Ive been trying to manifet=st my friend/crush romantically n last night for the first time in months we sat and txted for hours! We talked about music and life and school because we haven't talk in a long time. It was so wonderful! A few nights before that i had an extremely vivid dream about him and i spending time together and with his friends like we do in real life. I just feel so loved and like im on track
dizzy_dreamer_sidney wrote:
Ive been trying to manifet=st my friend/crush romantically n last night for the first time in months we sat and txted for hours! We talked about music and life and school because we haven't talk in a long time. It was so wonderful! A few nights before that i had an extremely vivid dream about him and i spending time together and with his friends like we do in real life. I just feel so loved and like im on track
Aw. Congrats...
Thank you guys so much! Much love
This is wonderful!! Congratulations