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6/10/2021 2:05 pm  #11

Re: Need guidance

 I just wanted help and to make this work somehow. I have tried with multiple things, yet nothing seems to work. I have had 0 successes with this up to this point, and I have tried for a long time, with multiple things, small and big. It breaks me because from the first Neville book I readed, I was filled with hope. Something just clicked, and I knew somewhere in my heart that all of it was true. I feel like I can't ask for help online because anything that doesn't conform to the "it's working/worked" narrative just gets instantly deleted everywhere. 

 I did think that up to my last post I was doing things right, I had good dreams about it, thought loving thoughts, felt good about it, knew it was a done deal.I just knew it was done and it was mine, opposing thoughts were kept to a minimum, as much as a flawed human being can do. But after so long believing and persisting, it's really difficult to keep going and believing when nothing shows up for it time and time again. I kept going this long without reacting and doing things right, or at least I thought I did. But how long can you keep the faith and believe when it keeps failing? I wasn't saying it was failing before, I wasn't reacting, but time broke me.

 Honestly, this is just making me more depressed and breaking my heart, not just the SP thing but the whole LOA business. Every little thing I tried just becomes hope that turns into the despair of nothingness. I know most people in the community that read my post will just jump to me saying its not working so ofc it isn't, or that I'm reacting to the 3d, but I have to be honest with where I am right now. I kept up the faith as much as I could, but I honestly feel like I'm running out of time and don't know what to do next, because I followed all advice yet nothing works. I feel like my own soul is starting to break down and refusing to act after all of this.

 I do appreciate your help though Cynthia, I really do, you might have been the only one willing to help with this so far. 


6/25/2021 8:12 pm  #12

Re: Need guidance

Dude. Everything you're complaining about over and over again about it not working are what's not working. You're lacking faith

In lak ech. Ancient Mayan for "you are my other me"

6/25/2021 11:16 pm  #13

Re: Need guidance

sadman wrote:

 I just wanted help and to make this work somehow. I have tried with multiple things, yet nothing seems to work. I have had 0 successes with this up to this point, and I have tried for a long time, with multiple things, small and big. It breaks me because from the first Neville book I readed, I was filled with hope. Something just clicked, and I knew somewhere in my heart that all of it was true. I feel like I can't ask for help online because anything that doesn't conform to the "it's working/worked" narrative just gets instantly deleted everywhere. 

 I did think that up to my last post I was doing things right, I had good dreams about it, thought loving thoughts, felt good about it, knew it was a done deal.I just knew it was done and it was mine, opposing thoughts were kept to a minimum, as much as a flawed human being can do. But after so long believing and persisting, it's really difficult to keep going and believing when nothing shows up for it time and time again. I kept going this long without reacting and doing things right, or at least I thought I did. But how long can you keep the faith and believe when it keeps failing? I wasn't saying it was failing before, I wasn't reacting, but time broke me.

 Honestly, this is just making me more depressed and breaking my heart, not just the SP thing but the whole LOA business. Every little thing I tried just becomes hope that turns into the despair of nothingness. I know most people in the community that read my post will just jump to me saying its not working so ofc it isn't, or that I'm reacting to the 3d, but I have to be honest with where I am right now. I kept up the faith as much as I could, but I honestly feel like I'm running out of time and don't know what to do next, because I followed all advice yet nothing works. I feel like my own soul is starting to break down and refusing to act after all of this.

 I do appreciate your help though Cynthia, I really do, you might have been the only one willing to help with this so far. 

You're probably gone to never return, but in case you come back and see this, this is the second time you mentioned time, feeling like you're running out of it, like there's a time limit involved by which your manifestation has to occur or it never will. One of the first things I said to you is how much stress this can put on a person and how detrimental it can be. I've been doing this for a long time, and although I have manifested to a deadline (something that had to happen right there and then or later that day or it never would because the opportunities would be missed) I don't like to put that pressure on myself and recommend that other people don't put that pressure on themselves. Time, distance, and circumstances don't matter. If you have been so conscious of the time passing that you have kept mentioning it, you have been reacting to the 3D every time you have noticed that your manifestation hasn't happened yet and that a certain amount of time has passed. You can't be truly living in the end of having your desire if you keep noticing it hasn't happened yet. If it is yours now, already, there would be no need or reason to do that or to question how much longer it will take or when it will happen. You would have faith that it will appear in the 3D at its own appointed time, and nobody knows when that is.

If you want to give up, of course that is up to you, but you have the choice to either deliberately create your own reality by choosing the correct thoughts and imaginal acts or to have the negative ones run on autopilot and create a reality you would not prefer. In fact, when you allow the negative ones to run on autopilot, you are actually choosing them instead of the positive ones.It's all coming from your own mind, for good or ill. All you have to do is convince your subconscious mind that something is true for it to manifest in your external experience.

Your situation is not hopeless. Drop the old story. Drop the time limit. Get all of your negative thoughts and fears and concerns out onto a piece of paper so you can see where you are and then write them all out in the positive and repeat the positive ones over and over again.You don't have to believe your affirmations. They are one method of reprogramming your subconscious mind, so if you need to, have a neutral attitude about it, not believing or disbelieving in the affirmations or if they will work or not, and just repeat them knowing that their purpose is to replace negative, limiting subconscious beliefs with positive ones that will serve you and bring about your manifestation in time, with faith, patience, persistence, and repetition.

Last edited by Cynthia (6/25/2021 11:21 pm)

The first man to raise a fist is the man who has run out of ideas.

7/05/2021 3:23 am  #14

Re: Need guidance

  I don't really have anything to say at the moment, I ran out of words. I don't want to give up, but I feel broken. Just posting to acknowledge the replies, thank you. 

 Cynthia is cool.

     Thread Starter

7/05/2021 3:33 pm  #15

Re: Need guidance

sadman wrote:

  I don't really have anything to say at the moment, I ran out of words. I don't want to give up, but I feel broken. Just posting to acknowledge the replies, thank you. 

 Cynthia is cool.


Thank you. I've never been called that before.

Forget about everything you've ever heard about law of attraction. So much of that is untrue nonsense. Forget about those books and youtube videos that tell you that you can do something, especially get an ex back or have a certain relationship, in hours or days or any amount of time. Don't even get me started on that subject. They are doing that for their own gain and enrichment, and it's irresponsible and unkind and based on the instant expectations of today's internet/automated society, and is usually preying on the hopeless and desperate. All of those youtube videos who claim instant results of getting the relationship of their dreams in their title are lying to get your attention, and maybe just outright lying. The legitimate, non-scam ones I've seen have never had instant results, they have all been doing the work for a certain period of time, and different times for everyone.

We're virtually all brought up to react to the world around us, think it's just fate or something that has nothing to do with us, and then taught to try to change things overtly by doing things to try to manipulate the situation directly. That is all backwards to what is really going on, and to change our thinking to the opposite after years, a lifetime, is going to take a bit of time, and I'm using British understatement, which means it could take more than a bit.

Our thoughts create what is going on outside us. It all comes from within. We are creating our own reality but nobody ever tells us that because they don't know that either. Everybody is you pushed out, which means that they will act in the ways you expect.They don't have any choice. They have no free will in your reality.

The law of assumption is working all of the time, and you have been using it against yourself. You're assuming you can't have your desire, you're assuming because it hasn't happened yet it never will. You're probably assuming a lot of negative things. You could have been doing everything else right, your manifestation could be on the verge of appearing in your 3D, but you're negating it by your negative attitude, worrying about some self-imposed time limit,worrying about how it hasn't happened yet, dwelling on the lack. If you don't change your thinking, you will never get any of your chosen manifestations because it is your thoughts that are keeping them away from you. I've previously told you a way that you can change this, and I was serious before when I said your username is not doing you any favours.

I was brought up with extreme negativity. My father was the most negative person I have ever known, ranting incessantly about lack and limitation, day in day out, year in year out, and he was also extremely abusive, oppressive, and violent. It hasn't been easy for me to overcome this, it's still something I have to work on, but it hasn't stopped me from manifesting many good things and being able to consciously control the world around me to a large extent on a daily basis.

I don't think you would take a couple of piano lessons, practise for a day or two, and expect to become a virtuoso in that time who was ready to make your concert debut at Royal Albert Hall on the following day. Changing your way of thinking is just the same and so is manifesting anything. It can take some time, patience, and perseverance, just like acquiring any skill.

There is really no big or small manifestation, but pick something that you think is small and easy and start with that.

You wouldn't have the desire if you weren't meant to experience it.

You can change this, but you have to make the effort. You are always being proven right, and your words have a lot of power, so all of the negative things you have been saying have been coming true. 

Here's a great example of everyone is you pushed out. It happened many years ago in England and Joseph Murphy wrote about it in one of his books. There was a girl who had an illness and nobody knew what was wrong with her. Her father kept saying, over and over, 'I would give my right arm to see my daughter healed.' He was unwittingly programming his subconscious mind with that thought. The subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what is real and imaginary, true or false. One day they were out in the car, something happened, the father's right arm was severed, and his daughter was instantly healed of her illness.

The first man to raise a fist is the man who has run out of ideas.

7/05/2021 11:20 pm  #16

Re: Need guidance

  Honestly, I feel straight up suicidal right now. I feel the worst I ever felt in my life, and the biggest reason for it is those teachings. Every video or book that offered help just ended up low key blaming me like I am a dumbass and a rotten person. Because this is allegedly a perfect law who works always, fast and consistently. 

 I don't want to write a long essay about how and wether I did things right or not. I didn't have any reason to fool myself into doing things wrong while thinking I was right because I would be the only one to lose. I wasn't talking about this to anyone so I didn't have a reason to prove it to someone else. Loa teachings were an entirely new way of seeing things for me, I was full of hope and had full confidence that things would be a certain way at this moment, so much that I just planned for things to be like I thought they would right now, I didn't make any backup  plans and now I might be screwed because of it. 

 Some circustances and life situations are just too horrible to ignore with hope forever while doing something that isn't working for years. If your head is in the tiger's mouth, you don't have the luxury of going of somewhere to script for a year and hope for the best, nor can you pretend the tiger isn't there. 

  I wasn't thinking like this before, I really wasn't. I was very confident. It was done. Otherwise why wouldn't I have set up a contigency plan for failure? But some circustances gone for long enough would break any human being, living in the end or not. I feel like a beggar who got screwed out of everything. Begging for minor scraps of things that other people take for granted. And it was all my fault in the end, because omgosh just look at what I'm saying right? That's the story I set out for myself. Maybe it was all my fault, but I did the best with I what I had. I feel like this last loa focused year was a mistake, just like the rest of my life. This isn't an active story that I consiously choose, strengthen and repeat every day, but it is how I feel right now. 

  I know this is just a crybaby vent post that doesn't do anything for anyone and according to loa it's just me screwing myself up, but I just felt like I had to vent. Sorry for that. I feel like not posting this after writing it because I know it doesn't do any good but w/e, I might as well post it for who knows why. 

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7/06/2021 12:53 am  #17

Re: Need guidance

Don't kill yourself. I feel depressed too sometimes, and I have been so deeply depressed in the past that I felt the same way. That's one thing that law of attraction has got completely wrong, and there are other fallacies. There is no comparison between law of attraction and law of assumption. You don't have to feel good. You don't have to feel happy. You don't have to pump yourself up and attempt to 'raise your vibration.' Law of attraction has tripped many people up because so much of what is said about it is untrue.

The law of assumption is the one that works all the time, consciously or unconsciously, but not necessarily fast. In my first reply to you, I said that some of my manifestations have taken years. I know that is true of other people as well because they have said so.You're using it right now, but you're using it against yourself. Nobody can switch it off, but you can learn to use it effectively to your advantage or not.

I remember telling you what you can do to change your situation, and it didn't include ignoring anything. It doesn't have to take forever or even take a very long time, but it's not a quick fix, especially when you are in such a negative frame of mind. This focus on time has come up several times now. That's a problem right there.

I don't even understand why you would feel like a beggar begging for scraps. Whom would you be begging? Some external god? The universe? There is no universe outside yourself. Your subconscious mind is the universe. This is about learning how powerful you are and harnessing that power to consciously create your life and circumstances.

I thought you told me you had read Neville's books, but who have you been listening to?, it can't have been him.

I was on the verge of offering you some private help, but I don't think you would be receptive.

The first man to raise a fist is the man who has run out of ideas.

7/06/2021 9:17 pm  #18

Re: Need guidance

  I'm receptive. I did follow most of the advice I was given according to my own limitations (e.g. I cant visualize very well so it's something I haven't done much). Something that contributed to the feelings of hopelessness is that I felt I was already doing at least most of the advice I got online and from books. 

  I understand that the theory is that all power comes from within, right now I feel powerless to change it, like the negative momentum is too strong even if I don't feed into it. I don't remember what peace and happiness feels like, as much as I try to conjure that feeling up. I remember a chapter in power of awareness about renouncing evil rather than resisting it, meaning resisting it you give it power and treat it as real, renounce it you leave it alone and don't feed into it, which is something I also learned in the past from advaita and meditation teachings, so I'm just doing that to the best of my abilities at the moment. 

  Even though this started as a sp thing and its on the sp forum, I could use advice on this depression. I'm not sure how to apply any techniques now because the depression trashed all of my previous goals and will to do anything. It feels like even if goals were reached it would not fix anything, everything sucks so it's a really desperate feeling. I'm aware of the process on what to do to get things, regardless of any successes or not, but I feel really lost on this one. 

Last edited by sadman (7/07/2021 1:02 am)

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7/07/2021 10:19 pm  #19

Re: Need guidance

Have you read all of nevilles books?

In lak ech. Ancient Mayan for "you are my other me"

7/07/2021 10:24 pm  #20

Re: Need guidance

  Alright, it's time to let go of this whole SP thing. l love her, don't think I will forget her, she's my lovely wife and we spent the best honey moon ever in barbados, it feels like she's my wife but it feels like we are going thru a weird temporary separation right now. Not having my wife's support at this moment feels weird. 

 Letting go hurts, but holding on hurts more. I hope I can use what I learned to manifest some happiness in another way. 

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