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5/26/2016 8:44 pm  #1

The Giver Strikes Back

Hey everybody,
So I was pretty active on this forum a few months ago, but decided to take a break (which I’ll get to more later).
If you aren’t familiar with my story go back and read my posts. Basically I wanted to attract a guy I had been seeing for a few months and when things fell apart I turned to LOA.
And I’m here to say that LOA has completely changed my life.
After things fell apart I was needy, desperate, depressed, blah blah blah. And when I look at myself now, I am a COMPLETELY different person.
I haven’t attracted my person back, but LOA has seriously given me so much more than I ever would’ve imagined having a year ago.
About a month ago I finally finished the novel I was working on and it felt great! I had worked on it for so long and there were times I really struggled just to write. I was so upset about my person and just life in general that I couldn’t push myself to write. I procrastinated, I made excuses, I couldn’t focus, I got distracted. Writing was supposed to be my number one and instead it was like number ten or eleven. All this other stupid **** got in the way.
But finally a few months ago I buckled down and just lost myself again in my book. I fell in love with writing and the creative way of the world again. It was amazing!
I stopped reading up about LOA all the time.            As important as it is to continue engaging with the vast wealth of knowledge and LOA practitioners out there, it does reach a point where you get obsessive. At least I did. And you have to just take a step back and start practicing instead of reading up and theorizing. I remember the days I couldn’t get through a single day without reading up something LOA-related. Now I go weeks forgetting to check back on this forum.
Again, not putting down this forum, I just was getting too obsessive and needed to remove myself for a little to clear my head. Now depressive thoughts about person don’t rule my life, and neither do obsessive ones about LOA.
I’ve made a complete 180 and it’s all thanks to LOA and so many great people I’ve met on this forum. In addition to finishing my book, I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I’m a master of my thoughts, calmer, sharper, and more creative than I’ve ever been. It’s like my brain was jump-started. No longer do I fear waking up in the morning because of all the thoughts that are going to plague me.
This time last year I was on five pills. Now I’m on zero.
I used to be so neurotic and weird when it came to dating. I’d never feel good enough, or obsess and sulk. Now I have a whole buffet of guys and girls lining up to be with me. It’s freaking insane!
I hang out with friends all the time. I go out and have fun. I’m always going on dates. I’ve met so many incredible people. Literally, no longer do I feel like “nobody’s out there”. There’s so many great people out there you just have to have the right mindset to attract them.
I don’t care anymore if my person comes back or not. Why would I when I have so many wonderful things to focus on now? I’m not going to focus on one person who treated me bad when I literally have legions of people I can now attract into my life. I have choices and options and it feels incredible!
I don’t really have any techniques that helped me other than the ones that thousands of others have posted about on these forums. Just have patience with yourself and things will work out.
Maybe this isn’t the typical success story of “ex back” but who cares—why be mad about that when I’m feeling so great and attracting all these awesome things into my life? Not every day is perfect, I still have setbacks, but overall things are grand.
Just want to say that I’ll be around the forum a little more now, to help out whenever I can. But to anyone reading this: you CAN do this. You CAN be happy on your own. Getting your specific person back is great and all, but getting yourself back is even better.
And thank you to everyone on this great forum who has helped me out along the way. Big things are to come for us all!


5/26/2016 9:55 pm  #2

Re: The Giver Strikes Back

Hi honey!! So so happy to read this, I'm really proud of you! 😘👏🏼

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand 💞 

5/27/2016 5:03 pm  #3

Re: The Giver Strikes Back

Hiii 👋🏻
That's great to hear giver!!

Last edited by Bellecat (5/27/2016 5:03 pm)


5/27/2016 7:30 pm  #4

Re: The Giver Strikes Back

If I could give this a billion thank yous I would haha. Great success story!

I do have some questions:

1. What helped you the most to get your groove back in writing? What kind of thoughts kept you going when you didn't feel like it or felt like procrastinating? Was it also about being patient and just sticking to it?

2. What activities or thought-patterns helped you clear up neurosis and get off the pills? Was depression part of your neurosis? If so, what do you think healed your depression?



5/27/2016 8:00 pm  #5

Re: The Giver Strikes Back

Colonel Roosevelt wrote:

If I could give this a billion thank yous I would haha. Great success story!

I do have some questions:

1. What helped you the most to get your groove back in writing? What kind of thoughts kept you going when you didn't feel like it or felt like procrastinating? Was it also about being patient and just sticking to it?

2. What activities or thought-patterns helped you clear up neurosis and get off the pills? Was depression part of your neurosis? If so, what do you think healed your depression?


Great questions Colonel!! 👏🏻👏🏻


5/28/2016 11:26 am  #6

Re: The Giver Strikes Back

I'm really happy for you and everything you said is awesome :D just a bit confused as to why your specific person hasn't popped up yet? Do you think you changed your desire or something? Or would you say he still will come along ? Do you have any doubts about that? Just curious because the formula should work and im just wondering why it hasn't I'm your case. Do you even want him anymore or are you over him do you think?

'What We Think, We Become' -Buddha

5/31/2016 8:32 pm  #7

Re: The Giver Strikes Back

Colonel Roosevelt wrote:

If I could give this a billion thank yous I would haha. Great success story!

I do have some questions:

1. What helped you the most to get your groove back in writing? What kind of thoughts kept you going when you didn't feel like it or felt like procrastinating? Was it also about being patient and just sticking to it?

2. What activities or thought-patterns helped you clear up neurosis and get off the pills? Was depression part of your neurosis? If so, what do you think healed your depression?


1. Humans are creatures of habit and as with everything LOA-related it involved repetition and being persistent even when I stumbled.
My writing is tied so tightly to my happiness. I can be happy when I’m not writing, don’t get me wrong, but writing is still such a strong generator of happiness for me.
What helped me the most in getting my groove back was going back to the way writing made me feel when I was young: happy and free, and like everything in the world was new and alive. Music helped (one day you posted that song “Let Go”, which is awesome). I had to keep reminding myself of that feeling and just keep trying to replicate it again and again.
Writing is my passion, my essence, my life. Not working on my book because I was so depressed over my person just made me feel even more depressed. So reminding myself of my obligation to my writing helped. I tried not to be too hard on myself, but I knew this needed to get done and that really motivated me.
Whenever you’re stuck I just suggest going back and reminding yourself both why you fell in love with writing in the first place, and why you need it for your future.
Being patient and sticking to it is a big part as well. Writing is my dream, so I just kept imagining the feeling I’d have when the book was finished, and what it would feel like to be successful with my writing and that drove me. When I say “successful” I don’t mean the fame and the fortune or anything, I mean writing a successful story. You reach a certain point where you just get obsessed with what you’re writing and that takes over and you channel all your pain into that and then you don’t even have mental time or space to worry about anything else anymore. It’s a great feeling!
I certainly procrastinated here and there, but I just kept reminding myself why this was all worth it. Believe me, you’ll get in a groove and you’ll be fine!
2. There was a LOT involved in this.
Meditation helped a bunch in learning when to just let thoughts go that don’t suit you.
Affirmations helped me to focus more on the positive things in my life. So did writing.
Depression was part of my neurosis and I’d say my creative writing healed it. Realizing that I had a purpose in my life.
But also just telling myself a new story. Just realizing all the power I had and that my thoughts were strong enough to save me.
It’s always always ALWAYS about re-writing a new story for yourself. That was key and it’s what separates the boys from the men, so they say. People hear about LOA and scoff at it because they’re too set in their ways. They’re so used to being the way they are, they don’t realize they have the power to change. They have the power, it’s hard, but it IS possible.
Just keep reminding yourself of that!

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5/31/2016 8:35 pm  #8

Re: The Giver Strikes Back

ShootingStar wrote:

I'm really happy for you and everything you said is awesome :D just a bit confused as to why your specific person hasn't popped up yet? Do you think you changed your desire or something? Or would you say he still will come along ? Do you have any doubts about that? Just curious because the formula should work and im just wondering why it hasn't I'm your case. Do you even want him anymore or are you over him do you think?

I don't know if I have a good answer to this. Even though I've made great progress, there are still things in my vibration I'm cleaning up (it's only been a few months after all) so maybe that's why. I've always had a feeling our story isn't over, so I have no doubt he'll pop again in some way. It no longer matters to me how or when-- or even if we end up together again. It's not that I don't want him, he's just not my main focus anymore.I'm excited for what the future holds--maybe he's in it, maybe he isn't. All I know is that my happiness is in my future and that's all that counts!

Last edited by TheGiver (5/31/2016 8:36 pm)

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5/31/2016 8:43 pm  #9

Re: The Giver Strikes Back



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