Posted by Eveee ![]() 2/28/2021 11:03 am | #1 |
Saturday 27th Feb
There is sunshine and I feel that spring is in the air. I am sitting on my doorstep with my little dog and listening to the noises of the birds twittering and tweeting.
You know what? This noise alone is stirring up lovely feelings. I have a warm glow and am feeling love knowing that spring is just around the corner.
Then comes the summer and I’m looking forward to that with joyful anticipation of the hot sunny days to come. Days of being able to sit in my garden, with my dog listening to the birdsong all around me. Bliss! Time spent soaking up the warmth of the hot summer sun.
That feeling of knowing that it will happen because of its nature. The seasons happen every year without fail. So easy to look forward to just knowing that it is definitely coming. Just like looking forward to all of the things I desire that I know are coming. Thank you!
Spring is in the air Looking up at the sky today it’s a glorious blue. Darker to the right and a soft baby blue to the left where the sun is starting to go down.The sun.Lovely. It may only be February but I am being teased by the gentle warmth from today's sun.
I see an aeroplane trail! This is such a positive sign for things to come. 2020-21 haven’t exactly kept the airports busy, so this is a positive sign of getting back to normal. I love the white fluffy tail they leave against the blue of the sky. Brings back memories of being a child, laying on the grass in my garden watching the planes fly overhead leaving their trails wisping here and there across the sky. Happy days. Carefree and fun days and I am writing this with a smile on my face knowing spring is in the air.
I feel wonderful. Ready, contented, satisfied, grateful, warm, excited and full of anticipation. My doggie has just crept up onto my lap and has snuggled in adding a nice dose of extra warmth, loving and well, just more loving.
Writing this today has taken me about 5 minutes so far. Well past the A.H (Esther/Abraham Hicks) 17 seconds and the 1-minute positive momentum milestones. I am buzzing knowing that I have had this flash of inspiration today to share my blurbs with you. I say I will write it once a day but watch this space.
If I get a bee in my bonnet, and a rocket of desire to write, I’ll be sharing all sorts with you! There will be no changes. I always handwrite first but I’ll type up exactly as written so the flow you feel reading is the flow I have when writing. You’ll start seeing my results along the way. This makes me so happy. Oh wow. I am loving the idea that this could really be helping others by inspiring them to write. These blurbs are real-life examples of the sort of things you can write. Naturally written by me, just letting the fingers write.
It's a birds life Haha, the birds are getting louder. Listen to us! Listen to us! The traffic is slowing on the road, and the chirping, cheeping and chattering is getting louder. The sun is making its way behind the houses now, and the birdies are settling themselves down into their evening routines. I hear babies I think calling for food… Knowing their parents will supply soon. I am thinking about what a bird's life must be like. No stresses or worries. Wake up at the crack of dawn and they make the most of every daylight hour. The adult birds have a full focus on their families and supplying for them.
The young learn to join the adults flying freely in the sky, and as I look there are birds just floating in the gentle breeze out there. Carefree! Settle down to sleep, ready for another happy and carefree day when the next dawn breaks.
And what a way to be. Focussing on the things that make you feel good and that matter to you. The birds are enjoying every minute of their lives, and so am I. So, now I am just going to sit and feel the glow of these wonderful feelings before I get on with my day. Thank you. Much love xx
Posted by VeronicaAdmin ![]() 4/07/2023 10:03 pm | #2 |