Posted by Cherished 3/04/2016 5:11 pm | #1 |
This is for reporting your small wins as you practice the art of deliberate creation!
Posted by big_blue 3/06/2016 12:10 pm | #2 |
So I used LOA for something bad-ish..?
We have a student helper at work that we give easy things to do - make files, clean, etc. I've been the one that has to supervise her and giver her things to do. She's a nice girl, but her work is not up to par and she complains a lot. She comes into the office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Last week I thought to myself, 'I don't really want to have to deal with her today'. I go to work.. she had sent me an email stating she couldn't come in that day. HOT DAMN!!! All I could do was laugh at myself. When Thursday came around.. she sent another email stating she was still ill.. I just smiled, thanked the universe, and went about my day
Please don't judge me for that! But there is some LOA action for ya.. ;)
Posted by 3/07/2016 7:03 pm | #3 |
So, this was very fun, and I actually think this is my first time trying to deliberately manifest something, since I have been feeling very happy and confident regularly!
So, I wanted this lip kit by Kylie Jenner, and if you guys are familiar with the Kardashian's and their products, or particularly Kylie's lip kit, it usually sells out within 15 min with 400,000 + people on the site trying to purchase, which causes crashes etc etc.. She posted about a week in a half ago that she was going to restock within the next week or two, so I decided that this time I'm going to get every single color I wanted! I really didn't have much resistance, because if I didn't get them I would've been totally fine with waiting for the next restock, but no I really wanted to manifest it this time and put my powers to work!
Yesterday, I visualized myself receiving the package from the mailman and opening the package, and holding the lipsticks in my hand. Very vivid picture using all of my senses! Then I went to sleep, and let it go. I woke up this morning with a notification that she is going to restock her lip kits today at 12:00 pm! So this was it, I made sure i had enough money in my account, I gave my gratitude for being able to purchase it, I went about my day, had a nice breakfast, and went for walk. When I got back I set up my laptop and went to her site and prepared myself to purchase. Right at 12:00 the store was open. I selected every color I wanted, went to checkout EFFORTLESSLY things were so smooth it was as if I was the only person on the site! I did start to get a bit nervous when it took a while to process my order ( many people have complained that their items would sell out during the processing) but I took a deep breath and a second later, I received my confirmation email letting me know that my purchase has been confirmed and they will be shipping in the next couple of days!! I later found out that it sold out within 15 min! and a lot of people weren't even able to get in.
After experiencing this, my confidence with manifesting has shot wayyyy up!! I feel like I am unstoppable now! lol thanks for reading, and I hope this story helps someone realize that they can get whatever they want!
Last edited by (3/07/2016 7:05 pm)