Posted by Blossom ![]() 7/01/2018 4:01 pm | #1 |
Hi friends! It's been a while but some of you may remember me... I manifested my love back for a few months. He was sending me flowers and notes BUT we hadn't defined what we were. I got insecure and said I needed an answer and then told him I needed to delete him off my social media. He was okay with it and wished me luck. It's been months since then and I really really tried to move on. I'm dating someone new, but I can't shake this feeling that he's the one.
Anyway, I've gotten some really WEIRD signs and I want your opinions. The night before we starting talking again, I prayed and prayed. While I was reading a random article, I closed my eyes and I asked for guidance that I'd be on the right path. I opened my eyes and scrolled down. The next line I read said "I have found your perfect man in Tennessee" Which is where he lives! Mind you, this article was not about love or loa or anything related. So the next night, he reached out and we talked for three hours, which was the beginning of us getting back together.
I kind of disregarded this "sign" since our last break up. But the other night, I just kept feeling this new guy wasn't the one. So I prayed again for the first time in a long time. The next day, I had forgotten about asking for a sign completely. I was watching a series of classes for my business when all of a sudden the woman said our names together. I have never met anyone with his name and I've only met three other people in my life with my name. We both have VERY uncommon names. My jaw dropped. What are the odds???
I had given up on us because it just wasn't happening. And to be honest, I am okay with us being apart. I love him so much that I just want what's best for him even if it's not me. But now I'm confused and can't figure out whether it was a sign or just a fluke coincidence. Has anyone else gotten strange signs? Did they end up being true?
Posted by victorias72 ![]() 7/10/2018 5:54 pm | #2 |
Honestly I am in the same boat as you! I can’t shake that feeling.
I am dating someone in a different country and I went to visit him... on some downtime I explored the city on my own. I pulled out a map and dead centre a street named my ex’s First AND last name!!!
I actually took a picture and sent it to him. We chatted briefly he is visiting the same area in August he asked who I was there with I said friends. Then I mentioned I was back in September and he said “I’ll still be there” I said interesting. And got no reply!!!
Today I posted a pic of me and the new guy. He is amazing and I too am just trying to move on give up and be happy.... my ex likes the photo!!!!! W T F ! I believe it is all signs... odd ones but they ARE messages from the universe. something inside of me got happy I said thank you and I think you should do the same. Just believe and have faith if he’s the one it will come!
Maybe someone else has insight to this?
Posted by Blossom ![]() 7/15/2018 4:51 pm | #3 |
Ahh I'm in the exact same boat! I messaged mine as well. We had an okay conversation, nothing too personal or anything and then it ended. We haven't talked since. I do think it's SO strange that you saw his first and last name. I guess we just need to be patient and see what comes. Do you like the new guy or do you think it's just a fling? I'm dating someone new too and it just feels too weird. I think I'm going to end it soon...
Posted by Emma ![]() 7/16/2018 12:16 pm | #4 |
I believe these are signs and you should take them as positive encouragement😁. Since starting to learn about LOA I’m not sure I believe in coincidences anymore. I’ve started to keep a journal and write down when I’ve had signs and believe me there have been a lot lately. I had one today😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️, I don’t know why but I get paranoid about talking about it just incase I jinx things, I definitely do not tell my family or friends about what I’m doings as far as Loa is concerned. I’m also trying to blank people’s negativity for example llast week one of my friends was asking if I was dating anyone I said no but said I’d like someone younger than me which my SP is, anyway she completely shut me down telling me I need someone my age or older, a few months back I’d have taken that to heart, but now I just think I’ll follow my own heart not listen to who other people think I should be with!!
I know this is going off course from SPs and I’m not sure what people’s beliefs are on this but I feel this is a major sign.
10years ago this November coming my fiancé passed away in a car accident, there was this song that was released 6days before his accident, everytime I, my sister and brother-in-law heard it it made us think of my fiancé. I hadn’t heard this song in ages, tragically my fiancé’s best friend was killed 3 weeks ago in a car accident I’d remained really good friends with his best friend and was absolutely devastated about his passing. Just over a week ago I went to see my friend and we were talking about my fiancé and his friend and the song came on I got goose bumps, that night I had a dream about them both and in the dream they were together so happy, it was that real it woke me up. The night before my friends funeral I went for a meal with a couple of my friends I was telling them about what had happened, on the way back my friend and I were talking about my fiancé and his friend and the song came on, my friend was speechless. The day of my friends funeral my cousin came to pick me up so I told her what had happened, because we knew it was going to be a busy funeral we got to the church an hour early, they had music playing and I kid you not we sat down and the 2nd song that came on was that song, my cousin turned to me and said ‘that’s definitely a sign’, obviously I’d been upset because the past 3 weeks had brought up so many old emotions, but equally I’ve taken great comfort in that song as it being a sign that they are together and ok.
I don’t contact my SP I just doing my meditations but my SP did reach out to me when he heard about my friends passing to see if I was ok and to let him know if i needed anything, which I thought was incredibly sweet of him❤️
Sorry for the long post but I believe in signs
Posted by Blossom ![]() 7/17/2018 10:38 pm | #5 |
Aww, so sorry to hear about your fiance and friend. That's incredibly sad. I agree though... Amazing signs that they are okay!! I'm happy you got those signs.
As far as your SP, do you ever get worried you're placing too much confidence in the signs? I'm worried that I'm hindering myself from moving on if there's someone better suited for me...
Posted by victorias72 ![]() 7/26/2018 7:20 am | #6 |
Hey blossom, I did end things with the new guy!
It also didn’t feel right. Amazing man for sure. Treats me incredible but my soul wasn’t in it. If thy make sense. I just tried to make every decision on how it makes me feel.
I agree Emma about “jinxing” the signs. Since posting I’ve had 3 crazy signs from my ex so I believe I am going to follow my heart. I don’t take the signs literally. They make me feel good so I hold onto the feeling, not so much about the sign and dwelling anymore.
Since my post I have had a total different outlook. I don’t care what anyone else has to say I know in my heart what I want. I also know if it feels good then it can’t be wrong. If someone else is supposed to come our way, I believe they will and we cannot hinder that unless we are in a more negative energy. I have to say I am as happy as a peach lol. I trust whatever is suppose to come will!
Posted by GeoItark ![]() 3/15/2022 1:15 pm | #7 |
I think you are both right Loopy and Sabrina. I also think it's important not to forget that Joe had been one of Dora's girlhood heroes and she already had a huge crush on him. When she met him and seemed to really connect she saw it for so much more than it was. For Steve it was yet another reminder of the world Dora came from and the gulf between them.