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Yep, whilst doing a normal post, and adding stuff to our shop, I decided to do some reviews. So, I have two here for you if you fancy having a read. Then I also did Ask and it is Given Esther Hicks the other day which is under the menu in reviews. Okay, just want to pop these two links in and get off for some sleep.Visiting my sister and 3-year-old goddaughter until Tues when little un turns 4. I am out of practice of being woken at silly o'clock in the morning, by the crazy one. Okay so, About Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hilland [url= *****-honest-review/]Manifesting Money: Get Rich, Lucky ***** Review[/url] I'm still working on my next 'normal' blog post, but in the meantime, you may just enjoy a read of these. Honestly, just writing these out, and re-reading parts of each book, I am finding my own money is improving in more ways than one. That's the beauty of writing about the law of attraction. My vibes shoot up super high, and I get myself into the right zone for the post and its topic Fun, fun and more fun. I even enjoy typing so, it's all good. Hope you have a fab weekend all (what's left of it), and although I have a busy few days coming up, I will try to pop in with my next post.If not, then it just means I am having crazy fun with the 3 soon to be 4 year old, and too much fun to get writing. But I will be back soon and so happy manifesting in the meantime
Eveee wrote:
Yep, whilst doing a normal post, and adding stuff to our shop, I decided to do some reviews. So, I have two here for you if you fancy having a read. Then I also did Ask and it is Given Esther Hicks the other day which is under the menu in reviews. Okay, just want to pop these two links in and get off for some sleep.Visiting my sister and 3-year-old goddaughter until Tues when little un turns 4. I am out of practice of being woken at silly o'clock in the morning, by the crazy one. Okay so, About Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hilland [url= *****-honest-review/]Manifesting Money: Get Rich, Lucky ***** Review[/url] I'm still working on my next 'normal' blog post, but in the meantime, you may just enjoy a read of these. Honestly, just writing these out, and re-reading parts of each book, I am finding my own money is improving in more ways than one. That's the beauty of writing about the law of attraction. My vibes shoot up super high, and I get myself into the right zone for the post and its topic Fun, fun and more fun. I even enjoy typing so, it's all good. Hope you have a fab weekend all (what's left of it), and although I have a busy few days coming up, I will try to pop in with my next post.If not, then it just means I am having crazy fun with the 3 soon to be 4 year old, and too much fun to get writing. But I will be back soon and so happy manifesting in the meantime
I have the Get Rich Lucky ***** book. I nee to dust it off.
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