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Ex/Specific Person Discussion » Synchronicities for my SP HELP!😚❤️🌈 » 5/11/2019 4:43 pm |
So I have been actively trying to manifest my SP back into a healthy, loving, equal, happy, and passionate committed relationship. I am wondering if you guys could confirm if what I’m experiencing are synchronicities and signs that my manifestation is almost here as I am new to all of this. Please help! Thank you☺️
- have seen 111 or 11:11 multiple times over the past few days
- keep seeing advertising for John Wick 3 everywhere, a movie me and him loved to watch together and he’s talked about being so excited to see
- a song that me and him loved to sing together (our song) has been constantly running through my mind but brininging feelings of happiness with it and not of sadness
Please help let me know if these are good signs that my manifestation is coming. Love and fulfillment to all❤️
Calling all success stories! 🎉👏🏼 » My SP and I are talking ((: » 5/06/2019 6:47 pm |
So here's the story! My ex and I were dating for a little under a year. We fell in love quickly and intensely and our relationship was filled with joy. We were long distance, but made the time to see each other for the weekend at least every few weeks. About a month ago, he broke up with me saying he doesn't feel happy anymore. I was devastated. We talked on and off a few times during the month, but I pushed him away with getting too excited too quickly about getting back together and putting too much pressure on the situation instead of letting it happen organically. I felt hopeless, trying my best to move on but knowing deep down that he is my person and that I didn't want to spend my time without him. The last conversation we had was basically him saying he didn't want to talk to me anymore...ouch
I stumbled across a few manifestation videos. I have heard of LOA before, but never really actively did it. I applied the techniques in Veronica's videos. Visualizing texts from him, asking myself what if today is the day we talk again, what if he does want to speak to me again but is feeling afraid and stubborn, what if what if what if. I felt deep down all day that I needed to reach out, that the universe was giving me an opportunity. I sent him a small message saying that I was thinking about him and hoping he did well, placing my intention on receiving a text back and opening up communication for positive conversation. HE ANSWERED. we talked very briefly and the conversation came to a natural close about an hour later. I felt a little discouraged thinking that I wouldn't hear from him.
I followed another video of Veronica's, resetting my intentions and realligning my thoughts to more positive words. I am confident. I deserve love. SP will text me. We will be together. Sure enough, he just reached out again creating conversation. Something he has rarely done in awhile. I am so happy, thank you universe, all power, and God. I am grateful for this situation. I will
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