So Cotton and Cherished have introduced me to Bashar, interestingly enough on a similar post and let me tell you. HE IS A GAME CHANGER!!!
His accent and intonnations are completely distracting at first, but when you give this man a chance, he hits home HARD.
The first video I got was on Circumstances. And though people who walk the LOA way say it, HE MADE IT MAKE SENSE.
So today, I am sitting at a crossroad wheteher i even want my love back..
His bideo today stated that eventually you'll remove items or circumstances in your life that just don;t make sense to your vibration. When you are in tune with it the barries of it coming to you break down. And you can create whatever you want. But it is the inital idea we want, not the fact that it may or may not vibrationally match who we are versus what our reality says we are.
As much as I love Darius, vibrationally, it makes ZERO sense to pine over him, because I am BEYOND WORTH CHASING.
I am completely a bad ass, lovable, fun, stylish, smart, sexy, spirited, ding bat who could rock the socks off any man worthy of MY TIME!
Now I am so stuck on the essence that is me versus the viration of "us." Does this make sense, am i crazy or is Bashar a GENIUS?
I know I messed up with Darius, he messed up too, but Bashar made me truly empowered today Jezz my Christmas he did! I want my man back, hell I feel I have him back, but vibrationally I can get whatever the hell i want, I am worth it.
If you are feeling down todaw, we all have our days, here is a true pick me up!
Love you guys!