Wow, in total shock (in a good way). Saw a hot young waiter a number of weeks ago, nearly a month. Super cute and sweet. I got a photo with him. My friend said "Oh he is too hot, out of your league". I resisted that negative assertion. I found the guy on Facebook and added him and send him a nice message. He did NOT accept nor did he click "seen" on my message. I really fell for him big time. After his ignoring my message and rejecting the FB friend request, I guessed that he wasn't interested or viewed me as soon loon, after all I don't really know him nor do we have any friends in common, just a hot waiter....nearly a stranger. A number of weeks went by. I decided to take Veronica's video to heart and do visualization and using Neville's techniques. In the back of my mind I realized (just like I tend to do and many others) the more time goes by when I first ignore or reject a FB request or message, the less likely I am to revisit it and add the person or respond, even for practical reasons since more people are messaging and the original message simply moves down. So for about two weeks I daily visualized that he has "seen" my message (like how it shows a "seen" or check mark when seen). I concentrated well and saw in my mind the "seen" check mark. After the two weeks, he saw my message after initially ignoring it for weeks. And then another week later after that I then visualized daily (as in the video) he icon and everything of him Accepting my friend request and I visualized my name and his name "are now friends". I went to church today, prayed, visualized, came home and BAM.................the red flag was up, after all these weeks it said "we are now friends" . It worked and came about exactly how I visualized. So happy and also very amazed.
Easy peasy, huh 👏🏼🌠
You say easy peasy. When I first bought all these books and watched all these videos and stuff, I did get the impression that there are so many competing views etc. Like some say No you cannot manifest specific person, others yes. Too much infighting intellectually. After reading books by Neville and Joseph Murphy, it sounded simply enough, but I just needed to get in the mode of receiving and believing, being confident etc. I read Norman Vincent Peale's book Confidence and he said "why worry when you can pray (or visualize)". After lots of practice and persisting, I got myself in a good place. Bam, so happy right now. So you say easy peasy, now I can agree it is easy peasy, way more easy peasy than I had first thought.
The only limitations you have are the limitations imposed by yourself. Nothing else stands in the way of what you are wanting. Ever.
Congrats!! This is awesome!!
So you said he rejected your friend request at first?
So did he end up sending you one back, or did it somehow say "______ and you are now friends!", without adding him, first?
I am pretty darn sure he either rejected it or "ignored" it, as in clicked delete (I know cuz i do the same thing lol). So weeks went by and that means he would have had some "reason" to go back through it to accept. That leads me to believe it was not "chance", cuz you gotta be intentional about going back. The amazing thing is that it happened exactly how I imagined it, even down to the day, Sunday.
That's awesome!! - But if he rejected or deleted it, you'd have to send him another for him to accept, or vise versa, however... Maybe he just ignored it for a while, then went back to it and clicked "confirm"?
But congrats
Yeah I am not totally sure, but it took nearly two weeks, so even if he ignored it, he eventually thought about it and went back in and accepted it. So I am happy,.