Hello! My name's Alondra and I'm here to tell you my journey I'm currently on.
So a few weeks back my ex broke up with me and I'm currently on this journey to get him back. The first time we broke up was due to my low self esteem and after 11 days we got back together. This was due to my positivity and my change of self love. My friend was there to cheer me on so that helped. This was back in January. Now the reason why we broke up this time as because he felt like he doesn't deserve me. He has depression and anxiety and felt like i should get a guy who's better looking and not have depression. I told him I love him for who he is but he still broke it off. He did this while he was depressed and most of the time he don't mean it.
Later that night I said goodnight and he just said goodnight and a heart on instagram. He said in sorry I didn't mean to add the heart. If you have instagram then you know they have the little heart right next to the message space. Anyways I discovered Veronica's channel and as I was watching on how to get a text, I visualized that he text me and guess what he did and he sent me hearts and now he says I love you with a heart. But I remember when he broke it off he said he only loves me as a friend. That's the only thing that doubts me but I always remember to think positive and I know soon I will get him back. Thanks for reading and I'll keep y'all updated.
Last edited by MissArale (9/01/2017 10:04 am)