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11/26/2017 6:47 am  #1

Doing 25 challenge again

So I got on day 7 (maybe) and then missed a few days because I was ill. I’m willing to give this ago again, because it seems to work for people and I’m not giving up hope! Still believe. I’m willing to try anything!
Also a question I’m listening to subliminal messages on YouTube during day/night do these things help in  manifestations?


11/26/2017 1:54 pm  #2

Re: Doing 25 challenge again

Hey! I'm currently on day 7 lol doing it again I had so much success with it. I also worked on me and currently am taking a relaxing day lol. I'm listening to submiminals at night as well so not sure how it will work. So we shall see together. I'm listening to submiminals on getting him back BUT I want to be confident and happy no matter what so I'm listening to some submiminals for that too and also doing self love keeping talk good. Hence why i take today to relax lol


11/26/2017 9:17 pm  #3

Re: Doing 25 challenge again

Selfloveiskey wrote:

Hey! I'm currently on day 7 lol doing it again I had so much success with it. I also worked on me and currently am taking a relaxing day lol. I'm listening to submiminals at night as well so not sure how it will work. So we shall see together. I'm listening to submiminals on getting him back BUT I want to be confident and happy no matter what so I'm listening to some submiminals for that too and also doing self love keeping talk good. Hence why i take today to relax lol

What subliminals are you listening to if i can ask?


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