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3/30/2019 2:02 pm  #1

Blog post finished... Yay!! Happy as a happy thing on a happy day :)

Woah it's felt like it's taken forever, but I finally managed to get my next post published on my site. This one is in similar style to the law of attraction money stories but this one is true manifestation stories.
Want to know the fun bit? It's nearly 5000 words and only part one... Oooops haha πŸ˜‚
That's what I get for asking for stories eh...
So I am a happy bunny.. Post done, Chinese tonight, my son down later on and Mothers Day tomorrow..
I'll see if I can get on with a little bit of part two in between. Buzzy busy bumblebee me.
Happy Weekend everyone

Last edited by Eveee (3/30/2019 2:07 pm)

Eve from Best Law of Attraction atΒ https://www.bestlawofattraction.comΒ Why not pop in and say hello!
Much love x


3/31/2019 2:11 pm  #2

Re: Blog post finished... Yay!! Happy as a happy thing on a happy day :)

Congratulations for your new post :DΒ 


4/01/2019 11:08 am  #3

Re: Blog post finished... Yay!! Happy as a happy thing on a happy day :)

Thank you I had a nice day off yesterday for Mothers Day, and so back on it again today. Just trying to sort out the rest of the stories and then I'll get part two done.

Eve from Best Law of Attraction atΒ https://www.bestlawofattraction.comΒ Why not pop in and say hello!
Much love x

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