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8/27/2020 3:56 pm  #1

Accidental Success Story of Sorts!

Hi! So here’s a quick one for ya. It turned out different than I would’ve imagined, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s a manifestation I didn’t realize I had!

Over a year ago I saw a guy in a couple of Instagram posts in a performance troupe that I’m really into. I thought he was SO attractive, and kinda thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be cool if I got to meet him and maybe date him?” Although it seemed like a long shot since I didn’t know him, I knew it would be creative to try to see the show he was in, communicate with some of his colleagues (I kind of know one of them through a mutual old friend), and see what would happen from there using the law of attraction. I ended up finding out he had a girlfriend he was pretty serious about, so I was just like “oh well I’m happy for them!” and didn’t give it much thought after that. (I leave taken men alone!)

Fast forward several months and the pandemic hits. I follow him and his wife on Instagram (as well as other artists in the touring production), and since they were holed up in quarantine like everyone else and couldn’t work, he decided to start taking on personal training clients. I was absolutely interested. Sure enough, not only have we been working out regularly via Zoom, I also got him some clients and he and his wife have become wonderful friends and I also inadvertently got my wish to someday be personally trained by a world class athlete! So it may not have been my initial manifestation, but I ended up inadvertently manifesting something else even greater with him instead and it makes me happy!


8/28/2020 1:46 pm  #2

Re: Accidental Success Story of Sorts!


blaireliza wrote:

Hi! So here’s a quick one for ya. It turned out different than I would’ve imagined, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s a manifestation I didn’t realize I had!

Over a year ago I saw a guy in a couple of Instagram posts in a performance troupe that I’m really into. I thought he was SO attractive, and kinda thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be cool if I got to meet him and maybe date him?” Although it seemed like a long shot since I didn’t know him, I knew it would be creative to try to see the show he was in, communicate with some of his colleagues (I kind of know one of them through a mutual old friend), and see what would happen from there using the law of attraction. I ended up finding out he had a girlfriend he was pretty serious about, so I was just like “oh well I’m happy for them!” and didn’t give it much thought after that. (I leave taken men alone!)

Fast forward several months and the pandemic hits. I follow him and his wife on Instagram (as well as other artists in the touring production), and since they were holed up in quarantine like everyone else and couldn’t work, he decided to start taking on personal training clients. I was absolutely interested. Sure enough, not only have we been working out regularly via Zoom, I also got him some clients and he and his wife have become wonderful friends and I also inadvertently got my wish to someday be personally trained by a world class athlete! So it may not have been my initial manifestation, but I ended up inadvertently manifesting something else even greater with him instead and it makes me happy!



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