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3/26/2018 7:42 am  #1

My Success Story!

I'm so incredibly pleased to be finally writing my success story!
I so incredibly grateful to Veronica, Agnes and everyone else who took their time to write their success stories on this forum so others can get inspiration from!
My story starts back at the end of November 2017 when after 2 weeks of me begging my girlfriend not to end our relationship and to give it another chance despite the numerous amount of chances I had been given in the month leading up to the break up where I had done nothing and just ignored all the signs she finally ended it just before she went on a trip to the states, she blocked me on Facebook straight after this.
Months went by where we wouldn't talk for a few weeks and then I'd try and message her something I had learned from a Text your Ex program as I had been watching all these videos on how to get your ex back and even signed myself up for a couple of programs to see if I could get anywhere to which I was always greeted with cold, angry and bitter messages of he telling me she has no feelings for me anymore, she doesn't love me, she doesn't want to be with me and we will never be together, she doesn't want to be my friend, she deleted every memory of us on Instagram and proceeded to unfriend me on everything, Absolutely nothing worked and it felt pretty helpless, I felt worthless, confused, angry at her for how she was behaving and angry at myself at the same time and I felt like there was no hope! 
It wasn't till just over a month ago, near the end of February after 3 and a half months of rejection and getting absolutely no where I saw a video about  Veronica's 25 day challenge, I was very sceptical and thought it was a bit bonkers to be honest at first but I was pretty desperate and I gave it ago, I was watching all of Veronica's videos and within about a week I started to feel loads better, I had hope! I watched The Secret, read The Secret and started trying to manifest a text message from her, to which I did! But not the text I wanted....It was just another negative text asking me to remove memories of us off of my phone. I was a bit annoyed but I continued trying to manifest the text I wanted.
A few weeks later I got a text again! But was a negative text asking me why I had been on a run that went near her house!? I'm an avid runner and we also live pretty close together and was completely confused by this text but it turns out we were still following each other on Strava the running app! There was something different this time as I wasn't rushing to reply I think I waited a week to reply as I had forgotten about it and only replied as she had sent another text asking me again! We had a brief conversation after to which she said maybe she was just over-reacting a bit because I had been a bit persistent before hand with the 'take me back texts before' but over a month had passed since this.. which is why I told her it was mental! She also said she hopes I'm doing really well and hopes that I'm dating and getting out there but then said she think it's best we delete each others numbers! I agreed straight away and I did just that, I also deleted the chat from her then and there and where before I would be begging and pleading  there was something different this time, I wasn't even bothered, worried ...because I just had complete faith, complete faith and knowing that she will be back and she will be mine but just now isn't the right time...somethings needs to be worked on which is why it hasn't happened yet! I also took it as a good sign her asking about my dating scene, also the fact she doesn't even use the running app but she was keen to zoom in and check out my routes  but none of is bothered me! I was more concerned with my own life!
Sorry before this had happened I had obviously been following Veronica's teachings in her videos, I had also been doing Agnes Vivarelli's meditations to manifest a text message and some remote seduction meditations and whispering technique videos! It wasn't until after this had happened that I realised that I was manifesting the text messages but they were just always negative so I took this as I still had negative emotions within myself which must be the reason why I am receiving negative responses! So I purchased a book called 'The Magic' and also brought the audible 'The power' for in the car by Rhonda Byrne and these books had several teachings about gratitude! I brought a brand new journal which I used as a Gratitude Diary and I started writing out things I was grateful for everyday! I started using Thank you's a lot more and and just started appreciating every little thing in my life! I also started doing a lot more Self Love meditations and I even made a Vision Board! The vision board was great fun to make, I got happy pictures of me and my girlfriend together, I even took a screenshot of the face book post which said we are in a relationship together and put it on there, I had an engagement ring, holidays we wanted to take and ones that I wanted to take such as a tour of the whole west coast of the USA, money I wanted to manifest, I also had words on there like Love, Adventure etc etc just things I could look at everyday and that I could really picture! I started looking at more you tube videos about self love rather than ones about an ex and I even stopped gambling as that was a major negative and one of the reasons why the relationship ended in the first place, I emailed all the companies I had accounts with and asked them to delete my accounts permanently. I also noticed that a lot of my time, my thoughts and just everything I was doing started to less involve my girlfriend and to more involve me and my happiness...yeah I still had her in my mind, I still did RS meditations and pictured us together talking, doing things, I even pictured my proposal to her....but I concentrated more on me, doing things I loved, my friends and family and that's when everything started just slotting into place! I was being told my performance at work was exceptional, I had a real grasp and control of my money, I got an amazing tax refund! My relationships with friends improved and several more friends came into my life! I felt incredible!
Well I got a text message from a random number, it turned out to be my girlfriend! I wasn't sure at the time as I had deleted her number! Basically saying she was sorry for how the breakup went, how she treated me and that she never stopped thinking of me for the whole 5 months we were apart! She said she still had strong feelings for me and that she missed me! We now talk well every morning....during the the evening.... we send each other good morning and good night text messages....we go on dates....we've booked holidays....and that's because we are back together again ! It took several weeks after the first message I received from her of us well just getting to know each other again as it had been 5 months... but it didn't really take long for the emotion and feelings and attraction to come back because well hadn't gone was still there... it was just that I had no love for myself, I showed no gratitude to life for the smallest of things... the ability to have a house, a bed, a family, a car, money, friends, a many things! It wasn't until I stopped judging people and judging myself and instead showing love for people and how different people are and showing love for myself! Once I had all of this .... that's when the magic happened!
The love and happiness in the old relationship is but a grain of sand compared to what we share with each other right now and I urge you to just not give up! No matter how impossible you feel the situation is and just concentrate on yourself! On your life! Then you will see as I did!
I wanted to share my story because I felt obligated to return a story of hopefully inspiration to others just like others have provided inspiration to me! I hope this helps!


3/26/2018 9:13 am  #2

Re: My Success Story!

Congratulations, this is incredible and i'm so happy for you!
I loved reading this and it's given me hope so thank you , i think this will be a post that i will reread over and over again when i have doubts. 
I hope you and your girlfriend have a wonderful life together


3/26/2018 9:40 am  #3

Re: My Success Story!

wonderful1105 I had days where I had doubts, when I would wake up and look at my phone to see no message, I would start having arguments with myself over a bad conversation we had or something that happened in the breakup... and then where I would cave and look at there Facebook profile and then after just think...what has this achieved? This is just making what I want become further away.... I wouldn't beat myself up about the negative thoughts and actions I had I would just sit there and picture what I wanted...and what I wanted to achieve... I would get my gratitude diary out and write my 10 things that I'm grateful for! I would also get my headphones straight on and get on Youtube and play one of veronica's videos or some of the many other law of attraction coaches that are out there....also Agnes has some great success stories on there you can listen to! I wouldn't try and do a self love meditation at this point I wouldn't do those unless I felt good! 
Listening to audible books helped to! I used to use the free credits you get on audible to buy the rhonda byrne books the power and the magic on there and listen to them! They helped a great deal!

Hope this helps!

     Thread Starter

3/26/2018 12:47 pm  #4

Re: My Success Story!

Great story, thank you so much for sharing it, with a lot of details, thank you and congratulations!!!! 


3/26/2018 12:49 pm  #5

Re: My Success Story!

Wonderful!!! Congrats!


3/26/2018 1:36 pm  #6

Re: My Success Story!

Congratulations! Your story has revived my hope.

Be kind. Be loving. Be grateful. 

3/26/2018 1:42 pm  #7

Re: My Success Story!

Wow so similar to my story including the time of the break up could you break down on what you did on an average day ie morning to night time , did you have a set routine


3/26/2018 9:27 pm  #8

Re: My Success Story!

Thankyou for sharing your story with us. This is what keeps the rest of us going:')


3/27/2018 8:15 am  #9

Re: My Success Story!

Congratulations!! Love it


3/27/2018 7:46 pm  #10

Re: My Success Story!

Wonderful story. I'm so happy for you.


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