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6/02/2016 1:27 pm  #1

Attracting ex back in 25vdays vs. 25 day challenge? PLEASE HELP!!

I have recently broken up with my ex and realized I made the biggest mistake ever. He however will not speak to me and blocked me on social media expect for snap chat, does this mean he still care or is still worried about what Im doing? I have just finished reading "getting ex back in 25 days" now do I have to read the 25 day challenge I have wrote out my desires from a previous book and wrote out my visualization and Β I was told to read out y visualization morning and night out loud. I have also started the process of making myself happy and trying not to give in to being depressed or worrying about him. It is very difficult I was just wondering If i am heading down the right track with manifesting him back and do I have to read the 25 day challenge and follow those steps as well?Β 


6/02/2016 2:18 pm  #2

Re: Attracting ex back in 25vdays vs. 25 day challenge? PLEASE HELP!!

whatever u r doing just believe in it...remember u can never b wrong..

We are together , Always and ForeverΒ 

6/02/2016 3:36 pm  #3

Re: Attracting ex back in 25vdays vs. 25 day challenge? PLEASE HELP!!

I have found that you should never worry weather you are doing anything right or wrong as long as you feel right whilst doing it. I script when I feel great and give it my all, when I feel low or have negatives on my mind I keep away from it. Its the same when visualizing or sending love or Lanie's method. Just think to yourself that you KNOW that it is working.Β 

Have no fear - just let go of it and become strong mentally!! And believe that whatever you do is working and you are on the right path to reuniting. No matter what is currently happening. This can take time though. I get the odd fear throughout the day but get rid of it as fast I can.

I know having no fear is not easy, we were all brought up to have fear from the moment we were born. Just think to yourself, whats the worst that could happen? Your alive now without you ex in your life. That is the biggest gift of all. You should only ever rely on yourself to make you happy. If you get back together then it is a bonus!!Β 

Focus on yourself, swap negative thoughts for positive ones as soon as you can in any way you can.Β 

Most of all, simply love yourself!!! do anything and everything to make you happy while you are not together. Prove to yourself that you can live happily by yourself.Β 

Feel free to PM me but this is how I see everything. And I am stronger then ever now. And happy on my own. I KNOW that good things are coming to me. It is a great feeling. Β 

Hope this helped.Β 


6/02/2016 6:32 pm  #4

Re: Attracting ex back in 25vdays vs. 25 day challenge? PLEASE HELP!!

Have faith in what you're doing. I have both, and the 25 day challenge gave me some structure whenever I was thinking "what should I be doing?"

True forgiveness is accepting the apology you have not yet received.Β 

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