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8/02/2015 5:00 am  #1

One of my past success stories.,

LOA is always working. We just have to FIRSTLY wake up to that fact! So congratulations people, we are a minority who are lucky enough to have stumbled upon LOA! Secondly, we must begin to learn how to harness our "new" creative superpower energy!

I bet though, if you look back through your life you can pinpoint exactly what thoughts and fears lead to circumstances that you always believed were down to bad luck. Flip the coin, and you all will be able to recall moments where everything was going right and you were thinking you were simply on a lucky winning streak!

The most fascinating thing that I have discovered is how I already used LOA unknowingly to attract a guy to me. And it was an enormous success in many ways! I wanted to share, because if I have done it without even realising, then we can all do it with deliberate focus and perseverance.

It was university.  I was in love with one of the cool guys. He was older and basically famous. I was shy and infatuated. I thought "oh, wouldn't it be SO wonderful to have a CLASS with him so I can stare at him for 2 hours?!" A week later he was transferred into my class! And boy did I stare. I took the train home each day, and I imagined what it would be like to sit next to the coolest guy at uni. A few weeks later he SAT NEXT TO ME and smiled the most dazzling smile I'd ever seen. OMG I was GONE lol.  Because we were sitting together,  we were nominated to do an assignment together.. Oh my.  We had 3 weeks to prepare.  We had a connection for sure, sparks flew..  He had a girlfriend. And was moving to NYC. In 3 weeks.  We spent basically every day together preparing our assignment and we nailed it.  We became the best of friends. He left forever and I was absolutely heartbroken. I thought about him and wished him back EVERY moment of every day for months. He never wrote. I checked my email probably a million times the first month. Nothing. 6 months went by, and I had written about us in my journal (scripting), I had imagined us reuniting and him telling me he was crazy about me (visualisation) and I quite possibly had thrown some RS in there without knowing what I was doing!

One day, after I had met some really lovely guys and was back in my groove, he came up behind me and hugged me. In the city. Not NYC. In AUSTRALIA. Things hadn't worked out with his girlfriend, and he had been asked to return to uni to finish his honours. And he was ABSOLUTELY CRAZY IN LOVE WITH ME!
We were together for months and it was wonderful. I had kind of outgrown him though, if that makes sense? I realised he was only human, and not the guy I had once placed upon an impossibly high pedestal. At any rate, the point of my rambling here is that I GOT THE GUY. I released resistance, found my happiness again, and BOOM he literally appeared like magic. And to this day, he remains completely and utterly in love with me. It's perfect LOA and I had no idea it was working then. Imagine what WE ALL CAN DO?!?!?! 😘

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

8/02/2015 7:45 am  #2

Re: One of my past success stories.,

I absolutely love that story !


8/02/2015 8:29 am  #3

Re: One of my past success stories.,

Great testimony! Where is the guy now? In the 6 months that he didn't contact you whatsover, did you ask him why? Did he also start thinking of you? Neville said that once we start thinking about being with someone, we influence the thoughts of that person.


8/02/2015 9:53 am  #4

Re: One of my past success stories.,

That's a great story Cherished!

Last edited by hbonhomme87 (8/02/2015 11:20 am)

~/****Only State of Being Matters!****/~

8/02/2015 11:01 am  #5

Re: One of my past success stories.,

This is an awesome story!!!!!!


8/02/2015 3:51 pm  #6

Re: One of my past success stories.,

Awesome story Cherished!


8/02/2015 6:17 pm  #7

Re: One of my past success stories.,

Vera wrote:

Great testimony! Where is the guy now? In the 6 months that he didn't contact you whatsover, did you ask him why? Did he also start thinking of you? Neville said that once we start thinking about being with someone, we influence the thoughts of that person.

Where is he now? He is still around- in fact just today he messaged me out of the blue with a coffee invite! He remains one of my best friends, and he would marry me in a heartbeat only I don't feel that way about him anymore. He didn't contact me during the 6 months  because he was traveling, he was busy and sad- his relationship with his girlfriend went from bad to worse and ended. He spent some time in a funk, and said he was a little lost. Then be decided to come back and find me!

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 
     Thread Starter

8/02/2015 8:33 pm  #8

Re: One of my past success stories.,

thanks Cherished! i LOVE to know there are all kind of possibilities out there...


12/27/2015 7:40 pm  #9

Re: One of my past success stories.,

Bump. This cheered me up. Great story.


12/28/2015 5:39 am  #10

Re: One of my past success stories.,



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