Door 4 - LoA is a life style, not a technique
That's something many people don't understand. You don't use LoA to just get what you want and then you are finished with it. If you go about it in this way, you maybe are able to manifest what you want, but it will fall apart again very quickly, because you haven't changed. LoA is always working. Every single one of your thoughts has creative power. Not every one of them comes to pass, because contradictory thoughts cancel each other out, but every thought has the potential to change your reality. So, it's really about changing yourself, changing your thinking habits, following your feelings and do it on a daily basis. It is work to get the hang of it, yes. You have to change habits, you have to get to know yourself better, you have to let go of stuff that is comfortable and implement new ways to go about things. It takes mental strength, it takes the willingness to dig deep into things and to really want to get it, but isn't the life of your dream worth it?