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5/21/2018 6:05 pm  #1

How do I know it's working?

I have been trying to manifest my ex for a while now. I have done it before so I know its possible. I have actually been feeling really great lately. I am going out and accomplishing what I want to accomplish. I am focusing on other goals and aspirations. I have been meeting other people and really feeling that love. I have been working on repairing and creating other relationships in my life. I have been making a lot of new friends and I now barely think about my ex. I still want him to come back.

I still want to be with him. I will visualize every so often and when I feel more down about the situation I try the what if visualization and that usually makes me feel better. I was only able to get him to contact me once just by me calling him a bunch of times and leaving me messages on his voicemail. It was very negative and he has since blocked me and hasn't contacted me since. I am doing my best to live in the end result and not think about what I am missing but every so often I wonder why hasn't anything happened yet. 


5/21/2018 7:26 pm  #2

Re: How do I know it's working?

Lovinglife07 wrote:

I have been trying to manifest my ex for a while now. I have done it before so I know its possible. I have actually been feeling really great lately. I am going out and accomplishing what I want to accomplish. I am focusing on other goals and aspirations. I have been meeting other people and really feeling that love. I have been working on repairing and creating other relationships in my life. I have been making a lot of new friends and I now barely think about my ex. I still want him to come back.

I still want to be with him. I will visualize every so often and when I feel more down about the situation I try the what if visualization and that usually makes me feel better. I was only able to get him to contact me once just by me calling him a bunch of times and leaving me messages on his voicemail. It was very negative and he has since blocked me and hasn't contacted me since. I am doing my best to live in the end result and not think about what I am missing but every so often I wonder why hasn't anything happened yet. 

Judging by what you've said, it sounds like you've been distracting yourself with a lot of other things and people and not putting much attention on creating the relationship you say you want. If you are attempting to manipulate the situation directly, in your case by contacting him numerous times to the point that he blocks you, you're not living in the end.  Listen to and/or read Neville Goddard, who will explain how imagination creates reality and what it means to 'live in the end of the wish fulfilled'. You make it real in your imagination like you have whatever your desire is now. As Neville said, 'You are the operant power. It doesn't operate itself', which means you've got to direct your mind and use your imagination on your goal and not just hope for the best and leave it to chance. When Neville wanted to marry his second wife, before he went to sleep at night he imagined them being blissfully happily married, imagined the two of them living together and what it would be like as if it were real and true right then, and then he fell asleep with this the last thing on his mind. It all happened in his mind and imagination first. He did this consistently night after night, and it didn't take him long, but it takes as long as it takes, for some people longer than others, as long as it takes to get to the state of belief of having it now, and then being patient until it appears in the outside world. As within, so without. The feeling he talked about was not an emotional one, it was the feeling of having the desire now. He recommended doing this before sleep because that is one of the times when a person goes into a sleepy, drowsy state when their subconscious mind is most receptive to suggestion.

Last edited by Cynthia (5/21/2018 7:46 pm)

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