Posted by Cherished ![]() 11/28/2015 6:22 am | #1 |
Forgiveness is rated highly by those who practice it, and for very good reason. People always preach that it is so important to forgive past hurts. It "heals" you. And it works wonders in relationships. But let's explore what is happening from an LOA perspective, and why we ALL need to be mastering the art of forgiveness..
When someone has done wrong by you, you feel miffed. Hurt. Devastated. Furious! And almost every time, you will utter the words "I just knew it!" Why, yes you DID know it! You thought that disaster into existence my friend! When something "happens to you" it is not a sudden, random occurrence as you may have once believed. It is the result of some chronically negative thinking on your part, and you've managed to manifest thought into reality! Think about it for a moment. I'll build a common scenario..
You were in a relationship. Your love began to distance themselves. You panicked. You began to fear the worst. You imagined the most elaborate scenario of doom! Then those thoughts attracted more. Then your love became rude or arrogant.. So you reacted badly and they stormed off! And THEN you thought "OMG, they're gonna CHEAT ON MEEEEEE!" At this point, either you stopped and realised you were totally miscreating, OR you were unconscious of the fact you even WERE creating your reality and you went ahead basically PLOTTING the demise of your relationship. And so it caved. They cheated. And you "JUST KNEW IT!" And then you became bitter. And then your lover found a NEW partner and you JUST KNEW THAT would happen as well!
So we can see very clearly how it all gets way out of hand very quickly. And we can see why this particular scenario is such an easy one to slip into.. But it's also relatively easy to clear up as well- as you have created a relationship disaster of sorts, so you can also use LOA as a tool for repairing it again.
This is the part where your ego has to take a back seat. You have to let go of whatever has happened to you. And the best reason I can think of is this.. It's ALL YOUR FAULT. Unknowingly or not, YOU have created your life as it stands. There's no point berating yourself for creating by default up until now, for up until now, you were probably creating unconsciously. No biggie. Stop and marvel at how things played out exactly as you feared.. Go YOU!! You're a magnificent creator indeed! Truly look back and see how you managed to bring forth all sorts of messy stories and replicate them physical reality. And NOW, celebrate the fact that from this point forward, you can use LOA, appreciation and forgiveness to propel you into relationship Heaven!
Nothing matters, except what you choose to pour your attention into. It doesn't matter what has happened before. NONE OF IT. Forgive them. It was actually your low vibration and negative thinking that caused it anyway. They just happened to be playing the role you assigned them. Forgive yourself for creating by default. Your lover is an eternal being of love and light, as are you. They have never done anything "to you" and they never meant to upset or harm you. People only have 2 ways of reacting.. In love or in fear. And remember- whatever happened in the past was an exact match to what you were vibrating. So if anybody wronged you, you had already imagined it and feared it until you created that reality. Doesn't that just let absolutely EVERYBODY off the hook?
See everybody as whole. As a magnificent being of pure love and light and energy. Because that is ALL we are. Try and see your lover in their purest form. They are wonderful. They have the potential to THRILL you beyond your wildest dreams. See them as THAT PERSON. Adore them. FORGIVE THEM. Everything that is in the past is GONE. It no longer exists unless you choose to bring it forth again. What are you choosing to bring forth into your reality now? I truly hope it is magical 💜🌈
Posted by MrsPlaha ![]() 11/28/2015 6:30 am | #2 |
Cherished you're definitely an Angel in disguise here to help us all! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into helping us. It would be amazing if you published your posts onto a website, so that they can be easily found. They are priceless! 💖💖
Posted by Milk&Honey ![]() 11/28/2015 6:46 am | #3 |
Wonderful post, Cherished.
Can I ask you someting? What is better? Focus on ourselves and make ourselves the center of OUR reality or see them as we want them to be, assume that they already are like this? Or maybe we should combine these two, us (as the center of our world) and them us we want them to be, us and them in our best version?
Posted by Cherished ![]() 11/28/2015 7:09 am | #4 |
MrsPlaha wrote:
Cherished you're definitely an Angel in disguise here to help us all! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into helping us. It would be amazing if you published your posts onto a website, so that they can be easily found. They are priceless! 💖💖
You're so kind, thank you 💜🙋 I was actually considering it, today I manifested a brand new laptop!!!!! Eeeeek!!!!!
Posted by Cherished ![]() 11/28/2015 7:20 am | #5 |
Milk&Honey wrote:
Wonderful post, Cherished.
Can I ask you someting? What is better? Focus on ourselves and make ourselves the center of OUR reality or see them as we want them to be, assume that they already are like this? Or maybe we should combine these two, us (as the center of our world) and them us we want them to be, us and them in our best version?
This is kind of 2-fold.. Your focus on YOU is all about how worthy you are. If you have a lover, you must always be the one standing front and centre stage, NOT them. If you have them up there in shining lights, get them down and hop up there instead! You have to KNOW that they absolutely adore you!
I also visualise my relationships as I wish them to ultimately be. For example, if I were wanting a relationship I wouldn't imagine the guy desperately begging to be with me, or saying "I'm so sorry, forgive me, I'll do AAAAAANNNYYYYTHING!!!!!" Lol, we've all wanted that at some stage, but remember that is just your ego trying for a win.. And that's not at ALL what it's about. I'd rather imagine us happily snuggled up in a hammock together, appreciating each other immensely! Doesn't that feel better? 😊
Posted by Milk&Honey ![]() 11/28/2015 7:22 am | #6 |
Yes! Great, thank youÂ
Posted by Love5278 ![]() 11/28/2015 12:27 pm | #7 |
Thank you so much for this ! Everything you say makes me feel so happy and highers my vibration . I really hope you do write a book with all your knowledge
Last edited by Love5278 (11/28/2015 1:27 pm)
Posted by H&M ![]() 11/28/2015 12:58 pm | #8 |
Love this post. thanks Cherished!
Posted by Blessedck ![]() 11/28/2015 1:47 pm | #9 |
Love it! Thanks Cherished! Congrats on the new laptop and you should definitely post stuff
Posted by Salome ![]() 1/15/2016 5:25 am | #10 |
MrsPlaha wrote:
Cherished you're definitely an Angel in disguise here to help us all! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into helping us. It would be amazing if you published your posts onto a website, so that they can be easily found. They are priceless! 💖💖
I agree with Mrs Plaha here. We definitely need a Cherished blog or website!Â