 6am and I'm getting ready for work but I just got this overwhelming feeling of negativity. The past week I've been feeling so good! Loving life and not letting things bother me. But today is different. My ex once and awhile would come over to spend the night (although I know there is someone else in his life but he never admits they are serious or actually boyfriend and girlfriend) he told me he would come over Thursday night....I feel good when he comes over because I know he isn't spending the night with that other female. But Thursday night came around and he texted me saying he's exhausted he had a long day at work and he's already relaxed at his house and he works the next day. I didn't make it a big deal like I normally would and said okay that fine, goodnight. Then he texted back saying lets do lunch Saturday. So today (Saturday) when I woke up I just started thinking why couldn't he come over last night? (Friday) He doesn't work Saturday's so he could have slept in....then I started thinking his new female must spend the night with him on weekends. I feel really bad right now that I want to bring it up when I see him not in a aggressive kind of way but to let him know how I feel. I don't know what to do!
He is your ex, so it's none of your business. He can spend his night with whomever he wants. That's a great opportunity to practice to concentrate on yourself.
Don't bring it up at all. Just act cool and calm even if it kills you. And it won't. Make a list of positive topics you can talk to him about instead.
Just ignore what he's up to, who he's hanging out with etc. For the time being, just be friendly and detached when you see him, don't show him how you feel and work on 'healing' your own emotions through meditation and self love and send him love and visualise how you see you two together and try RS out that feels right. Write your new story about your relationship with him.
Even I used to fear seeing my love with someone else. The more I worried the more I saw witness of it. It got worst at one point.. Since that say I deleted his contact, unfollowed fb.. I feel so much peace since that day.. I healed a lot during this time. I would suggest you to just let it go because at the end he has to come to you only.. He is yours.. Just don't rush it. You will attract more of things which you thinking so why not think a beautiful relationship with your love. It is asked and given.. Live it now
Sanshi wrote:
He is your ex, so it's none of your business. He can spend his night with whomever he wants. That's a great opportunity to practice to concentrate on yourself.
You are so right! Thank you for being honest and not sugar coating anything. I needed that
Sanshi was blunt but to the point and correct. To throw into the mix; this is my own interpretation and granted, what I would do isn't necessarily what others would do, but do you think sleeping with a guy who is also sleeping with other(s) enhances your vibration? Be sure you aren't doing it to "keep" him.
I remember a song that went "I've thought about it and I'd rather have a piece of you than all of nothing". It's not that self honouring. Don't settle for less than the best. That's what you deserve and what others will respond to.
Keep acting as if you're phenomenal because you are!
Neolove2 wrote:
It's 6am and I'm getting ready for work but I just got this overwhelming feeling of negativity. The past week I've been feeling so good! Loving life and not letting things bother me. But today is different. My ex once and awhile would come over to spend the night (although I know there is someone else in his life but he never admits they are serious or actually boyfriend and girlfriend) he told me he would come over Thursday night....I feel good when he comes over because I know he isn't spending the night with that other female. But Thursday night came around and he texted me saying he's exhausted he had a long day at work and he's already relaxed at his house and he works the next day. I didn't make it a big deal like I normally would and said okay that fine, goodnight. Then he texted back saying lets do lunch Saturday. So today (Saturday) when I woke up I just started thinking why couldn't he come over last night? (Friday) He doesn't work Saturday's so he could have slept in....then I started thinking his new female must spend the night with him on weekends. I feel really bad right now that I want to bring it up when I see him
not in a aggressive kind of way but to let him know how I feel. I don't know what to do!
Please don't dwell on situations that are at this point out of your control Instead use the time to visualize him with you act as if and yes look your best when you are with him be happy send him loving peaceful thoughts don't sit at lunch worried obsessed fretting instead live in the moment if you sit alone visualizing situations that cause you angst you will get them block that stuff out of you mind watch a funny movie read a funny book call an understanding girlfriend and go out for ice cream or something Remember our words become things and joy will bring joy
ChaliceSnowFlower wrote:
Don't bring it up at all. Just act cool and calm even if it kills you. And it won't. Make a list of positive topics you can talk to him about instead.
You are absolutely right and I did just that! Thank you so much!
barbidoll wrote:
Neolove2 wrote:
It's 6am and I'm getting ready for work but I just got this overwhelming feeling of negativity. The past week I've been feeling so good! Loving life and not letting things bother me. But today is different. My ex once and awhile would come over to spend the night (although I know there is someone else in his life but he never admits they are serious or actually boyfriend and girlfriend) he told me he would come over Thursday night....I feel good when he comes over because I know he isn't spending the night with that other female. But Thursday night came around and he texted me saying he's exhausted he had a long day at work and he's already relaxed at his house and he works the next day. I didn't make it a big deal like I normally would and said okay that fine, goodnight. Then he texted back saying lets do lunch Saturday. So today (Saturday) when I woke up I just started thinking why couldn't he come over last night? (Friday) He doesn't work Saturday's so he could have slept in....then I started thinking his new female must spend the night with him on weekends. I feel really bad right now that I want to bring it up when I see him
not in a aggressive kind of way but to let him know how I feel. I don't know what to do!
Please don't dwell on situations that are at this point out of your control Instead use the time to visualize him with you act as if and yes look your best when you are with him be happy send him loving peaceful thoughts don't sit at lunch worried obsessed fretting instead live in the moment if you sit alone visualizing situations that cause you angst you will get them block that stuff out of you mind watch a funny movie read a funny book call an understanding girlfriend and go out for ice cream or something Remember our words become things and joy will bring joy
That you so much for your advice and wisdom. You made me feel better! I truly appreciate it