Glad to see so much response!
Here is the schedule. The times are written in Central Time Zone:
1pm Veronica
1:05pm Blessedck
1:10pm hbonhomme87
1:15pm CarpeDiem
1:20pm Cherished
1:25pm Rab924
1:30pm Baby_r
1:35pm Rab924
1:40pm Liam2811
We will end at 1:45pm. All you need to do is focus on the person's user name (yes, the Universe will know who each of you are - so don't worry!) and focus on their manifestation for the full 5 minutes.
If you are unable to visualize for the entire time, just do your best and as much as you can. Every bit counts!
And you can do this with your eyes closed or open. Or even while you do another activity. Just send love energy and good supportive thoughts to each person. It's easy to see something manifested when you imagine for someone else. That's because you don't have any doubt. So, it will help the person succeed faster in their manifestation!
For time zones, check out:
1pm CST (Central Time Zone) in North America
It looks like it's 2pm in Eastern Time Zone and 8pm in UK. Hope this helps!