Well, I guess as the days go on, and changes are happening each day, I am finding myself taking it all in my stride.
I have a calm air off acceptance now, which is great.I'm finding my positives out of this negative
I've more time to writeI've time to read widely
I've time to do some painting
I can spend time with my inner being and enjoy meditating
I live on my own, and so can spend time learning more and more about myself
I can binge watch some of my favourite comedy programs and give my mind a break from everything going on
I'm finding that friends and family are home to talk to more now, and it's nice to be in touch. Possibly now more than before while everyone was so busy
It's nice to slow down, enjoy the small things and no that we will get through this, and come out the other side appreciating our friends, family, the earth, our environment, our society, our community a lot lot more.So everyone can make a positive out of a negative. What are yours?