I just come back to this forum after a year and maybe a half can't remember. All I know is back then Wow everything was helping each other. The forum was little still and every now and then was someone new that was warmly welcomed And when I finally had my man back I said thanks and goodbye.
You cannot stay here forever if you wanna finally attract you man/woman because if you are here ALL the time, you are still lacking him or her in your life. So I really believe it's healthy. My journey was a combination of asking here for help, talking here about my advances and about my fails too and hearing that everything will be OK but I needed to let go and stop worring. So I didn't log in months andown lived my life. School, family, friends and sometimes dating and spending time in only date profiles. When you stop worries you can do that because no matter what you know finally your day will come and maybe if he/she doesn't come back you are happy still because will find someone better.
At least that's why I think it's OK if things aren't very active. Look, if they aren't participating here is because they are already in happy relationships with their exes. At least that is my case.
I came back because missed some friends here but haven't talked to them. I'm still with my boyfriend and everything is amazing
Yet I don't wanna logg here a lot to not bring negative thoughts. But I wanna help still and not worry about things like that.