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LOA Questions and Teachings 🙋 » LOA Question: Feel amazing and then see an opposite sign » 9/22/2021 1:00 pm |
Is there any significance to seeing seemingly the opposite of what you want to happen? Is it a good sign? Nothing? A test of sorts from the universe of your persistence?
LOA Questions and Teachings 🙋 » LOA Question: Feel amazing and then see an opposite sign » 9/22/2021 10:37 am |
Hey all,
I just got curious recently about why I always seem to see a trend in my LOA. My story at this particular moment has been that I've been trying to manifest one of two women back into my life. One is my ex that I cared about the most who is now engaged and one is a girl I felt I had a connection with but has since ghosted. Since I am less inclined to going back to my ex, I have decided to focus on the new girl, and the great possibilities she may still hold. (I have kept my options open through all of this and have not hyper fixated on either). Last night, I felt I had an amazing meditation about the new girl. I felt the feelings of happiness associated with early dating, felt that I am truly a master manifestor, I am worth it for her attention, gave it up to the universe truly, and just generally felt good about the whole process. I remembered a lot of the times LOA has worked when I thought I was down and out in a lot of situations. I felt that I could do this with no doubts.
Cut to this morning, I go to work with a smile on my face and hopeful for what life has in store. Curiously open my dating app and who's face is there? The girl I just was thinking about with a recently active status. Did it sting a bit? Of course haha. Clearly, she was on her phone and my benign message from last week still has been unanswered. But it got me to thinking, why do I always see this seem to happen? I feel a great moment of clarity and happy significance and then the universe seemingly throws me a curveball. Something that potentially could upset me. In my younger years, I would have gotten sad and get down, but today, I did not feel that. I just took a breath, sighed, and then chuckled to myself. Something has to be happening if she's the first face I see.
Curious on all your thoughts? At the end of the day, please don't take this as a desperate message. I do not feel I NEED her but would rather like to learn more about he
Help me align please... 🙈 » Some success but now confusion » 1/27/2020 11:45 am |
So an update: last week I have begun to let go of the entire ex situation and just find inner peace. Thinking about her less, thinking more about my future and where I want to go in terms of my career. Lo and behold, open my phone to a follow notification from my ex's alternate work instagram account (secret from her current boyfriend?) I sat with that for about a week and a half and just did nothing. No message no nothing, but she continued to follow. Yesterday night, I wrote her a message saying I noticed the follow and asked if there was a reason for it. She denied any culpability and said she didn't know why it followed me. I just said alright and noted that my instagram never acted like that, but just left it. So yeah....that's where I'm at. Kind of just annoyed and all but curious on all your thoughts of what happened there.
Help me align please... 🙈 » Some success but now confusion » 10/10/2019 5:30 pm |
Coming back cuz I always wanted to see people follow-up so I could see these practices at work. The new girl and I have started a loving relationship and everything is going really well. Sometimes I still miss parts of my ex but I just carry on and focus on the new girl who is amazing. I always find it weird though, when I’m lost in my relationship with new girl or have a real nice time with her. I see my ex will look at my Instagram stories and what not. Regular days, she does not. Something to it? Idk. Just a weird occurence
Help me align please... 🙈 » Some success but now confusion » 7/09/2019 9:43 am |
Not sure if anyone is still reading but I find it therapeutic to circle back haha. The girl from the dating app and I have been spending a lot more time together. Even when she has been away on vacation, she has called me every night, and we’ve spent the whole time talking and laughing. I do still find myself thinking about my ex, but it’s almost in a weird “someone I loved died” way. I still listen to subliminals at night for love, and my ex does pop into my thoughts. However, I just don’t know anymore. Would I love to hear from her? Yes, but I do not know to what extent. Till then I am focusing on this new girl, who although is different than my ex, has made me happy for the first time in months.
Help me align please... 🙈 » Some success but now confusion » 6/18/2019 11:06 am |
I think you might be a little confused. My ex has not come back to me. Does she check my stuff? Yes, which is weird to me cuz when I’m over someone. I’m over them. Rather, it is the girl I went on the one date with that resurfaced.
Vishesh wrote:
Sfroncz1 wrote:
So a little update for you. I have kept my cool and just focused on myself. Weirdly enough, the "dating app" girl came back on the scene a couple of days ago, and we had a slight date. Apparently, she had an ex re-surface as well after our date. Go figure. I am trying to play it cool and take it in steps. My ex has somewhat begun to look at my instagram stories occasionally, but I have refused to react. I think she has moved in with the person she cheated with. She sent me a box with some of my clothes (almost a year after the fact......ridiculous). Do I still miss her? Yes, but am i also interested in this new girl at least even at fling level? Absolutely. I've had manifestations unfolding at an exponentially faster rate. 4/5 in a period of 48 hours. So we shall see what the next few weeks has in store.
Was going with the same phase. The girl lied to me and about me. We had a last talk in March end. I wished her on her birth last month but didnt get a response. I can understand what you must had gone through as you were angry at that person but didnt want her to g and when you found your peace , she started to coming back. I hope mine come back too. Because i have forgiven her mistake. Loads of love and happiness to you.
Help me align please... 🙈 » Some success but now confusion » 6/16/2019 9:39 pm |
So a little update for you. I have kept my cool and just focused on myself. Weirdly enough, the "dating app" girl came back on the scene a couple of days ago, and we had a slight date. Apparently, she had an ex re-surface as well after our date. Go figure. I am trying to play it cool and take it in steps. My ex has somewhat begun to look at my instagram stories occasionally, but I have refused to react. I think she has moved in with the person she cheated with. She sent me a box with some of my clothes (almost a year after the fact......ridiculous). Do I still miss her? Yes, but am i also interested in this new girl at least even at fling level? Absolutely. I've had manifestations unfolding at an exponentially faster rate. 4/5 in a period of 48 hours. So we shall see what the next few weeks has in store.
Help me align please... 🙈 » Some success but now confusion » 5/14/2019 2:30 pm |
Hi all,
I have been following law of attraction techniques for a little bit but never get the need to write anything until recently. Around 9 months ago, my gf of 3 years cheats on me with a coworker and leaves me. I was shattered. I was planning on proposing in 6 months. For the next few months, I focused the techniques on her, but nothing ever seemed to work. In this time, I got in great shape and got a very high paying job with a law firm of my dreams. Everything seemed to be working out except the thing I wanted most. Last month in a sad attempt to move on, I began talking to a girl on a dating app. We hit it off almost immediately and eventually after 2 weeks went on a date. One thing led to another, and I end up at the girl’s apartment intimately. She seemed very into me and caring, and for the first time in 9 months, I was happy and ready to try with someone new. I kid you not, I look down at my phone that night and my exes mother had reached out to me on midnight almost a week after my birthday wishing me well and asking how I was. All I could think of was “letting go” and how it comes when you finally kind of do that (albeit it was partial). A few days later, I contacted my ex and asked her for her friends and family to stop contacting me (it had happened before a lot but then I got quiet for like 5 months). We had a slight argument, but for once, I didn’t end feeling weak or desperate for her. I ended it in self-love
Now, the girl from the date has pulled back a lot, even though there is still some contact. Feeling a little lost. I did a meditation just imagining the person, I was supposed to be with, and I woke up to a few texts from the girl from the date. However, it just doesn’t feel the same or exciting as it was. So yeah, guess I could use some insight or advice. Do I still love my ex? Sort of. Would I like to try with this new girl? Sure. But now after what I felt was a breakthrough, I feel like I came up with nothing between 2 options.
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