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7/02/2016 1:59 pm  #11

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

iinikkii wrote:

Craigd88 wrote:

iinikkii wrote:

And I agree with you as far as this being hyped up as some sort of magical practice that give you control over everything and everyone that walks the planet. I agree. I don't want to control my guy. That IS NOT what I want. I DO love him, and I think the world of him. But with saying that.. Everytime I've tried to rs or anything remotely close, I have had the tug on my heart telling me that this is not right. I either love him or I don't.. And if I do, trying to control him with "mind control" is a pretty crappy way of trying to prove to myself, him or "God"/"universe" that I do really in fact love him. I don't want to control the world, that is WAYYY too much responsibility, that I know isn't supposed to be resting on my shoulders. BUT at the same time.. I would like the opportunity to be able to chose for myself. I would like another chance.. And I've prayed to God way too much to even count.

That's much better   Listen to your inside. It's usually right.

I think we all would like another chance, but is it really for our best interest or better yet: their best interest? If you love him as you say, what if another woman gives him all he needs and is truly better for him. Would you want that for him?

I tend to look at life through a window instead of a mirror. Putting others before yourself is so much more satisfying that being concerned with only yourself and being narcissistic.

Treat others how you want to be treated. The best way to live.

Dude, I get what you are getting at. I really do. That doesn't change anything for me tho. I still want my guy back. I still want the opportunity. Ain't no other woman alive able to give him more or better for him than I am and can. PERIOD.

But I'm trying to get you to realize that is a super selfish way to live. Not only that, wanting someone back who doesn't want you is NOT love. It's attachment.

It's like forcing a puppy to stay in your lap when it wants to go somewhere else.

Get over your ex, move on and you will thank me later. I promise. But whatever, you will learn one way or the other lol.

Thoughts become things.

7/02/2016 2:01 pm  #12

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

Thanks dude.. But no thanks. I do love him.. And I don't need you playing "God" and telling me that I don't. If you don't have any uplifting/encouragement, please refrain from responding.

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7/02/2016 2:04 pm  #13

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

And I think your on the wrong forum if this is the advice you are gonna give out.. When I first posted this thread, yah I was feeling a little down, and frustrated... But now.. You've got me freling like my situation is hopeless. And I do not appreciate that. If I wanted on the street advice.. I would go ask my neighbor. So.. Yah. Maybe you should think about why exactly you are here on aTHIS forum.. Because honestly.. You've done more harm than help! And I say that in the most loving way I can. You can go do what you do with "God".. I'm not interested.

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7/02/2016 3:15 pm  #14

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

iinikkii wrote:

Craigd88 wrote:

Stepping away will work wonders for you. I did it and I was so glad I did. Also, just because people say things on this forum doesn't mean they are true.

People do not reflect your vibe contrary to what most ardent New Agers believe here. There is not a shred of evidence that people are a direct reflection of your internal beliefs. They have oversimplified reality and have severely distorted the law of attraction. Other people are just as real as you are.

It's the whole "if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around, does it still make a sound?". Of course it does.

In fact the "law" of attraction should not even be considered a law. Gravity is a law, even evolution is a "theory". At best the "law" of attraction should be called the "theory of attraction". I would call it a hypothesis myself. It's so internal that it's hard to "prove" it in a scientific sense.

Develop self confidence and self esteem, pretty yourself up, and hit the gym. You will then see that YOU create what you want with respect to YOU by your thoughts that LEAD to actions. The actions change your reality. Sure prayer, feeling good, and thinking positive do help and can change the world around you but I'm a firm believer that we aren'the Jedi Knights influencing people or things with our mind. Plus, who want to carry such a burden of trying to make your own life good? I'd much rather go with the flow and just enjoy life without worrying about a so called vibration. Idk about some of you, but trying to control your own life is a nightmare. I'd rather rely on God for my strength and well being.

Practicality over New Age BS anyday for me. People disagree with me but that's fine. Enjoy your life and work hard for what you want. Leave that ex behind in your past and create a beautiful future for yourself.

I believe in LOA.. I've seen it in action, I know that it is as real as gravity. I just think it's presented in a way that makes it sound GAURANTEED and easy. Like.. If you do this, this, and this, you will get your desire.. And if you don't get your desire then it's your fault because you're doing something wrong, you don't have enough faith:belief etc. I mean cmon!! Sometimes I feel like I would have been better off, and would ALREADY have my guy back had I not run into to learning about LOA. I've got him back before, and I knew nothing of LOA. NOTHING.. I'm tired of blaming myself and feeling at fault because I'm not perfect and bc I haven't mastered the LOA life. Either the "universe" will bring me my desire or not. And if I have to be 100% perfect in order for it to do so.. Then that's pretty screwed up. You're right, I am human, with feelings and emotions. I have faults and struggle with some things more than others. even my ex didn't require me to be perfect 100% of the time.
I've done my part, I've talked my self off the edge, I've done the work, I've evolved into the best version of me I HAVE EVER been.. And yet it still doesn't seem to be good enough. So what? No manifestation for me? It's heartbreaking.. And even more heartbreaking to feel like I've had wool pulled over my eyes in hope that THIS will bring him back.

It is not to be perfect, it is to accept all that you are. All of your faults and imperfections, accept that you are human. When you do that all that was blocking your path will vanish. You do not have to be perfect to master anything, that is unrealistic.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

7/02/2016 4:43 pm  #15

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

"While I still miss him. I don't want to give up, I want to push forward"

You have ******* nailed it. While I might not come across as the most sensitive person on these forums - because I've been there and done it all and really do believe in tough love - you have absolutely just nailed what I have been trying to get across to you. I'm sorry we didn't see eye to eye. But the UNIVERSE WILL NOT FORGET YOUR DESIRE. Moving on is NOT giving up. It's not about forcing yourself to stop missing that person or stopping loving them deep in your heart. It's about not letting the LONGING for them control your life anymore or stop you from pursuing BETTER opportunities when they come along. And I can guarantee you if you PUSH FORWARD you WILL get yourself into a place of not giving a ****! But you deserve to look after yourself! Because your ex is no better than you or anyone else for that matter, so take him off that damn pedestal!

And say when he does come back, you will be in such a fantastic place that it will be YOUR choice as to wether you even want him back or not, because regardless of him you WILL be happy! And he does not define your happiness. At all.

I'm not contradicting what other people are saying at all. I am in the process of (successfully ) manifesting my ex back for a SECOND time (but as a better person this time, learn from your mistakes lol). Of course I love him, and want him deep in my heart. The universe knows it. Does that mean I am denied the right for happiness elsewhere? Absolutely not, because I am bomb and deserve to make the most of my life while he's on his way back to me. and it'll all be in MY hands, not his, when he returns. Simple as that!

I hope you don't leave the forums and you're welcome to hit me up over PM if you like!

Last edited by Em (7/02/2016 5:04 pm)


7/02/2016 4:49 pm  #16

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

Craig, while I appreciate what you are saying. If you're a true practitioner of LOA you'd be aware that we are totally able to create whatever we want to create. That includes having your ex back regardless of who they're with, or what they say at the time. Been there, done that. Even more so if you believe in parapsychology. I've been told I wasn't wanted or loved, even wished dead by an ex before, but you can still change all of that. I still manifested him back and had him take all of those things back. It's not selfish. It's in our power and we control our own realities.

But the point is, while all of this is going on, it's still healthier to just get the **** up and enjoy your life to the max instead of moping around over the outcome. It will not happen if you do that. But it can, if you believe and just let it go! Be open to accepting better things! I was tempted to say "forget about it" but I understand that's near impossible for most of us. We don't forget. I don't forget about my ex either when I'm out and about having a blast or partying with my girlfriends or dating other guys or whatever. My point is, your desire can't be your source of happiness for it to even manifest. Bottom line.

I'm not somehow "betraying" my desire by having a damn good time without it, lol!

Last edited by Em (7/02/2016 5:21 pm)


7/02/2016 4:58 pm  #17

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

I really like your post, Em. You are so right.

I agree with Craig to an extent - I have trouble believing in the "channelling" and I think that is nonsense, but I wholeheartedly believe in LOA. Β That is because I have unwavering evidence of it happening in my life circumstances before I had ever heard of it, the Secret, or anything similar.Β 

Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

7/02/2016 6:21 pm  #18

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

First of all, I really hate it when people try to tell other people that LoA is bs. It's hard enough for people who are new to all of this to believe it. A few months back, posts like Craigs put me down completely. I don't get what Abraham has to do with LoA. LoA is real. It's not only human psychology with a fancy name. It IS magic. I don't say that, because I listened to Abraham. I say that because, I see it work in my life every single day. It has nothing to do with logic. Things fall into place like magic. I have seen people changing their behaviour completely after I changed my thoughts about them. So everybody who feels encouraged by reading through this thread: DON'T LISTEN! It's bs that LoA is bs.

iinikkii, if you feel like taking a break or leaving completely, do it. It's not a decision that is irreversible. You can come back anytime you want. I understand how you feel right now. After a few months on this journey, I felt that it would be better for me not to know about LoA. It makes it hard to really let go of the relationship and heal. You say you did all the work. Did it feel like work? I guess, else you would have put it differently. I think when it comes to LoA, if it feels like work it's a clear sign that you are heading in the wrong direction. Doing something to make it happen never works, at least not for me. And that's the hardest thing about getting an ex back. How can you be playful with it, when you care so much? A lot of strengh is required and that can be damn hard at times.
Sometimes, taking a step back really is beneficial. Maybe not to get your desire, but to feel free. You sound very frustrated and that's definitely not a good place to be. I think Em is right and it would be good for you to not give a **** anymore, at least for a while until you feel stronger. No matter what your decision is, everyone here is there to help and encourage you.

Last edited by Sanshi (7/02/2016 6:21 pm)

"Self-abandonment. That is the secret. We have to abandon ourselves to the state, in our love for the state, and in so doing live the life of the state and no more our present state. And to make the state alive, one must become it."

Neville Goddard ~ The Law and the Promise

7/02/2016 6:49 pm  #19

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

The thing I find to be paramount to this discussion is the following.. 
Once you come to learn about and utilise LOA in your life,  it's something you can't unlearn. 
What you CAN do is take a break and try to reset your vibe to a more neutral place.  You can also stop being so specific with your desires and simply trust that with love and good intention you will certainly draw to you what is for your highest good.

If you believe in God, or Buddha, or Yoda, or whomever as a higher power, then continue to follow that. If it feels true in your heart of hearts, follow that path in faith.

If you have done enough vibrational work to understand that we do live in a vibrational universe and you are the creator of your own reality, then stick around and learn to release resistance. Because resistance is what stands in the way of you and your desires.

Make no mistake- this is not about controlling someone against their will. People suggesting this are vibrationally out of whack- and I can assure you that from a higher vibrational stsndoint, your intentions come from a place of complete love and harmony. 

It's entirely up to you, but please don't beat yourself up- this is not about failing. I don't even understand how you could call this a fail as you have highlighted how substantially your like has improved since coming to understand LOA.

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

7/02/2016 9:30 pm  #20

Re: Thinking maybe.. A bid farewell..

What do you mean when you say "for your highest good"   I'm just exhausted, trying and trying and trying.. I guess it just sounds a whole lot easier, than it really is. I thought for sure I would have him back by now

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