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1/28/2016 2:28 pm  #21

Re: How I attracted back my.......

I really had a good laugh on the line "the cat not the lady"!! Ha ha ha!!
Respect and love to you Cherised!
I am attracting back my CAT too! Lol!! My love too!!
Can you please make a routine for me and everyone as to what to follow in order to get back? I mean in a day what should we do ?

Last edited by LoveIsGod (1/28/2016 2:47 pm)


1/28/2016 3:07 pm  #22

Re: How I attracted back my.......

ok i was just thinking about this but i think i somehow manifested my dog a while back. I wanted a dog to name Waffles and he had to look like a particular color for it to make sense. I finally found a dog that it fits...idk i guess to me it sounds like a manifestation?


1/28/2016 3:20 pm  #23

Re: How I attracted back my.......

Everything is a manifestation!

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 
     Thread Starter

1/28/2016 4:34 pm  #24

Re: How I attracted back my.......

True I am trying to believe tell myself i have manifested things


1/28/2016 5:53 pm  #25

Re: How I attracted back my.......

We are truely the creator. How come life be difficult if we know what is wrong in our lives and how to correct them.


1/31/2016 12:11 am  #26

Re: How I attracted back my.......

Cherished wrote:

CAT! 😻
Don't roll your eyes, stay with me! There's lots of valuable LOA tidbits sprinkled amongst my experiment here!

Long story short- went away for 2 months. Lady next door minded my cat. Who I love and adore beyond measure (the cat, not the lady). Upon my return, I set up his biscuits, bought ridiculously expensive tins of food, I got him a new toy, and set out to bring him back home..... Only... He was totally pissed. He came to visit.. But he quickly ate the food, grabbed the toy in his mouth and buggered off back next door. He'd replaced me!

I was totally dismayed for 2 months. First week I grabbed him and locked him in. He got really mad. So I let him go, realising that it was at the unrequited love stage. I became angry and bitter. I even gave him the finger as I drove by each day and saw him in the garden having fun without me. Mature, I know. Weeks went by. He ignored me. I'm certain he'd have blocked me on social media if he could have. And I was definitely now stalking him. He went out of the house to pee at 6pm each night. And was always chasing bugs at 7am. I did try to force a reunion, only to be met with aloof, rather obnoxious body language, and no effort on his part to communicate.

Enter LOA. It suddenly dawned on me! Actually, it took 3 months to dawn on me lol. But that's ok, I forgave myself, and forged ahead! If we can attract anything we want to us, then why not my cat?!

Mission- cat back in 30 days.
Method: LOA of course!

Here's what I was doing wrong. I was trying to force him into coming home. My thoughts were sitting at jealousy, anger, hostility.. Not conducive to attracting anything other than...... yup- jealousy, anger and more hostility!

I spent a day changing my mindset. He's a cat. I went away and basically left him. It's not his fault he found a new friend. But history needed to be deleted, and the story reframed!

New Story:
He was my adorable, loving cat, who ran up to greet me each day. Who always snuggled in the chair beside me, and who's loud purring could catapult me straight into the vortex! He was big and cuddly, and super fluffy, with the biggest Amber coloured eyes you've ever seen. He looked so gorgeous chasing butterflies in the garden, and he was the loveliest cat you could ever want.

I began to appreciate him from afar. Sent him happy vibes. Waved. Sent him loving energy. And actually, animals are very sensitive to our energy. That's why dogs are often aggressive with some people, and it's why cats are notorious for loving people that basically ignore them! I had to learn to love him UNCONDITIONALLY! And so I did. After a while, I truly felt differently about my cat! I really didn't care if he came to my house, but when I DID see him around, I was so genuinely happy and excited that I couldn't wipe that smile off my face.

The next week I was happily laying in bed doing my gratitude journal. Thanking the universe for all the amazing things in my life.. And then I heard it........ The CAT DOOR!! My heart was racing, and I didn't know what to do! Should I run and try to grab him and hold onto him for dear life?! Should I be aloof and ignore him? 😜 NO! I SHOULD TREAT HIM WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, regardless of how he behaves! So I met him at his cat bowl, said "hello beautiful cat, it's so lovely to see you!" I gave him a quick cuddle and retreated back to my room. Next night, same thing. And the next. As time went by (quickly), and as I learnt to enjoy this animal exactly as he is, without ANY expectation but with great love for the joy he brings me... a wonderful thing happened. He became my cat again!

He now lives back home. He comes and goes when he pleases and I allow him the freedom to do what his heart desires. I simply delight in the fact that he exists in my world, and without any attachment to him, we are both basking in the freedom that unconditional love gifts to us!

What I've learnt throughout this crazy experiment..
You can't force anyone to do anything.
You can't make people change by telling them to
You have ABSOLUTE control over your OWN feelings

In changing your energy to one of love and kindness, you will attract love and kindness back to you

If you adore a person with with REAL, PURE unconditional love- and you GENUINELY need nothing in return.. If you are simply delighted that they exist in your life, without NEEDING them, or wanting them DESPERATELY to the detriment of your happiness..... Then they ABSOLUTELY, positively will love and adore you back.

Erase your histories, everybody.

Find that feeling of joy and adoration for the people you love - really nurture the vision of their greatness, and appreciate them. For when you send them that energy, they will feel it, they will love it and they will return it. It's energy exchange, and LOA at its finest.

Know that you are the creator of your life, and that what you want will be yours.

Love unconditionally. The day you can love someone HONESTLY without needing them to change ANYTHING, is the day they will love you back, with all of their heart.

Love, love, love you all 😽

Wow! I really love this story, this was really refreshing to read! Thank you so much for this )

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

1/31/2016 2:31 am  #27

Re: How I attracted back my.......

Can't wait 'til I get on your level!

What we think, we create. What we feel, we attract. What we imagine, we become.Β 
xo GabbyΒ 

1/31/2016 10:24 am  #28

Re: How I attracted back my.......

This is so sweet and inspiring. Thank you <3


1/31/2016 2:22 pm  #29

Re: How I attracted back my.......

So beautiful! You are so powerful, and I great reminder of the power we all hold inside! Keep going girl!

Julie- LOA Coach

The entire Universe lives inside of you, why play small?Β

1/28/2017 5:25 pm  #30

Re: How I attracted back my.......



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