The art of giving thanks in advance.

Posted by KaliShiva9
4/24/2017 12:06 pm

Have you tried to give thanks in advance? I've tried it a few times and it has worked amazingly. My mother told me about it a few weeks ago and you should try it to. 
The trick here is that you need to thank for something,knowing it will happen. This is basic for everything in loa. But the thing that makes the magic is not to insist. If you know you were getting something, will you be inisisting? obviously not, and this is the letting go. on your journal, write  I'm thankful in advance for: and write what you want once, don't go and ask for the same next day. make your wish as you knew it has already happened, and continue to live you life as happy as you can. 
This will also make you realize that you have so much already. My lists were shorter everytime, because I trust that all that I wanted is coming to reality, and on the other hand I couldn't ask for more because everything was already here. I hope I'm making sense.
Today I remembered this, and one of my wishes took about an hour to become true. I have a hummingbird feeder outside of my window. They haven't been around for a few weeks now, and I noticed that they come when I'm happy and my vibration is high. Also, there is a legend here in Mexico that they are a symbol of love. Vibration and love connected.  Today I woke up with my energy renewed and with high hopes. I wrote down: thanks in advance for my hummingbirds for visiting me. And an hour later one little baby was even singing outside of my window!!! I'm back on track and so can you with this little tip. 
Other things that I've manifested with this technique: 
-A 10 in my parasitology test for which I didn't studied enough. 
-I got accepted in my social service under my wanted and almost imposible cirumstances.
-My best friend reached my by text after being mad and not speaking to me for months.
-Amazing days with my love.
-I had the best first job interview. 

Everything I've wrote has come to reality. You can have everything you want, just ask, write and let go. 
Lots of love to everyone!!


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