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6/28/2015 10:56 am  #1

Remote Seduction Tool

Since the Remote Seduction link is no longer available at the Powerlawofattraction forum, I found a similar article that should help people get started or reinforce their ability to do Remote Seduction / RS:

How To Seduce Others With The Hidden Power Of Your Mind
By RAH 11/04/2002
This article explains the little−known method for seducing another person using only the power of your mind.
Providing you follow the steps clearly and with patience, these techniques will open you up to a hidden world
around you and give you a peek at just how easily the mind can influence others.
As human adults, we are already well versed in the experience of mind manifestation. When worded like that −
'mind manifestation' − it may conjure up in your awareness thoughts of 'bizarre,' occult,' 'magic,' 'paranormal,' etc;
the mind being able to physically manifest something directly by human thought. But when you look around you in
your everyday life, you will see countless examples of a human's ability to manifest 'stuff' from thought.
All human made things around you first began in the thoughts of a person, or a group of people. Imagination plays
a key role. The idea/concept is first birthed in the mind. Then the idea is discussed, either with oneself or with
others; more mental work being done to paint a final manifested picture in the mind(s). Then the idea is lead into
aspects of physical processes which kick start the manifestation process. If the idea is for the invention of a new
device, blueprint diagrams would near the start of the physical process from which manifestation will continue to
birth. Development of the physical processes have also begun. Then the device would eventually go into
production, using machine or human labor to bring that original mind−birthed idea into full manifestation in the
physical world. Even how you arrange your furniture is an example of thought−to−manifestation, whereby your
plans/ideas are first created in the mind then you do the physical process (like pushing the couch) to completely
manifest your intended re−decorating idea (thought).
We are already well versed in the concept of thought manifestation or 'mind manifestation'. We are already well
skilled at it.
Looking at the physical things around you are not examples of obvious or redundant things. They are all examples
of mind/thought manifestation. When you begin to view your mental abilities in this light, you will begin to realize
that you are well advanced in mind power already. On a subconscious level, your mind is a highly advanced
machine: Just to name a stores information, processes data, allows you to communicate with your spoken
language, and also maintains regulation of all your bodily functions (advanced systems in themselves) without
your conscious mind needing to do the work.
Keep these things in mind when you begin to enter the world of mind power−for really, you are not a beginner at
all. You mind is truly amazing and you can already create physical things stemming from a single thought (idea). It
is your inner attitude (belief) which offers that magic substance which will eventually open you up to even higher
levels of mind power and mind manifestation.
For the purpose of this article, I will define the 'mind seduction of others' as the ability to erotically or sexually
arouse another person using only the silent power of your mind. When you apply these techniques on someone,
that person will feel deeply drawn to you over time, with heavy feelings on the sexual. Most often, a condition of
'falling in love' begins to take place upon the person you are wanting to seduce. No communication with the
person is needed. It need not be someone you know. However, eventual communication will happen and should
happen for it will provide you with valuable feedback as to the effectiveness of your efforts of influence.
The methods presented in this article are powerful, without a doubt. The effect begins instantly, however there will
be a certain degree of 'lag' time before you physically see results. Instant and automatic sexual influence is a
mental skill that takes time. Like any skill, you need to develop it through effective and regular practice. You must
maintain patience and calm rather than a rushing attitude. Manifestation will come. And as your skill increases,
manifestation will come quicker. If you are new to these techniques, then expect anywhere from a couple of
weeks to a few months for results to be seen. Results are directly influenced by the amount of time you involve
yourself in this, at least during these 'beginner' stages. Patience and calm (that inner smile attitude) pays off
though, for you will begin to see your influence taking effect and molding into manifestation on a physical level;
that person will become so drawn to you that eventually they will want to be with you.
Sexually seducing others with your mind can be a controversial topic. As a master of your own fate, I leave it up to
you to decide whether or not you should use these methods on another individual. I cannot dictate your own
morals and ethics.
The information presented in this article, and at the Mind Control Manual web site (MCM −, is offered to the reader for the sake of knowing; for the sake of information.
Many people prefer not to use the methods themselves, but they would like to know what they are and how it is
possible to sexually influence another person. Other people want to know techniques in order to try and protect
themselves from someone possibly influencing them.
But if people wish to debate about the ethics of this topic of mental seduction, there are many issues which can be
discussed: The ethics of influencing another person against their will. The ethics of influencing people who are
married or who are in other relationships. The ethics of influencing a young person. The ethics of how much
influence one can handle. The ethics regarding the release of this information, and what might span from it. Even
the issue of whether or not this is dabbling with negative forces. Although the methods are geared for both men
and women, often the issue of 'trying to control women' enters into prominence. The issue of our human power to
create vs God's power to create can enter into discussion. I encourage debate and chatter as it serves to help
each person understand more about themselves and the world around them.
Be forewarned of the powerful nature of these methods. Be careful for they will work and produce interesting
The term 'target' should not be viewed as your 'victim.' Your target is your goal, your intention. To reach your
intention, you must first decide upon which individual you want to influence. Most people have their eye on
someone already; someone whom they want to be with. This can be their target. Others can go out and find
someone new.
You need not have had prior or current communications with your target. They can be someone with whom you
have never spoken. It is preferable though, especially during these 'beginner' stages, that it is someone you see
frequently, like someone in your work or wherever. Later, as you progress in this art, you do not even have to be in
the same city as your target. But these introduce some other techniques mentioned in the Mind Control Manual.
For now, find someone close to you−someone you will see often, so you can glean feedback. Being able to
observe the person during the period you are influencing them offers you valuable feedback. Feedback is a tool
which not only helps you
progress with your skill at mind power influence, but it can steer you in the right direction when you are working on
a target project. Remember, you are not only using your mind to manipulate thought and feelings of another
person, but also to manipulate events and circumstances; all this for the final goal to eventually manifest your
initial intent. Monitoring your target (gaining feedback) allows you to better assess a situation or follow the
progress of a series of events. With careful observation and planning, you can learn to best gear your influence in
the most appropriate way or frequency of practice.
Once you have found your target, you should keep a thin notebook or something akin to that to keep track of all
your observations. Keeping notes is a valuable tool which will increase your overall mind influence skill level.
When you begin to influence another person, a vast array of things will happen. Some of these things are
observable (and should be recorded) and some not so apparent. People react in different ways to mind seduction
influence. Some submit easily, others with resistance. But all the reactions point to one inevitable occurrence: The
target will become very, very drawn and attracted to you. The feelings will be deep and strong, and resemble
'falling in love' emotions.
At no point will the person feel like they being forced or influenced. Even if the feelings might feel strong (which is
common) or confusing (which is rare), the target will only feel like it is themselves that are starting to be drawn to
you. Then the target will eventually reach out to you−will probably start communicating with you more.

It is advisable to not flirt in anyway at first with the person you are wanting to influence. Just focus on being
friendly and funny (making the other person smile/happy) and allow your seduction influence to effectuate change.
Often a target will put up walls of sorts if they know that someone is just trying to hit on them. Act friend−like only,
while your influences are making them more drawn to you. Don't jump the gun if you get a good sign that they
now have erotic feelings towards you. Be patient and allow the conscious mind of the person to feel good towards
you. All the while you are programming their subconscious mind with your intent.
Next you begin your daily routine. These are the techniques which you will be putting into gear towards your goal
of mentally seducing someone.
Find one hour a day. This must come first. The hour is split in two mind control sessions: Thus you will be doing a
half hour session at one time in a day, and another session at a later time in the same day. If need be, reduce
each session by 15 minutes, but it is preferable to do half hour sessions. Serious mind control adventurers may
even find the desire to do longer sessions, perhaps two or more hours a day. Keeping notes of your sessions is
also advisable.
The process of mental seduction is done through specific visualization methods. Your thoughts have an uncanny
ability to manipulate your surroundings; effectuating change within the physical world. If you are seeing something
within your mind's eye (via imagination, visualization, etc.), providing it is done in a patient, confident, and
repetitive will begin to manipulate the ether around you and have pronounced effect upon the events
and people in your life. This is a lengthy topic and therefore is expanded upon within the Mind Control Manual and
will not be touched upon in this article.
It is crucial that your session begins with a calming of your mind. In other words, you need to be in a comfortable
relaxed state to do your sessions. As your mind relaxes, your electrical brainwave patterns lower in their
frequency. These brainwaves then become more in sync with the natural frequency pulse of the planet (7.85
cycles per second) and thus facilitate a resonance between your mind and the physical world around you.
Relaxing the mind also enables you to visualize easier and your bodily functions are kept to a minimum.
I leave it up to you to determine your best way to get into a relaxed state. For the sake of beginners, it is not
necessary to worry or obsess with just how relaxed your mind and body is. Just allow a comfortable relaxed state
to occur and your visualizations will still be effective. Over time, you can train yourself to go into deeper states of
Too often, beginners worry or focus on issues such as just how relaxed to be, or whether or not their visualizations
are clear. The most important thing to remember is that with practice comes skill, and this will develop over time.
One should not worry or obsess over issues of mental clarity or precise relaxation methods, but rather one should
focus more on doing the actual seduction visualization techniques on a frequent basis, allowing the skill level to
improve naturally over time. Without this frame of thinking, one can easily spend more time worrying about
technicalities or theory data, rather than actually working with the specific visualization methods. Too often, people
embarking on a spiritual quest tend to get lost in the vast array of information out there and spend less time on
actual personal application of the spiritual teachings they are investigating. You can spend years reading the
books and arming yourself with facts, theory, and information. Then you find out you do not spend much time
doing personal experimentation and action. This is why so few actually attain a high level of personal power,
although they may have every book on the subject.
So when relaxing your mind and beginning your sessions, don't worry if you are relaxed enough or if you are
doing the methods properly. Just do the work and the skill and technicalities will improve and become refined over
Your half hour session should include the following two forms of visualization. 20 minutes should be used to
erotically 'touch' (in your mind) the other person. The last 10 minutes should involve 'scenario building'. Let's go
into more details.
For the sake of simplification, visualization can be viewed simply as imagining, as if daydreaming. Simply allow
yourself to imagine. Whether or not you can see things clearly in your imagination is not important. Visualization
clarity develops over time through practice.
For the first twenty minutes you need to imagine yourself touching the target in a sexual/erotic way. Focus more
on the touch itself and the effect that the touch is having on the other person, not on the situation or scene that
you are in. OK? Keep your touches gentle and erotic, not rushed or aggressive. In your mind's eye (imagination)
focus more on the feeling of touch, rather than seeing yourself touching.
For some practice on feeling (touching) things in your mind, imagine yourself touching cotton balls, or touching a
pen, or touching some rocks. Take your time and caress these objects in your mind, feeling the hardness or
softness, etc.
But these practice sessions are separate from your seduction sessions.
Erotically caressing someone involves some knowledge or experience in sexual intimacy. If you have had some
prior sexual experiences, then you already can come up with ways to erotically touch someone. If you have no
experience prior, then just use your imagination as best as you can. Erotic touches and caresses should be
focused on typical erogenous areas of the target's body, such as the nipples and genital areas as well as other
tender areas of the body such as the tummy or face. As you touch that person in your mind, feel (as best as
possible) the reaction the other person should experience, such as wetness (if the target is a woman) or hardness
(if the target is a man). You want to slowly erotically touch the person and feel their reaction building in your mind,
eventually driving them to a sexual frenzy. Take your time and don't try to rush over the touches, trying to cover all
sensual parts of their body. Different areas can be explored in different sessions. Once again, the target's 'turned
on' feeling as a result of your mental touches should be prominent in these visualizations.
The final 10 minutes of your half hour session should be visualizing you and your target together in scenarios. If
you are trying to instill a feeling of 'falling in love' within your target, then imagine (visualize) you and your target
hanging out, holding hands, cuddling on the couch, etc. Find one thing to focus on and keep that scenario for the
entire 10 minutes. In these scenario sub−sessions, try to encompass as much emotion and senses as possible.
You can see the target, touch the target, hear their voice, see the surroundings of where you are, etc.
Most important to visualized scenarios is the feeling of 'now.' You want to experience the scene in your
imagination as if it was happening in the present moment. Not later, not then...but now.
To add that extra dosage of belief into the process, when you are doing your session you should hold yourself with
an inner inner knowing that your efforts are working and have come to fruition. Even if you feel doubtful,
fake the feeling. It will eventually become your feeling. The feeling is that confident holding of oneself with that
unbreakable faith that your mind power is highly effective and powerful. With that inner confident feeling, you also
instill patience, seriousness, and calm...which are all emotions (energy) which work in conjunction with your
visualization sessions (thoughts) to eventually manipulate and change the physical world around you (e.g. making
events happen). Again, a topic which is expanded upon in the MCM.
This describes the half hour session you must do. 20 minutes of mentally and erotically touching someone, and
their deep arousal/reaction to it. Then 10 minutes of situation scenarios.
This total session should be done twice a day preferably. Be patient and have faith, and don't be in a rush to see
results immediately. Even if an outward response takes a couple of weeks, you are not wasting any time
whatsoever by doing the daily sessions. On the contrary, you are training yourself in new mental efforts, you are
training yourself to have patience (which means confidence that things WILL manifest as you are commanding),
and you are continually charging up the influences upon the other person.
Your influences are having an effect upon your target. The visualizations (thought commands) are seeping deeply
into your target's subconscious mind. And they are starting to have erotic or loving feelings towards you. In most
cases, the target usually tries to not show these feelings...just like you are not revealing all your emotions as you
carry on your daily life around others. But in time you will see signs.
Your target is beginning to think about you. And soon they will begin to have erotic feelings towards you. They will
find themselves becoming more and more drawn to you. When they are alone, they may find the need to
fantasize about you, especially after you have done numerous days of sessions upon them. They will probably
occasionally dream about you as well, while they sleep.
This is why purposeful monitoring of the other person's reactions is vital. In your notebook, keep careful notes of
behavior around you not matter how trivial it may seem. Even if you are not in communication with the target, you
can merely observe them when you see them. If you talk or know the target, then monitor signs when you are
talking to them. And remember what was mentioned above. If you are communication with the target, just offer
yourself to them in a friendly and enjoyable (perhaps funny) manner...not in a flirty or gameful way. If the other
person senses that you are trying to flirt with them...then emotional walls on their part may go up, which is just an
annoying wall to break down with your mind power. Taking an interest in the target − asking questions about them
− is another great way to break down walls. Just act as if you are a safe and fun friend or acquaintance, and you
provide a clear path for effective thought transmission.
As you start to get feedback from the person, you can study the trend of the behavior; watch how it grows and
weans, or goes up and down, or obvious to discreet. Don't feel silly to write down in your notebook, 'target made
eye contact with me, and looked at me with a smile.' Monitoring feedback also offers another way of helping to
mold events to your favor.
For example, if you start to sense that the person is becoming more friendly to can initiate more
interaction with them.
Be faithful with the methods, and keep notes of your efforts and your target's reactions. That person is now
erotically driven to be with you, without doubt. It will happen.
Always be confident in your powers and enjoy the process of learning to advance these skills. Experimentation is
vital but don't go way off into your own methods until you have gained repetitive results with the methods
presented here. Keep up with your practice. If you do daily sessions, a year from now your skill will be of a surely
higher level. Never give up on a target. Even if you choose a new target, you can still work on the previous one at
the same time (extra sessions). Be sure and think about the ethics of the issue prior to venturing off into mind
control methods. If your intentions are positive and not harmful, then you will be fine. If you wish to use your
powers to hurt or be violent to others, then you are the proud winner of a collection of negative forces which will
seek to guide you down a darker wider path.
Don't tell the person you are trying to influence them, for obvious reasons. Don't tell anyone you are using
methods on someone else (others' doubt can add resistance to your efforts).
Mind control, or your ability to influence and manifest the events you want, is an expansive topic. This article is
very brief in its teachings but there is enough information here to provide anybody with a method of seducing
another person with the mind. This topic alone can go into great detail. One unique thing about building your mind
power skill is that you can learn to customize your own procedures. You are an individual unlike anybody else.
This means you will eventually develop methods on your own, based on experimentation and practice.
Visualization is the vital effort which births and develops the manifestation process. Visualization methods can be
as creative and as unique as your individual self. Touching others with your mind, or imagining scenes with them
is not a method of visualization created by one person. It has probably been practiced and tried for thousands of
years by seekers of the higher arts, and written about in one way or another.
Mind control is also a hot topic now with the slant on 'what they are doing to us,' e.g. government mind control. We
can control others, and others can control us. But the one who develops the skill to an art is the one who is master
at controlling others and master at preventing being controlled.
The subject of mind power is very expansive and can get quite advanced. For example, the usage of radionics
and psychotronics ('thought machines') combined with sexual mental influence is a powerful combination. Mind
power can also enter into other realms of the art such as lucid dreaming (controlling your dreams at night), out of
body travelling (your awareness leaving your body and travelling anywhere), remote viewing, and more. The Mind
Control Manual is an online e−zine established for the purpose of dwelling into these psychic arts. My focus with
the MCM is on application of methods, so that you move away from just gaining theory and start to apply mind
control efforts in your life. But be forewarned. You may just be entering your being into another level of human
awareness and function; a world larger and stranger than you have ever imagined.
The Mind Control Manual
Those who wish to post their results with the methods, or just talk with others about the topic, are welcome to do
so. This article as been allowed a section at the following online bulletin board. Looking forward to reading your
feedback.−bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=mc;action=display;num=101 8553054;start=0
This article © 2002 The Mind Control Manual
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Last edited by VeronicaAdmin (6/28/2015 11:01 am)

Veronica Isles -

8/11/2015 3:19 am  #2

Re: Remote Seduction Tool

Just read this and found it helpful. I am looking to start RS tonight.

Is it ok to do 30mins on some days and a hour on some days? Or does it have to be a hour everyday in order to get results?

I usually only visualise for like 5mins before going to bed but im sure thats probably not enough time?

Love yourself before you love others 💖

3/17/2017 5:48 am  #3

Re: Remote Seduction Tool

This really helped, thanks


3/27/2017 9:33 am  #4

Re: Remote Seduction Tool

I tried this for the first time last night and felt this stroooong pull and emotion i cant really describe it....but it was amazing!!! i did it for 20mins has anyone felt something like this before? and why does it happen?


3/27/2017 9:44 am  #5

Re: Remote Seduction Tool

snowflake wrote:

I tried this for the first time last night and felt this stroooong pull and emotion i cant really describe it....but it was amazing!!! i did it for 20mins has anyone felt something like this before? and why does it happen?

Yes,  I feel things when I do it too.

The Universe is your playground.

4/09/2021 1:42 pm  #6

Re: Remote Seduction Tool

Does the target always see you as beautiful or attractive, even if they wouldn't necessarily in real life? Is RS like putting a glamour spell on someone? I am interested in how the target actually sees the person doing the RS.


7/18/2021 2:48 pm  #7

Re: Remote Seduction Tool

dandelion99 wrote:

Does the target always see you as beautiful or attractive, even if they wouldn't necessarily in real life? Is RS like putting a glamour spell on someone? I am interested in how the target actually sees the person doing the RS.

That depends on many things. How well does the target know the rs:er, if at all? If the target is a friend, they will already value you somewhat, otherwise they wouldn't be a friend, would they? Also remember that RS seeps into the targets subconscious first, meaning any conscious thoughts they will do about the rs:er will feel to them as if the thoughts came from their own mind.

However, the question is slightly besides the point = If the target didn't previously consider the rs:er as "their type", because of looks(or whatever reason), then consistently insisting with your RS sessions will at some point change those feelings in the target to something like "oh he/she is actually pretty good looking in his/her own way, why didn't I see this before?"


7/19/2021 2:09 pm  #8

Re: Remote Seduction Tool

Sneakmasterflex wrote:

dandelion99 wrote:

Does the target always see you as beautiful or attractive, even if they wouldn't necessarily in real life? Is RS like putting a glamour spell on someone? I am interested in how the target actually sees the person doing the RS.

That depends on many things. How well does the target know the rs:er, if at all? If the target is a friend, they will already value you somewhat, otherwise they wouldn't be a friend, would they? Also remember that RS seeps into the targets subconscious first, meaning any conscious thoughts they will do about the rs:er will feel to them as if the thoughts came from their own mind.

However, the question is slightly besides the point = If the target didn't previously consider the rs:er as "their type", because of looks(or whatever reason), then consistently insisting with your RS sessions will at some point change those feelings in the target to something like "oh he/she is actually pretty good looking in his/her own way, why didn't I see this before?"

Good analysis!!


11/24/2021 11:05 am  #9

Re: Remote Seduction Tool has a far-reaching presence across various cities in India including, Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida, Lucknow, and Barabanki, and is looking forward to setting foot in many other cities like Bangalore, Gurugram, Hyderabad, and Chandigarh soon. focuses on Peer Commerce 



1/19/2022 1:13 am  #10

Re: Remote Seduction Tool

good information thanks for sharing


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