No amount of believing makes it true. My ex is a mind ******* asshole. Who will come back just to give me hope only to tear it back down. I quit people.I can believe in them all I want and nothing good comes of it. Loa is just like every other bullshit religion making you believe you're doing something wrong. I'm done. Have a nice life pining after people who don't deserve it.
I'm sorry you are so angry today. I've been there. As a matter of fact, I was there a few weeks ago. LOA is not a religion. It's a way to change your life for the better by changing your thoughts. What I have found, is every asshole person I have had in my past is because subconsciously, I felt I didn't deserve anything better. Have you ever done any work on YOU? to find out why you attract people that aren't good for/to you? You can heal your life by Louise Hay brought a lot of stuff up for me. I hope you find some peace and dont give up.