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8/13/2017 2:32 pm  #1

This is all you need!

I posted this on another thread and would like to duplicate it here.

What LOA is about - YOU and your amazing vibe that draws people to you.

When people say this 'technique' or spell worked - I doubt it was that, they just had a great non-needy, non-attached vibe and THAT worked. They believed the technique or spell would work so it did, but it wasn't the technique or spell - it was the belief.

They didn't need the extra 'stuff'of spells or techniques (and IMO that can slow things down because it can sometimes prove you don't believe in yourself enough)Β  but they get confused between correlation (doing something at the time you got results) and causation (getting results BECAUSE of that thing they were doing).

A bit like e.g a sports team thinking they won because they did their 'winning ritual' before the game. They didn't win because of the ritual, the ritual just made them BELIEVE they'd win. So they did.

Or in Harry Potter (for some posters 😁) when Ron thinks he did well in the Quidditch match because he'd been given 'liquid luck' but he hadn't, he just thought he had and that made him believe he could do it.

Don't get hung up on what technique/spell/RS/RI/meditation you feel like you should be doing. Don't stress that you don't do it enough or too much or 'not right' or if you should do subliminals or what meditation you should do to get into the vortex or if you're in alpha or whatever..

None of it matters. It isn't techniques or spells that get you where you want to be.

It's YOU! You are an infinite, amazing individual who will get back what you put out and will attract things at the same vibe as you.

You don't need to stress out if you're genuinely happy, confident, living a good life and not coming from a place of need or attachment.

Then you'll get what you intend. If you want something which may be bad for you, you'll struggle. If you're feeling sad and desperate, you'll struggle. If you think you need one person to make your life complete rather than seeing that YOU are amazing and people would be so lucky to be with you and you have infinite options, you'll struggle. If you are obsessed and coming from lack, want, need and wanting to force things - you'll struggle.

YOU are amazing! The infinite little things and actions that happened to create you at this time, in this amazing life of yours at this very point in time among millions of possibilities in time and space are just mind-blowing!

YOU are here to be happy and fulfilled. You deserve the best and that doesn't always mean what you want at a point in time.

Embrace your power! Don't waste time or energy or tears. You ARE the Universe. Don't get hung up on one option to ANYTHING. Be open, be happy, be confident and you'll get all you need.


8/13/2017 2:52 pm  #2

Re: This is all you need!


I've come to the same conclusion as well, I even thought of posting something similar to this earlier today. Nicely written, hopefully it clears up the confusion for those who apply so many techniques and complain about not getting the results they seek.


8/13/2017 3:22 pm  #3

Re: This is all you need!

This is so true.    I haven't done any techniques in 2-3 weeks.   I've just been focusing on my vibe.   And everything is turning around the way I want


8/13/2017 3:32 pm  #4

Re: This is all you need!

That's how it works huh?

Feel AMAZING, grateful for all the many things you already have and KNOW that you're great and you'll get great things because of YOU and you don't NEED anything but you and it all happens.

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8/13/2017 4:09 pm  #5

Re: This is all you need!

And also - people say 'It's me pushed out' my 'limiting beliefs' or whatever and that's often (but not always IMO true).

So - were you doing meditations and scripting and visualising and meditations and affirmations about how unloved you are? Or how they don't want you? Or that you don't get what you want cos you're a loser or whatever?

No! No! No! You weren't - not conciously but your subconscious probably was.

So you believe and have been shown that you can create what you DON'T want because of your real thoughts so why think you can create something from acting out or pretending what you do want through spells or techniques if you don't really BELIEVE? It won't work.

YOUR BELIEF is what happens. Nothing else.

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