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2/22/2018 2:21 pm  #1

I Got into the university I wished for, on the other side of the world

hey everybody, I am new here and didn't know how to introduce myself and thought probably the best way is to share my biggest success story
I am from a country that almost everyone moves abroad to study and work in, but I stayed in my hometown due to family issues, sadly I went through a very big tragedy and lost my sibling and stayed in a very dark period of my life. I had also dropped out of my course of studies.Β 
I actually managed to get out of it by manifesting my dream city and university unconsciously, I had heard about the law of attraction and watched the secret when I was a child but never really gave it any credit.Β 
the thing was that I was so down that I decided I need to be actively working to get out of the spot I was in, because if I had let all the bad things that had happened to me get to me and consume my emotions and thoughts, I knew my life would be over. it was too many tragedies to count and I couldn't concentrate on that.Β 
so I tried everything, from tapping, to meditations, to talking to mediums , praying, exercising, everything but the one thing that I am most proud of was, that I really really worked hard for , was to ignore the bad thoughts and concentrate only on good thoughts, I had sent applications to about 15 universities, in about 6 different countries. and unconsciously i was sending my wish out to the universe, by actually imagining how my life would be in another place far away, I would look at pictures, pictures of the universities, and imagine myself there. really without knowing nothing about the law of attraction.Β 
two places stuck out in my mind and I think that was my first inspired action, I started to concentrate on studying the languages of these two countries and researched more into the application process to try and speed things up.Β 
suddenly I had met a person from one of these places, and it all started moving very fast, he would say to me you could start studying soon enough and continue your studies and I would think this is crazy, no university would just accept me without a crazy application process, a very high skill in the language or give me a place that easily.Β  but he was optimistic and pushed me on.Β 
and I kept on going, asking the universe, visualizing, and then just letting it go by praying and saying to myself "what should happen will happen, and I am sure the best possible outcome for me is gonna come true, even if it is not exactly what I hoped for" , there were many ups and downs, 15 univesities replied saying straight out NO (but now i know that i was because the universe was waiting to give me the YES from the best option ;) ), there were many days where I cried and was so angry and bitter, but would calm myself down with that mantra and visualizing.Β 
one visualization that stuck with me as I really narrowed down my choice to one specific university, which was also the one with the highest average for entry, I would just tell myself "oh wow how amazing it would be if a year from now i am sitting in a class studying this material in a language I will learn soon with so many new and different people" I would even log into the university's website and look at the course material and just see which ones I liked, I did this numerous times but I did't obsess over it , cause when I started to overthinking and really go deep into it and start reading how hard it was to get to this university I would get demotivated, so I would just let it be and I just repeated the mantra "life will lead me to the best possible outcome" and go on with my life and try to take care of myself.Β 
low and behold in the last moment I got an email that my documents were approved (after a very very very tiring and long process), and the next day the university put out the results that I had been accepted, really the chance was almost null and no one believed in me.Β 
I am now in a city I had always had an affection for, and always wanted to visit but never even ENTERTAINED the thought of living in because its just that out of the ordinary, I walk around really amazed at how I managed to get here.Β 
of course its not all roses, some days I miss my family, its hard to adapts to a new language and people, and university life anywhere requires a lot of work (I try to stay positive and tell myself its fun , but somedays its just not haha) but all in all, this was the manifestation in my life that made me really realize that I should start creating my life and not live as if I am a victim of circumstances!
I joined this forum to further gather more courage and to manifest my specific person, which has come in and out of my life many times and is quite an interesting story on its own. wish me luck!


2/22/2018 3:01 pm  #2

Re: I Got into the university I wished for, on the other side of the world

Congratulations, and welcome.

The first man to raise a fist is the man who has run out of ideas.

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