Cherished wrote:
I've been reading your thread and I wanted to say this. If you want your guy back and he's still unsure,it's because you aren't yet TOTALLY sure you can have him back and enjoy a magnificent relationship.. You have to be the unstoppable force of love that he simply must return to. You have to be the champion for you both. And that means loving him unconditionally (without needing him) for a little while. If you can do that, and really find that energy of pure love, he will absolutely feel it. But to tap into it you have to lower your resistance and let go of doubt and fear. You literally have to punch your fears away as they pop up. Like a ninja!
This is so true, I still have my doubts. I had my cards read after our breakup and I asked if trying to get back together with my guy would be good for him/would be in his best interest. Later, she told me that I tend to worry about other people and that I should instead focus on myself. She also said my guy likes how I am nurturing.
I already know what or how I should feel like because I did it before! No doubts, no fears, no insecurities-- just adoring and spending time with him and letting him feel loved. I need to constantly remind myself of that feeling until I constantly feel it again.
What we think, we create. What we feel, we attract. What we imagine, we become.
xo Gabby